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Tip: How to offer a Password Protected Matterport Virtual Tour10003

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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Screen Grab of CAPTUR3D eBlast

Hi All,

Does your Client have a "pocket listing" that they only want invited people to view?

Try this CAPTUR3D password protected Matterport Virtual Tour example, use:

ID: password
Password: password

Questions about CAPTUR3D password protection?


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RomainReparage private msg quote post Address this user
Can i guaranty my clients that my tour is really protected ? i m always worried with the 2.5 section in the Cloud Subscription Agreement 2.5: "Allowing Third Parties to Access and Share Spaces. You will have the ability to designate each Space as “public” or “private” and privately share each Space in accordance with Matterport’s user documentation, which Matterport may update from time to time in its sole discretion. Spaces that are designated as public can be viewed by anyone on the Internet and will be publicly available on the Matterport Cloud. Matterport will also have the right to publicly display and distribute such public Spaces in the additional ways described in Section 3.7 of these Spaces Processing and Hosting Terms. Unless You grant access to a specific third party, Matterport will not share any Spaces that are designated as private with any third parties other than Authorized Users."
Post 2 IP   flag post
and COO
Melbourne AUS
Steven_Kounnas private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Romain,

Thanks for the question.

Whilst i cant comment on Matterports T&Cs and can say that Captur3d's Password Protect feature works in conjunction with Matterports Public/Private settings.

If you had a property with ultra private information you could enabled a double layered security system, whereby you had the property on Private settings in your my.matterport account, then added the Captur3d password protect feature on top. In this instance a user would then need to be a collaborator on that tour within your matterport account and also hold the password requiremtns from Captur3d.

In a simpler setting, you can add the password protect feature to any public Matterport URL, meaning only people with the username and password could access the virtual tour. With this in place it will make sure that your tour is kept private from everyone that has the link but not the credentials. With this example, you dont need to add a collaborator to your matterport account or keep the tour on private.

If you would like to learn more about Captur3ds T&Cs along with our privacy policy, please feel free to do so via this link, alternatively, please feel free to contact me privately and we can discuss your requirements in further details.

Post 3 IP   flag post
JonJ private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Steven_Kounnas,

I know that this has been discussed in the past, but if the Matterport model is set to public, isn't is possible to view the model directly once you have the model id?

Is there a way to protect against this? If so, I believe that this would be a great solution for Museums with rotating exhibits or other sites with unique spaces that they only want viewable with the proper credentials.

Thank you,
Jon J
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Gerhard private msg quote post Address this user
@JonJ You have a valid point. Anyone can still obtain the model number if you just know where to look for it. It is also not going to help and mask the IP address, because again if you are smart enough you will get the model number.

The solution is self-hosting.

Why doesn't Matterport charge us $100 - $250 to self-host the models. Now if they are in the game of creating the most tours, you then will still have to keep the tour either archived in your account or live, so it is still in their ecosystem and you have a backup. Or maybe make a clause self-hosted models cannot be deleted from your account. I know some MSP will agree to disagree but I think we must start opening up this type of dialogue with them. I have been thinking about this for months now and been speaking to a lot of MSP about this.

I have a listed client that I can do 2,400+ scans for. But the conditions are simple: 1. They need to host it on their servers 2. Edit camera out of mirrors 3. Own the content.
So that is what I have to give them to secure all their properties. They love Matterport. But the limitations and their rules or blocking me from closing the deal, two months ago meeting with the executive team. Yes, I will have to purchase more cameras to do the contract, but in the long run, it opens thousands more that I can do for another group that had similar pains. So yes its amazing we can do it now with cheaper 360 cameras and make the tech more accessible. But I feel somewhere we are missing the point here. I have to listen to what my customers want and their needs, and I think that is what matterport also must start doing, yes we have had townhalls and forum chats back and forth with the executive team. But I think its time for less talk and seriously taking action, listening and execution.

I have shown the clients GEOCV and gave them all the functions, guess what GEOCV fits them like a glove. But I have asked them to be patient as we are waiting on the production of the camera, did not mention lawsuits as this will discredit both brands. Clients buy from you, they don't care what the companies name is that you use to produce your tours be it KRpano, 3Dvista or Matterport the list goes on, the point is they buy you. Your service, relationship, and trust that you will give them the latest and greatest product that pushes their ROI through the roof. And that you listen to their needs or problem you are solving for them.

The saying rings so true today, "Dear Mr. Customer, we are business partners I am not a service provider. Your success is my success and vice versa .... " And if everyone in this ecosystem can start working like that all will be successful.
Post 5 IP   flag post
and COO
Melbourne AUS
Steven_Kounnas private msg quote post Address this user
Hi JonJ & Gerhard

You are both correct, in that if the Matterport model is set to Public and you are smart enough to know where to look for the Model ID you are able to access the 3D tour. However there are a number of ways to safe guard against this. Firstly, as i mentioned in my first post, for complete security you can set the tour to private and add the individuals you would like to access via Collaborators on Matterport. The second, option of just using the password protect feature and keeping the model on public provides security to the tours so that only people with the username and password can access the content. So whilst this doesnt completely resolve the issue of public/private security, it applies a layer of protection as only people with the username and password can access the virtual tour (and if savvy enough the model ID) but doesnt not completely safeguard against 100% private access.

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