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"Wish List" for Matterport Workshop10473

WGAN Forum
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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @lilnitsch
Unfortunately, even if a Matterport support staff were to duplicate the model all of the edits (mattertags, highlight reals, etc) would have to be re-done as it creates an entirely new URL

Even back in the day when we had the Amazing Dee still at Matterport to merge models together she recommended not making any edits until after she had merged the 2 spaces together

Hello Matterport Product Development:

From the WGAN Forum discussion:

Cloning Matterport spaces

Based on the discussion between @schaferu and @lilnitsch

Enable DUPLICATE model with ALL tricked-out features (MatterTags, Highlight Reel, etc.)


Post 51 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @GETMYVR
My local MLS does not accept any of the Matterport provided floor plan digital media outputs, so I must convert the PNG to jpeg.

I'm so confused why Matterport doesn't provide a JPEG of the floor plan since it is the most universally recognized digital image format on the planet.
Post 52 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @GETMYVR
I think nadir view should be disabled because nobody looks at it like others have mentioned. Totally irrelevant to the composition of the space.
Post 53 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @filinto
Do you agree, it would be a great step forward if we could place a deep links on photos placed at highlights reel? This way the highlights reel thumbs could work as triggers for connecting different models.

From this WGAN Forum discussion:

Highlights Reel meets deep links?

Post 54 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @rzphotoman
I like the new feature, but one thing that they haven't fixed is the ability to save your changes. On almost every tour I create, the changes that I make in the highlight reel, like start point and direction of rotation, never get saved the first time. I have to go back 2-3 times and re-save it. Very frustrating.
Post 55 IP   flag post

WGAN Forum
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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hello Matterport,

Please see this discussion; starting with post #8:

Matterport MatterTag - Slidesshow

Originally Posted by @DanSmigrod
@MeshImages @RomainReparage

A developer writes:

" seems that there is some way to open up the [Matterport] workshop editor for any matterport space.

Even if it's possible to do this, you can't save data unless you are logged in with permissions to do so."

Does that help?


Originally Posted by @MeshImages
@DanSmigrod Thanks. Yes, this helps.

I must say, that this is a (new) feature, that I do not like at all. Everybody can read my edits. Everybody can take measurements, even if I do not allow in showcase. Can you also surpass the password protection with it?
Post 56 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @wishing_well
Hi, I requested access with support and I was granted access for one in the org on the condition that I feedback and understand there are issues. The only problem I have at the moment is that blurs are irreversible. This would be ok if I had the original models but there is no way to offload the models or duplicate on the portal. I've requested one of my spaces be duplicated.
Post 57 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

When will Matterport replace floor plan view with Interactive Floor Plans?

Post 58 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @tresdear
Hello. I need a way to limit the top and bottom view so that the visitor cannot see blind spots. That is when he looks up or down we prevent him from continuing to the zenith or nadir. There is surely a URL parameter to achieve this. Thanks.


I could imagine that either preventing viewing of the nadir and zenith in a Matterport digital twin or adding overlays to the Matterport zenith and nadir - logo/website URL - would be a nice 3rd party solution using the Matterport API/SDK.

Post 59 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @wishing_well
After I got access to this tour I gave it a spin on a tour that otherwise I would not have been able to display because there were sensitive materials in all shots. It works as expected very easy to use just point and blur and then zoom around looking to see if there were any further vantage points. The only thing to watch out for is that first of all you 'do' the blur and then you hit apply. After hitting apply it converts each collection of brush strokes into a blur. While it is 'applying' there are little spinners next to each set of blur brushstrokes.

This is all fine, there would be no problem with using this as is if it weren't for the fact that you irretrievably change the images. So the best thing to do is save a copy of the non-blurred version of the model and then apply the blur to a duplicate. However there is no 'duplicate' functionality on the matterport portal. I do not keep every single model on the original ipad, I very much doubt anybody does and so this requires an email to support to ask them to duplicate the model which is why I suspect it hasn't yet went public.
If there were a duplicate button we'd be golden.

Should not have to duplicate the model to be able to revert from a blur.
Post 60 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @craigsauer
I was able to enable the feature (on both my Classic and New accounts). However, the destructive nature of the blur is a problem. When I get some free time I'll try it out on a garbage scan, but not being easily able to undo blurs isn't great. Before I try it out on a job I'm delivering to a client I'd better make sure I've got a processed duplicate waiting on deck in case of blur disaster.

My big question about the blur tool is why is has to be a 3D tool. That's obviously a big reason it has taken so long and is still in beta. Years ago they could have spent about 5 minutes implementing a panorama blur tool and rolled it out while they worked on the 3D version. Sure, we'd have had to manually blur every panorama where an undesirable feature was visible, but on the other hand, we could have been blurring out stuff YEARS AGO.
Post 61 IP   flag post
RomainReparage private msg quote post Address this user
select multi scans in the list (to hide or show).
like "Ctrl" or "shift" + select scans.
Post 62 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DanSmigrod
Video: How to Work With 360 Markups and the 360 MarkupList in HoloBuilder | Video courtesy of HoloBuilder YouTube Channel | 3 June 2021

Hi All,

Seems like a "wish list" item for Matterport Capture and Workshop?

From the HoloBuilder YouTube Channel

Learn how to work with 360 Markups and the 360MarkupList in the JobWalk App and in the Web Editor.

HoloBuilder ( is the fast & secure Construction Progress Management platform, powered by 360° Photo Capture. Proven & trusted by 59% of ENR TOP 100 Contractors.

HoloBuilder is the fastest and easiest way to document construction site progress with 360° Photo Capture in a secure SaaS cloud environment, covering all phases of the project lifecycle. With a super-fast and efficient workflow, you can create a Digital Progress Record of your job site and access it remotely from anywhere.

HoloBuilder provides a complete Digital Progress Record of construction activities including who, what, where, when, why, and how - eliminating doubt.
• Track and analyze daily or weekly site progress in 360°
• Reduce documentation time by 80%
• Know current site condition anytime and from anywhere
• Create impressive handover documents for owners
• Build trust & collaboration among team members & stakeholders

HoloBuilder Use Cases Include:
• As-Built Documentation
• Site Planning
• Progress Tracking
• In-Wall & Pre-Pour Documentation
• OAC Meeting Visuals
• Change Order & RFI Documentation

Source: HoloBuilder YouTube Channel
Post 63 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @Queen_City_3D
I'm curious what steps some of you do to have photos show up in a more visually appealing manner without the title bar blocking the top bit of the photo?

Here's what I'm referring to:

I realize I could add a top border to the photo so that it drops the part I want displayed a bit lower, but that seems a lot of work to do each time.

Any suggestions?

From the WGAN Forum discussion:

title bar blocks top of photo media in mattertags. Solutions?

Post 64 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @CharlesHH
That is a great dollhouse.
The dollhouse mini videos. Is there any way to control where these start or end? I do a lot of companies and find the downloadable short and long videos start or finish in the kitchen. Fine if it’s a fancy house but no good for a tour that is meant to be showing off a demo room.


Sounds like you would like to specify which 360s are used to create the Matterport short videos?

Above from this WGAN Forum discussion.

Post 65 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @Skeeter
I was told many years ago by a Matterport employee that they were going to allow us to move 360's. Well that never happened. I wanted this 5 years ago or so. I have a lot of 360's shot on a great day but can't use with other models from same complex. Get on it Matterport.
Post 66 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @Gerhard
1) complete UX redesign its old and boring

2) Give the clients a reason to use the tours, it's more a nice to have than a need to have.

3) We own our content period

4) Allow us the 3rd party to develop anything, and not restrict us by doing exclusive features with some MSP developers

Above from the WGAN Forum discussion:

ONE thing you wish you could change about the Matterport Experience?

Post 67 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @Noddy
Great to see these side by side comparisons.. one thing I notice is that (for the house) was done with Pro3 showing outside and inside together, you can't jump into any room from the dollhouse or floor plan view -it doesn't let you.
I liked the way it looks with outside grounds and interior floor plan visible, but you seem to need to click outside and then walk in, is there any fix for this?

Thanks for sharing this Southern 3D Tours and RKO Photography!

Originally Posted by @GamelLarry
Because it captures the roof it seems to block access into the interior from the dollhouse. I had trimmed the roof out in edit to make a cleaner dollhouse but it seems that there's still mesh that blocks access. I'm hoping this is something they resolve since this is new with exterior scanning.

Originally Posted by @Noddy
Hmm, perhaps if Matterport could give us an edit tool that would allow us to choose when trimmimg with boxes, whether to just hide data, or delete it, then I think it would work.
Post 68 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Source: LinkedIn post
Post 69 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
The following "wish list" was posted to this WGAN Forum discussion:

Matterport to Offer Color Floor Plans with More formats; Multiple Languages

Originally Posted by @Buster6070
Nice to see these improvements, but doesn't really impress me. They're just playing catch up still. They're still charging a premium for an inferior product with slower delivery. For around $16, US, I get these options from Cubicasa or Captur3d with 24 hour turn around. Matterports 48 hr turn around time is ridiculous, and it's 19 or 20 bucks to upgrade to 24.

If they wanna really impress their customers, do something innovative. Allow me to label rooms while scanning and place the floor plan order while uploading my model. That would be amazing. It would allow my floor plan order to be processed much faster, and get rid of a step where I'm constantly keeping an eye out for my model to be ready so I can order the floor plan. While you're at it charge 16 bucks for 24 hr turn around too like everyone else. Just my 2 cents.
Post 70 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
From the WGAN Forum discussion:

==> Any Fix for MP's "Print-Quality" Photos?

Originally Posted by @Fathom3D
Originally Posted by MeshImages
@Shakoure Just keep going and maybe start saving money for the Pro3 - this camera solves most of the quality issues with Matterport snapshots.

When I used to shoot for residential luxury real estate I was often shooting estates larger than 4000 sqft interior plus exterior. 20+ rooms in total. Some of them bigger than 10.000 sqft interior space.

For these properties I have developed a special Matterport technique that I am calling ”shoot4photography” with Matterport. You shoot the regular tour slightly above door knob level and also take some extra “photography” shots in lower level at the sweet spots.

I had to work with this process because clients and realtors only provided a certain time frame between 1/2 day or maximum full day for the shooting, which made it impossible to take the extra walk with a professional Photo System Camera (DSLR). Especially not in these mega properties.

So I learned to improve the quality from the Matterport snapshots and developed this shoot4photography process slightly overshooting (shooting more points than necessary). My material even went on print and we were very very successful with these images.

I’m still offering my “shoot4photography” workflow in all time-critical virtual tour situations - even though I am not shooting single residential real estate anymore. This workflow gives great material in good quality (Pro3) and with outstanding perspectives in the virtual tour and also in the optional flythrough/video mode (play button).

This is the process we use as well. But it's a hassle to move the tripod height up and down, and to go back after processing to edit the tour to disable the low positions in the walkthrough.

What would help:
1) A motorized tripod that will raise and lower at the click of a button. These exist, but we don't have one yet.
2) Matterport updates their Capture system to include something like:
A) Automatic detection of low positions, disabled by default if we check that box in our account.
B) Simple process for marking a scan during capture as "to be disabled". After processing, these low scans are disabled automatically. No need for wasted time editing the scan positions after processing.

Originally Posted by @MeshImages
For the detection of low tripod positions I used to check the VR editing mode. But unfortunately this editing mode is gone and the VR is created automatically. I must check the Matterport VR version with my Quest3, I have no idea if there have been any updates lately.

Originally Posted by @Fathom3D
@MeshImages That's interesting.

The thing is, we don't want to edit the scan positions in Matterport tour at all after processing. The obvious time to do that is on site, when we're actually making the decision of which scans are for a better dollhouse, which are for 2D photos, and which are for the walkthrough. It's duplicated effort to go back and assess all over again the next day. (Usually this is done by a different person, not the one who captured the space. So it's easy for them to miss the nuance.)

We want to deliver the link the the client, dust our hands off, and keep moving. Imagine how much time could be saved if we didn't have to duplicate this effort with every space scanned? This seems like low hanging fruit for Matterport. It's probably lost in a sea of other feature requests.
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WGAN Forum
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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @MeshImages
My exterior had something about 450 scanpoints.

I would really like to see this new Google Earth feature coming soon to Matterport workshop. Needs to be combined as 3D Tour with the Google Tiles. This would give absolutely awesome location insights.

Matterport is the Metaverse Company for NOW. By far the most affordable and accessible solution in the market.

Post 72 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @DigitalReplica3D
I just got off a Matterport Zoom meeting regarding the new automatic floor plan measuring and new add-ons. During their demo. The pool stood out like a sore thumb. A rectangular black hole. In the demo they demonstrated the measuring tool's editing by creating invisible walls bordering the pool. After, the pool's square footage pops up.

Perfect timing to call out the ugly issue of the black hole. Based on the MP guys facial expressions. They understand our headache with this. They suggest a 3rd party to address the issue. They also mentioned vague work arounds that I feel we all know don't seem to work.

Fortunately it sounds like they are working on a solution. Fingers crossed!
Post 73 IP   flag post
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schaferu private msg quote post Address this user
Any updates on these anyone? All in the works to my knowledge:

- Colour modifications in editor

- Model-Joining tools in the editor

- Object removals with generative fill in editor
Post 74 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @Buster6070
I love the new property layout feature Matterport recently added, but why won't they let you edit it on an iPad? This would make my workflow so much easier.

Just to elaborate, I use Captur3d for my floor plans because I love the property layout they include that shows the full property layout. So, obviously I have to wait for my Matterport to finish processing before I can submit it to Capture3d. Before I submit it though, I go in and edit the property layout and properly label the rooms how I want, and add walls to separate rooms that are combined usually like the living, dining, and kitchen. Right now I have to carry my laptop with me to do this. It would be awesome if this tool was available when accessing your account on your iPad. It's the only tool I see missing for some reason. Usually it's the last icon.

Anyone know how to leave feedback to Matterport or request a feature?

Post 75 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @DigitalReplica3D
100% agree! @Ron0987. I hear talk of a de-cluttering option in the works. Makes a lot of sense to de-shadow. I'm also waiting for a pool and pond filler vs the dreaded black hole. I understand MPembed has it figured out wish Matterport had it's own solution
Post 76 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @HarlanHambright
I want a tag that has a visible label and an action that happens on the first click. Think elevator button. Or “short cut to boat dock.”
Post 77 IP   flag post
Los Angeles
Home3D private msg quote post Address this user
#1 - Ability to download FULL RESOLUTION 360 PANOS from any tour, at no cost. We bought the cameras, we're paying monthly fees, let us download full-res panos!

#2 - Ability to RELOAD these full-res panos back into a model / space. Yes, then it will need to reprocess, that's fine. The blur tool is at least something, but to look professional we need to be able to retouch anything that isn't perfect. Bad patches of grass, oil spots on driveways, you name it.

Please consider BOTH of these, and at no additional cost. For goodness sake, BOTH OF THESE were INCLUDED as part of the GeoCV system 7 years ago, and it all worked great. So don't say you can't do it. If they could, you certainly can and you know it. Only takes the will.

Post 78 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @Home3D
Top request from my team: Let users download FULL RESOLUTION 16K panos from our tours. Also permit retouching and reloading of enhanced panos back into tours, just as was part of the GeoCV system years ago, and is also part of the new Realsee system. Clearly it is possible, just let users do it.

The ability to retouch / enhance is a critical function for consumer-end tours, whether for real estate or commerce. To protect the interests of clients such as insurance and law enforcement, Matterport can embed a notice into any enhanced tour signifying that image changes were made. Insurance clients using collaborator scan professionals can "lock" their accounts to reject enhanced models. This is all easy to do, just takes a decision by Matterport.
Post 79 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @Wingman
If you want to get 360s publish it to Google Maps and then download all scans from maps in 8K. If you have pano2VR it can do it.

BTW, workshop now gives 8K 360 which was upscaled by Matterport from 4K. But of course you have to go through every 360 to capture all of them which is time consuming.

To be honest I do not understand their idea not to give us our photos in 16K for free. Any of their 3D tour can go through Maps publishing, then downloaded from it. Anybody who has Pano2VR license can build a custom tour from it. I do not know if Pano2VR supports OBJ but you can recreate a 3D dollhouse in Pano2VR if it does and pretty much can make it looking like a Matterport 3D tour.
Post 80 IP   flag post
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