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WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @DigitalReplica3D
100% agree! @Ron0987. I hear talk of a de-cluttering option in the works. Makes a lot of sense to de-shadow. I'm also waiting for a pool and pond filler vs the dreaded black hole. I understand MPembed has it figured out wish Matterport had it's own solution
Post 76 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @HarlanHambright
I want a tag that has a visible label and an action that happens on the first click. Think elevator button. Or “short cut to boat dock.”
Post 77 IP   flag post
Los Angeles
Home3D private msg quote post Address this user
#1 - Ability to download FULL RESOLUTION 360 PANOS from any tour, at no cost. We bought the cameras, we're paying monthly fees, let us download full-res panos!

#2 - Ability to RELOAD these full-res panos back into a model / space. Yes, then it will need to reprocess, that's fine. The blur tool is at least something, but to look professional we need to be able to retouch anything that isn't perfect. Bad patches of grass, oil spots on driveways, you name it.

Please consider BOTH of these, and at no additional cost. For goodness sake, BOTH OF THESE were INCLUDED as part of the GeoCV system 7 years ago, and it all worked great. So don't say you can't do it. If they could, you certainly can and you know it. Only takes the will.

Post 78 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @Home3D
Top request from my team: Let users download FULL RESOLUTION 16K panos from our tours. Also permit retouching and reloading of enhanced panos back into tours, just as was part of the GeoCV system years ago, and is also part of the new Realsee system. Clearly it is possible, just let users do it.

The ability to retouch / enhance is a critical function for consumer-end tours, whether for real estate or commerce. To protect the interests of clients such as insurance and law enforcement, Matterport can embed a notice into any enhanced tour signifying that image changes were made. Insurance clients using collaborator scan professionals can "lock" their accounts to reject enhanced models. This is all easy to do, just takes a decision by Matterport.
Post 79 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @Wingman
If you want to get 360s publish it to Google Maps and then download all scans from maps in 8K. If you have pano2VR it can do it.

BTW, workshop now gives 8K 360 which was upscaled by Matterport from 4K. But of course you have to go through every 360 to capture all of them which is time consuming.

To be honest I do not understand their idea not to give us our photos in 16K for free. Any of their 3D tour can go through Maps publishing, then downloaded from it. Anybody who has Pano2VR license can build a custom tour from it. I do not know if Pano2VR supports OBJ but you can recreate a 3D dollhouse in Pano2VR if it does and pretty much can make it looking like a Matterport 3D tour.
Post 80 IP   flag post

WGAN Forum
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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @rhelling
No questions on the settings...but I've been begging Matterport to add the project names to the invoice.

We'll have (8) projects on the invoice, each with a different service (CADD-Medium, CADD-Large, MatterPak, etc.) It's an accounting nightmare to figure out which service is for which project so we can property invoice our clients.

Post 81 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Offline Based 3D Tour Viewer
(Download Matterport Tour and view in a player that does not to be hosted on the internet.)


Originally Posted by @igortskii

I currently use an outdated 360 photo camera and Pano2VR to make standalone offline tours that can be opened by anyone who downloads the files. It opens it up in a web-browser even if they are offline.

We are considering getting a Lidar point cloud based camera to do the same thing. But after talking to Matterport and doing some research myself, I see that there is no way to have an offline based 3d tour without having a special software like Revit, Autodesk, etc to open it.

Or am I wrong? Is there any solutions available out there for what I described?

We use the tours for capturing ship interiors. Many times the ships themselves use the tours so that the captain or engineer doesnt have to run through the entire vessel to see a particular detail. But many times they dont have internet while out at sea, so thats why we need a stand alone version that can be opened offline.

Also, our main reason for considering lidar is because many times the dynamic lighting when capturing photos is just off. We will be in low-light rooms, but there is a bright window and the camera autoadjusts to that brightness and leaves the room almost impossible to see inside of.

Are there any new 360 cameras that have superior dynamic light capabilities?

Thanks everyone for reading and offering direction.

Originally Posted by @MeshImages
Unfortunately Matterport does not see the necessity to offer an offline solution. My clients from sales departments are also often asking for offline solutions and currently we are helping ourselves with showing the tours in the outdated Matterport iOs Showcase App.

I think iGuide could be a good solution, but I don't know if they are offering a button in their player showcase to actually download the tours. But if they do, then iGuide could be a great solution with high degree of automation, that is also suitable for large ships. IGuide gives you an excellent overview and orientation in their 360 showcase.

Another possible solution could be 3DVista as @Home3D has already stated. 3DVista can play both, 360 tours and 3D tours and allows the highest degree of customization. Every tour can be designed to play offline, too. But be careful. With many 360s plus 3D data, tours can easily reach sizes bigger than 1 GB. But the flexibility of 3DVista is fantastic. You can create whatever you need. And you can work with 360 and 3D data. But you should try it beforehand, because the software has significantly grown in availability of features and settings and is now really complicated. In 3DVista you can work with whatever capturing solution that you want- 360 and 3D. Also 3D fron mobile Apps like Scaniverse, Polycam and RealityCapture. Furthermore you can work with native 3D CAD files that you convert to .glb files to make them play. The advantage of the 3D over 360 solution lies in the Tagging and in the Overview. In 3D you place a tag and see it from everywhere, but in 360 you can see it only in the single panorama. And 3D gives you a great overview by showing the inside 3D model of the boat, but for the details you will want to jump into a 360 panorama to actually see the details and to actually read and see what is there. Not sure if 3D Gaussian Splattings or photogrammetry actually lets you actually read small text or thin typography in the 3D or also zoom into details, I don't think so.

To find the best solution, camera and scanner I need to know more details about the size of the boat and level of detail that you are looking for.


And, from this We Get Around Network Forum discussion:

Question of the Day: auto-creates tour platform with free offline viewer?

Originally Posted by @DanSmigrod
The WGAN Forum Question of the Day for Wednesday, 25 September 2024:

Question of the Day: Auto-creates tour platform with free offline viewer?

Please see detailed question below from a WGAN Member that gave me permission to post the question.




Hi Dan

You might have came across this question many times but for me I still can’t find a solution.

For years I’ve been doing Virtual tours primarily for the the use of Construction documentation where my clients will need this service on a new or renovated house or building to document the roughing and anything inside the walls before it’s being closed up with Sheetrock, so they can lookup anything later in the years to come if any problem arise or for whatever reason they need to see aging what’s going on inside the walls.

I started out by using Matterport, but quickly realized the problem I’m facing with paying for hosting, since this type of virtual tour service is something a customer relies on for the next 20/30 years I can’t commit my self to pay my Matterport subscription for them for such a long period of time.

1) I might not be in business anymore
2) Matterport might be changing their terms and conditions that don’t work for me
3) and generally I can’t sell such a service when neither me as the service provider or the client is fully owns for the service they paid for.

My solution was to switch over to “Cupix Works” because they do have the option to download and a offline viewer plus many more good features they had.

For example I was able to upload any 360 photos captured with a 360 camera and they did the mapping process and so with that I was able to download my Matterport tours through a third party and had them all uploaded to Cupix, plus many more good features they have.

Still every one has their Pros and Cons and I couldn’t keep up with cost for Cupix since it’s not a SAAS and they bill you on a yearly subscription based on a contract.

My question to you now is:

You have way more knowledge then me in this industry.

Do you know or can you come up with a solution for me of a software or maybe a combination of more then one soft that I can create my work flow to achieve the above mentioned scenario for my clients without needing to be tied to monthly subscription and hosting fees where I’m not owning my data?

What I’m mainly looking for and obviously ready to pay is a platform that:

1) automatically does the mapping of the individual 360 photos (some call photogrammetry) which is laying down the hotspots in correct position

2) it can be self hosted and/or download for viewing without me needing to pay subscription fees

I would really appreciate if you can give me your input and trying to help me solve this.

Thank you.

Best regards,


P.S. I think it’s better that you post.
Post 82 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @selder76
Was hoping for more aerial integration into clear mapping, higher resolution processing on images, etc... Meh.

Originally Posted by @ScanYourSpace
I agree about Aerial integration, that would be nice!

From this WGAN Forum discussion.


Post 83 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @DigitalTwin
I suppose this is a request to MP, but why can't each model have a scheduled time factor associated with it?

How do you guys handle this? If I ask a client to pay a monthly or annual fee to cover hosting costs, I would like to simply be able to plug that end date in, perhaps get a warning a week out, and then have that project auto-archive on the date set.

Currently, I just enter those dates on my work calendar, but it gets a bit messy if I forget to. Then I have to go back to the agreements, calculate what was decided on, blah blah blah.

I am genuinely curious about how you guys deal with limited time-based hosting fees. A lot of my projects (doing film locations, for instance) are only needed for a few months.


Above from this WGAN Forum discussion.


Post 84 IP   flag post
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