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Unreal Enginex

'Unreal Engine' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Video: iOS Scan Object-to-SketchFab Workflow DanSmigrod 3 2 yearsWingman (4435): Just processed I used Samsung Note 10+ video recording with 75 seconds duration. I walked around recording it in two passes(one lower to a ground and one higher) and then made one pass at the top. Not sure why it is not sharp but probably due to my negligence to set a focus on the statue. I would still prefer to do it through IOS app as it guides you. However I could not resist to try...
Unreal Engine Video: Real-Time Real Estate: Visualize, Connect, Build DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsSkeeter (452): Great video!
Using Matterport with game engines? Rob_IM4DM 6 3 yearsRob_IM4DM (22): I see, but if you’re using the point cloud file, wouldn’t something like Unreal Engine 5 be able to run this without any issues. I have seen a video of someone taking the XYZ file and making into a 3D CAD file. Would this more work?
[R&D] Architectural visualization meets immersive tours and virtual staging Tosolini 13 5 yearsTripp (10): @marshallartsmedia Great gallery tour and love the high quality resolution on all the art and the very polished look of the entire tour. Brilliant!
Matterport scan to game Engine DannyBasting Jump to first page104Jump to last page 7 yearsDannyBasting (1171): Hey @DanSmigrod, I was actually waiting for the greenscreen studio to be completed, so that I can show it of in Mixed Reality, as video doesn't really do it justice.. But here is some footage: Current trailer: Slower paste walk through: Screenshots: ...
Scan Data & Gaming - obj's & Unreal Engine 4 JamieSher 8 10 yearsvrealstudio (103): Jamie, Thank you. I imported fbx from blend to UE4 successfully. It works normally shadow on wall and ground. I will try to make a game. Many thanks :)