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'Wifi' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Boom. There goes the wifi antenna. Expertise 5 2 yearsExpertise (1192): And it is back. Sent it to Matterfix, total turnaround time including shipping both ways was 6 days. If your Matterport camera gets broken, get it to Matterfix.
Matterport Pro3 wifi problem in the middle of a project in africa ovrlebanon Jump to first page50Jump to last page 2 yearsron0987 (3499): @ovrlebanon I was just trying to follow up on this topic did Matterport ever determine what the issue was?
Tip: Uploading Matterport Pro3 jobs while on the road. Sdoughtie 1 2 yearsSdoughtie (570): In my experience, projects done with the Pro3 range from 4 gb to 10 gb. Even unlimited mobile data plans will get you throddled if you upload jobs. I set my phone to wifi upload only. Walmart is a great place to upload. They are fast! And you get to shop for supplies while traveling.
It seems not all Pro2s are the same?! Wingman 20 3 yearsWingman (4435): I have tested my new camera on a job and I can confirm transfer speed is fast as long as you come close to a camera. It is not affected by any reasonable distance created during scanning. Matterport have replied they will let me know what is wrong with my previous camera.
Unable to join the network... MP and Theta Z1 sdubose99 2 4 yearsWingman (4435): I sold a Z1 few months ago but I remember there is an Access Point mode in the camera settings. If you turn it on through theta app, set up SSID name and a password the camera will act as a wireless router. Then you can connect directly to the camera from a tablet/phone without using any other wireless network. Here is a video about doing it in Theta V but since the app is the same it will work for a Z1...
Matterport Video: Connecting the Matterport Pro2 Camera to an iPad DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Video: Connecting the Matterport Pro2 Camera to an iPad with Matterport Marketing Content Manager Amir Frank | Video courtesy of the Matterport YouTube Channel | 22 January 2021 Matterport Video: Connecting the Matterport Pro2 Camera to an iPad Hi All, From the Matterport YouTube Channel: Learn how to connect your Matterport 3D cameras to your mobile device so that you can quickly begin...
Urgent! Traveling! Help Please! SLOW transfer after firmware update. Sibee 15 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Video: WGAN-TV Top 10 Matterport Pro Camera Repairs with MatterFix Founder Mike Vorce-#1633-Show Overview And Camera GPS And Wifi Antenna Repair with @MatterFix Founder Mike Vorce Hi All, For those that are not DIY included for a Matterport Pro2 WiFi Camera repair, check-out WGAN Member: Mike Vorce @MatterFix ... ✓ Matterport Camera Repairs - topic of the day - WiFi antenna issues In this WGAN-TV Short Story (#1633, above),...
Matterport Camera Repairs - topic of the day - WiFi antenna issues MatterFix 6 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Video: WGAN-TV Top 10 Matterport Pro Camera Repairs with MatterFix Founder Mike Vorce-#1633-Show Overview And Camera GPS And Wifi Antenna Repair with @MatterFix Founder Mike Vorce Hi All, In this WGAN-TV Short Story (#1633, above), @MatterFix Founder Mike Vorce discusses the GPS and WiFi Repair for the Matterport Pro camera. We Get Around Network Forum Members receive a free 12-month WGAN-TV Training Academy Membership when you do a $250...
Insta360 One X & Ricoh Theta Z1: Wifi Range Issue - Easy Solution 😩 pguerreiro 4 5 yearsEladitems (71): Im having these issues when using the matterport camera. But with the Z1 it is just amazing
Insta360 One R - Extend Wifi Range simbany1 8 5 yearsbryanhscott (843): @pguerreiro Now that you mention it, the Theta Z1 lens delay add-on will not work with Matterport capture app. Any capture app that takes over your camera the way it does, renders the add—on apps useless. Sorry! Forgot about that...
Ricoh Z1 or Insta360 One X - extending WiFi range? Home3D 4 5 yearsbryanhscott (843): @Home3D Perfect and sorry I didn't have an immediate, pre-tested, solution to share. Even if Ricoh doesn't have any solutions that are immediately deployable, I will be big money that we can identify a suitable solution and, hopefully, one that is powered by USB vs. 115VAC. I look forward to hearing what Ricoh has to say on the subject. Good luck!
Insta360 One X & Matterport - Any timer? pguerreiro 2 5 yearslilnitsch (5803): @pguerreiro Not sure if applicable because I haven't researched it yet. The new InstaOne R had an applewatch app for shutter release. I wonder if one might be able to use it with the OneX leaving the iPad or iPhone near by
Weird Matterport/Insta360 One X issue.......maybe a haunted house??? photosintheround 9 5 yearsphotosintheround (43): Thanks for all the feedback!!!!
Insta360 One X - Wifi Issues. Anyone? pguerreiro 1 5 yearspguerreiro (112): Hello everyone. I've just bought the Insta360 One X and i'm having problems with the wifi connection. It works only if i'm close to the camera. More than 3, 4 metters, loses connection all the time. "Operation couldn't be completed. com.insta360.camerasdk.error error 444" The firmware is updated and i'm using an iPhone XS. I appreciate your help. Pedro...
Urgent: MSP needing a camera in Chicago now. Camera stopped working. 9thsensevisuals 12 5 yearsalirizacil (162): There is a solution for you guys in USA. What will i do if something similar i do since i am 8000 km far away from USA:(
Urgent: Matterport camera connection to app Ghagendorf 16 5 years9thsensevisuals (19): This happened to one of my cameras last weekend. I tried everything, but the only solution is exchanging it via matterport. It's part of an issue with one of the beta firmware updates. Sorry!
Video: Matterport Academy | Connecting the Camera (Lesson 2) DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Matterport Academy | Connecting the Camera (Lesson 2) with Matterport Content Marketing Manager Amir Frank | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel (28 September 2017) Hi All, If you are just getting started with Matterport, here is Lesson 2 of 11 from the Matterport Academy | Connecting the Camera (Lesson 2) (above) with Matterport Content Marketing Manager Amir Frank. Video...
Matterport viewer on mobile is extremelyslow yoon2366 2 7 yearsTrustedPhotoDC (1108): Sounds like your wifi network is the culprit here. Show some test results - Also is your device the priority on the WiFi network? Lots of reasons why even with a good connection, your speed will be slow. I haven’t noticed any specific issues with WiFi.