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Wordpress PluginWP3D Models

Agent Contact info has been lost at WP3D , is it only me?10226

Istanbul, Turkey
alirizacil private msg quote post Address this user
I can not reach agent mail and phone info for a while and i can not add phone and mail info for new agent. I also can not add photo to the gallery (add image button does not appear). Since i did not update my wp3d plugin, i can not reach Ross for this problem. But i think previous fuctions should have been work, right? I want to learn is it only me who has this problem so i will understand it may be because of my wordpress site.
Post 1 IP   flag post
Missoula, MT
rpetersn private msg quote post Address this user
Hello Ali,

Ross here. I just took a closer look and it appears that your WP3D Models license expired over a year ago. It is likely that your issue may be due to an out-of-date copy of our software, or the add-on Plugins that ship with WP3D.

If you’d like to renew, we’ll be happy to assist in solving your issue.

Please use our contact form if you have additional questions or need to have your renewal link (30% off the new license price) resent.


Ross @ WP3D Models
Post 2 IP   flag post
Istanbul, Turkey
alirizacil private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Ross,
Thanks for quick return. I would like to renew my licence but it is not possible for the moment. (we are having an economic crisis as a country in Turkey at the moment so i need to be carefull about my cash flow.) Previous functions is ok for me for the moment.
So, previous functions should have been work, is that right?
Post 3 IP   flag post
Missoula, MT
rpetersn private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Ali,

If some of your other plugins have been updated, or if WordPress has been updated, we can’t guarantee things will work properly with an old version of WP3D. It’s important to be running the latest copy of WP3D, with a valid support license, in order for us to help troubleshoot.

Thanks for your understanding.
Post 4 IP   flag post
Istanbul, Turkey
alirizacil private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Ross,
I am affraid i can not understand it. Even i update wordpress, i think you also should update previous version to mantain everything works fine. If not, what i understand from your approach is, WP3D is a plugin that works perfect if only i pay yearly update fee. So this is not one time payment Plugin. Dont missunderstand me, I love WP3D, but this is not something that i have been informed before.
Post 5 IP   flag post
Missoula, MT
rpetersn private msg quote post Address this user
Hello Ali,

I’ll explain this another way.

Some plugins/software solutions work where a valid license is required in order for the product to function. As you note, WP3D Models is not set up this way.

Instead, when you purchase a copy of WP3D, you get free updates for one year as well as software support during that time. After that year is up, you can renew your license to continue receiving software updates/support for another year, at a 30% discount off the original price.

When a license expires, you are no longer eligible for support or updates of our product, but we do not limit it from working. This has been the state you've been in for the last year+.

However, during that time other variable may change that are outside of our control, other (related) plugins may be updated or WordPress itself may be updated. It sounds like this is what is happening in your case.

We cannot support old versions of our software nor can we assist if a support license is expired.

We pride ourselves on offering great/fast support to all of our license holders & I trust that you can understand how difficult this would be to offer for older/expired copies, from our perspective.

Thanks again for your understanding.
Post 6 IP   flag post
Istanbul, Turkey
alirizacil private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Ross,
I am sorry but it does not seem to me fair. I dont request any update or new features, i just want WP3D's standart, normal functions work, but it does not work well. However, i dont know if can do something about it. I just hope that you try look this issue as customer point of view and understand me. This is dissappointing.
Post 7 IP   flag post
Missoula, MT
rpetersn private msg quote post Address this user
Ali, I’m sorry that this doesn’t feel fair to you but this isn’t something new, it has always been the case.

We do our best to make sure these details are very clearly outlined when purchasing a license with WP3D Models.

All of these details are clearly noted here on our “buy-now” page:
Post 8 IP   flag post
Bon Secour, Alabama
Chemistrydoc private msg quote post Address this user

I can understand your situation - however, this plugin is one of the best things I've encountered in the world of "Matterport for a business." You can't expect a previous version to work in concert with other programs that have since been updated, nor can you expect the developers to give you a free license. My suggestion is to "pass the hat" among those in your circle who benefit from this great piece of software and pay for the license. It's one of the few software expenditures where I feel like I'm getting my money's worth and then some. They are truly one of the few white hats in this industry.

What do you think Microsoft's answer would be if you wanted a free license on a piece of their software, or tech support on an outdated release (i.e. Windows XP for example)?

Best wishes,

Post 9 IP   flag post
Istanbul, Turkey
alirizacil private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Chemistrydoc,
I am not technical guy and have limitted info about software. But i think the example you share does not match with our case. I paid microsoft only once and it works fine with all previous functions. Furthermore, microsoft updates and patchs are free. I dont expect Ross to provide updates free, but i think if something is wrong with my paid licence ( and one paid update) , it should be fixed with something like patch .
Post 10 IP   flag post
Istanbul, Turkey
alirizacil private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Ross,
How can i update the plugin?
Post 11 IP   flag post
Missoula, MT
rpetersn private msg quote post Address this user
Hello Ali....I responded separately to your PM. Thank you.
Post 12 IP   flag post
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