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'Wix' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Technical Matterport Mattertag Question: about photo hosting ron0987 4 3 yearsAlexHitchcock (451): If you are a CAPTUR3D customer you can store all your images in there for easy hosting and referencing. If you're not yet a customer of CAPTUR3D, you can sign up via this special WGAN link for $90 USD worth off free credits to use on the platform: clickable text
"To host my 360 Tours, should I get WordPress? SquareSpace? Wix? Other?" DanSmigrod 8 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31671): ✓ WP3D Models WordPress usage requirements It's likely that you will be way happier with WordPress via Ionblade. I would get the $15.95/per month WordPress Hosting Pro plan ($15.95/month) that includes SSL. (WGAN Standard and Premium Members get the free use of WordPress Hosting Pro plan powered by Ionblade). The most important decision is which virtual tour platform is right for you. Then, all other decisions follow. ✓ free course! ...
FAQ: Can I Used WP3D Models WordPress Plugin with WIX or Squarespace? DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31671): WGAN-TV Live at 5: WP3D Models Wordpress Plugin Demo for Newbies WGAN-TV Live at 5 - WP3D Models Founder and Developer Ross Peterson on WP3D Models Wordpress Plugin V3.0 WP3D Models FAQ: Can I Used WP3D Models WordPress with WIX or Squarespace? Hi All, Question: Can I use WP3D Models WordPress Plugin with WIX or Squarespace? The following answer is from WP3D Models Developer Ross Peterson ( @rpetersn ) ... The answer is yes...
How to integrate WP3D Models with a WIX Website DanSmigrod 3 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31671): @Metroplex360 While I would agree with you that any Matterport Service Provider starting out should build their site on WordPress so that they can take advantage of WP3D Models, for those that already have a WIX, SquareSpace or other site, they can still add WordPress just for WP3D Models. This way, the photographer does not have to redo their entire website to get the benefits of WP3D Models. Happy holidays, Dan
How to keep your WIX/Squarespace but have WP3D Models GlennTremain 3 6 yearsGlennTremain (2962): @3dvuz your check is in the mail
Wp3d and wix tomjones2787 4 9 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): Dump Wix for Wordpress. :) I don't see an advantage to Wix over Wordpress. The learning curve for WP isn't too steep. I see Wordpress vs SquareSpace as a pretty good debate as SquareSpace lends itself to a certain creative mindset in ways that Wordpress doesn't. From a biased standpoint, choose Wordpress :)