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'WebGL' Topics

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Transcript: Matterport ShopTalk 29: Android Smartphone Capture Beta DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): Matterport ShopTalk 29: Matterport Android Smartphone Capture Beta | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | Aired Live: Wednesday, 3 November 2021 | with Matterport's Amir Frank and Kirk Stromberg -- Transcript (Video above) [00:00:02] Amir Frank: [00:00:00] Welcome webinar listeners. Thanks so much for joining us today. We are here with our very favorite and special guest, Kirk Stromberg,...
Cannot view my Matterport model on Chrome realeshots 9 5 yearsleonherbert (903): I had this issue in the past cannot remember exactly how I fixed it, but I would do all those checks anyway, also download most recent chrome but I am sure you did that.
Please help me understand Matterport .obj Meets WebGL ... srennick 4 5 yearsJuMP (2031): With MatterPak you can get OBJ file and all textures for further process. But the OBJ in MatterPak is a high resolution file and it is too big for a webpage display. The mesh showing in the Matterport showcase page is an optimized OBJ file with <50K faces and small textures. It is the one you can use in your webpage applications, but the file is in Matterport format named .dam file. You must decode it before you use it. JuMP team provide...
Matterport performance issues in Chrome on a Mac with WebGL Enabled? DanSmigrod 4 7 yearsRedRock3D (46): I can’t run workshop on my MacBook Pro with Chrome. Moved to Firefox but it began failing as described in the original post. I moved over to a MacBook Air running Safari with no (or fewer) issues. CPU sound right.
Workshop loading Problem Gerhard 3 8 yearsGerhard (1484): Hi @justinv , I am running it on Mac. But for some bizarre reason it just started working again, after a couple off hours .I find it very strange and frustrating.
Gyro for Matterport showcase? natcoalson 5 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): @Metroplex360 Your initiatives are absolutely showing Matterport what's possible with their own tech and causing innovation to happen sooner. Too bad the Krispy Kreme is a one-off. I imagine that Matterport continues to be distracted - Japan and China for example – so that the tech team doesn't get the resources it needs to focus on APIs/SDKs that will add huge value - exponential growth - to the Matterport platform. Dan
Mattertag Question Helen 4 8 yearsgrmngrl (942): @Helen I don't think there is a limit.
vCAD Technical Info and Product Comparisons JonHuber 2 8 yearsJonHuber (25): I received a question via email from a user currently using Archilogic. I've summarized the conversation: There are a few differences between Archilogic and vCAD. I want to take some time to communicate the differences so I understand your expectations. File Upload: For Archilogic, you upload a 2D floor plan that is converted into a web viewable 3D file. For vCAD, you upload a 3D CAD file and convert it a web and mobile viewable 3D/VR...
Chrome Browser issues with Matterport? WindyCityDrones 5 8 yearsVRPM (66): Hi, try doing this: Settings > Show Advanced Settings > scroll to the bottom and checkmark "Use hardware acceleration when available" This is what MP told me to do when some of our clients were having issues.
Wp3d settings AAS 9 8 yearsAAS (58): Thanx i just sent a request. But i think some how it started working now. I will keep all other questions on support page.
Web browser not currently supported by WebGL marcdempsey 4 8 yearsKevinDDenton (1): Great! Glad to hear. It's an annoying message but I understand why they want to place such a nag message.
Which Wordpress template do you recommend? AAS 6 8 yearshtimsabbub23 (910): Exactly what @rpetersn said. I also use Avada theme, and use the avada users group on facebook for amazing advice and website examples. Avada makes it very simple to set up a website. Good luck.
Green and Pink Dollhouse manolohk 8 9 years360Verbeelding (352): its not a LED thing, read earlier tpoivs on this. Its a MP processing thing caused by Unity. Upload again and the issue should be cleared. you can contact a MP tec for info but he is going to tell you the same. what it does show is that MP lroseccingbdiem doesn't check their process. So i think its more and more automated. Happy scanning Grtz Rene
Matterport workshop with macbook htimsabbub23 8 9 yearsgofastpro (49): I have a late 2010 MacBook Air with SSD running tours and workshop in Safari just fine. The fan does run during workshop but no more than it does when I am running video on YouTube.
Matterport on Firefox for Android. Dennis_N 4 9 yearsWashingtonState360 (40): Matterport model viewed/worked well on Firefox version 44.0 (updated January 2016) on my older Samsung Galaxy Note 3 just a moment ago too.
My New Website with Matterport link JoeMontaleone 2 9 yearsRobinLycka (727): Service is Temporary down ... 503 Service Unavailable Edit: It´s back
Workshop implementation issue... TerryEibeck 7 9 yearspixelray (1068): I did find this...a little hard to follow though. clickable text Dan, you have any updates on accessing workshop via Ipads? Sure would be nice. I noticed this issue in a recent thread as well.
messed up playback on android? Dennis_N 4 9 yearsDennis_N (91): It seems like Firefox for Android has an issue with it. It blacks out after a few clicks (screen goes black except for the buttons), and soon after it crashes.
Google Cardboard & Matterport DoyleRealtor 19 9 yearsNiels (1): Any updates by now?
Screen Mirroring Samsung Gear VR Dennis_N 3 9 yearsAndrew (224): Some info in this thread:
Camera output and RAW data csnoke 8 9 yearsGarySnyder (2143): FYI, it's easy to get the data from the iPad the hard part is to decrypt it. It seemed that the Russians did just that but the last time I checked their site it was taken down and just the landing page was left.
Is the Matterport Camera capable of high res Metroplex360 2 9 yearsMaxx90 (7): I shoot a lot of DSLR myself, however I am shooting bracketed which I then do post production on. Although my cameras do it internally it is never as good as the manual way, so my guess is that it is the same with the Matterport camera. On a high note however the end product looks much better on mobile devices which is what is predominately used these days.
Android Showcase Problems al9901 8 9 yearsal9901 (61): I used the native browser and it worked fine. I think Chrome has some issues on Android below version 5.0 so I will set up a link to encourage people to upgrade, get a different browser or use the native Android browser.
API al9901 4 10 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): Please see Matterport User Group Forum Thread: Matterport Developer Program - Sign Up For other API Threads, please use the Search box to search the Forum. It's powered by Google. Thanks, Dan
Rats! WebGL hit a snag. RenderingSpace 11 10 yearsQueen_City_3D (3159): I also had an real estate agent's assistant not be able to open the link on Firefox or Chrome. This was the screenshot she sent. Browsers are supposedly the most recent. If it got passed this page at all it was just a black screen with the walkthrough, dollhouse and floorplan icons, but no model. The agent was concerned that...
Browser support for models Canada 13 10 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): @craigsauer Not that it will help you in this instance, but I wonder if Matterport could "sniff" browser version, webGL, etc. to pro-actively say this model will display if you .... Any techs that can weigh-in if this would be possible? Dan
Matterport Player on iOS 8 Beta Tim 8 10 yearsVsvasan (1): What is the download URL for the beta?
Building a New Player in Unity3D al9901 3 10 yearscraigsauer (1078): This is very interesting to me, although I don't know enough about it to contribute to the effort. I have several clients that would love to be able to customize the look of the 3D Showcase, but Matterport doesn't give us any power over that. Craig
Any News about a Matterport API? al9901 1 10 yearsal9901 (61): Does anyone have any information on the API? I spoke to Matterport a few months ago and they said it might be on its way. I haven't found any news since. Thanks.
The facebook solution. alx3D 6 10 yearsalx3D (719): For those of you ordering several of these I will do 4 for $25each or 15 for $20 each. PM me.
Functionality of different browsers and OS DRKNorth 4 10 yearsccctucker (160): Did you try the white arrows on the left corner to move it?
Instructions/Help using Player Glenda 14 10 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): Based on the discussion in this MUG Forum Thread, I will update our We Get Around blog post about viewing tips for a Matterport 3D Showcase. When we deliver a 3D Showcase to a client, we include this text: -- Takes about 10 seconds to load. Use the arrow keys to Walk-Around. -- Click on the Floor Plan and 'Doll House' views in the bottom left corner. -- Then, click to “fly-in” to begin your Walk-Around.
New Player/Viewer Launches a New Tab GarySnyder 7 11 yearsGarySnyder (2143): Great news, the viewer is now behaving correctly :)