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'Tax' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Sales Tax on digital images (versus physical deliverables)? selder76 2 2 yearsPhilly (86): I'm a CPA (in a different state). Did some research, I think you're spot on. Seems like MN is very clear that the sales tax only applies if you're delivering a physical product, not performing a photography service with electronic delivery. Of course, always worth it to reach out to a professional in your area so you can walk them through your entire workflow and delivery and get their interpretation.
IRS mileage rates down 1.5 cents for 2021 - How do you track? VTLV 5 3 yearsVTLV (2922): @ArchimedStudio - IRS gives us a deduction. I like having the ability to shave my income down by about $10,000 if I can show it being tracked in some manner and back up my numbers. @Chemistrydoc Mile IQ appears to be the front runner at about $60 for the year. Not bad. @Matt19 - I lost everything in a mileage folder somehow on a spreadsheet plus the PDFs from Google maps. I might have to tap your brain on that. I'm leaning heavy onto ...
Expenses vs Deductions and taxes thereal360 2 4 yearsMatt19 (354): Hi Alex, Hobbies (losses) are not deductible. If this is business then the loss is deductible. Do some quick googling on what is business verses hobby. If business then you can deduct. Standard deduction vs itemization has nothing to do with your loss, if that that is what you are asking. Perhaps you are talking about the standard mileage rate vs actual costs? All that being said usually it is best to have a conversation so that the...
Question of the Day: How do you keep track of your mileage for tax expense? DanSmigrod 8 4 yearsChemistrydoc (1930): Late breaking news for all MileIQ users! Be sure to check your app immediately to make sure that it's logging your drives. Apparently the latest iOS update has caused it to not detect drives, and it doesn't send out notifications telling you this. If this is happening to you, delete the app, turn your phone off, then re-install the app. Sheesh..... Keith
Book keeping...? thereal360 11 5 yearsJMEPhotos (36): We're using Freashbooks online cloud invoicing.
Taxation and Digital Delivery botticelli 8 5 yearsbriangreul (684): @jacobpmac It varies by jurisdiction. In Texas I'm subject to Sales Tax. Rather than waste energy arguing about it I just collect it or an exemption form and move on. The tax on the hosting plans isn't significant enough for me to waste any time on.
Are you selling a digital product/service internationally? DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Hi All, A WGAN Member reached out to me seeking: --- "... expert systems and tax advice on international sales of digital products and services. This is a niche area requiring a detailed knowledge of how sales tax works across multiple currencies and regions, what solutions exist to manage it on a seller’s behalf, and how a solution needs to be configured to meet the applicable laws worldwide. Is this you? If so...
Matterport tax 3dshowcaseuk 6 6 yearsCharlesHH (640): @3dshowcaseuk. Probably yes. It sounds as if you are not charging VAT so it makes sense you pay it. I charge VAT to clients. I am billed VAT. Every quarter I pay the Belgian taxman what I have billed, minus what I paid. If I sell goods to individuals anywhere in Europe I charge them Belgian VAT. If I sell to a company and I put their Vat number on my invoice, then no VAT needs to be charged. I now have an EORI number for sales to the UK...
TAX - Outside USA (Europe) MSP invoices LeventeSolczi 4 6 yearsLeventeSolczi (58): Thank you! :)
Add Sales Tax to Still Image Pricing? JohnLoser 9 8 yearsChemistrydoc (1930): Another way around the tax would be to not charge for the photos themselves, but charge only for the delivery... but again, I'm not a tax professional.