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AppleDepth SensorForbesiPhone

Forbes: iPhone 12 to include 15' depth mapping sensor of surroundings10421

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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Potential iPhone 12 illustration courtesy of

Forbes (5 November 2019) Apple’s Radical New iPhone Suddenly Takes Shape (1 November 2019) iPhone 12 could be the most dramatic iPhone redesign in years

Hi All,

Exciting times ahead ...

"The big takeaways are Apple’s repeatedly leaked plans to return the so-called iPhone 12 to a boxier design akin to the iPhone 4, as well as shrinking the notch. Apple is also adding an additional Time Of Flight (ToF) camera (like most rivals) with Bloomberg detailing the inclusion of long-range 3D capabilities to the primary camera to enable the mapping of surroundings up to 15 feet away. A feature designed to boost augmented reality apps," according to Forbes.

"...reliable Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo recently claimed that the iPhone 12 will feature a ToF (Time-of-Flight) camera on its back," according to "In short, a Time-of-Flight (or ToF) camera can measure depth much more accurately than a regular one, so it can be a perfect choice for augmented reality uses. A ToF camera uses infrared light to map the immediate surroundings. It works in conjunction with an IR sensor that emits a light signal, which then bounces off of the subject and returns to the sensor. The phone then calculates the time it took the signal to bounce back into the sensor, thus creating a more accurate depth map of the scene than a regular camera could."

While the temptation may be to put off a professional 3D capture camera - such as the Matterport Pro2 3D Camera - if you can justify the business use case today, then do so.

Plus, as more people use their camera for mapping a room, the more that will seek professionals to map an entire house or commercial space.

What are your thoughts on Apple likely adding a depth sensor to the iPhone 12 in 2020.


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Los Angeles
Home3D private msg quote post Address this user
I’m with Dan. This is good news for professional users of Matterport and GeoCV. The greatest drag on the growth of both has been the general public’s lack of awareness. If every homeowner was personally familiar with 3D Tours, then most homeowners would expect a listing agent to provide one, because NAR research has already demonstrated that buyers want this. One day it will be nearly as routine as traditional photographs, which would be good for MSPs and GSPs.

The greatest drag is caused by Zillow, Realtor and other platforms lack of featuring high-end 3D tours. Growth will come with public awareness.
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