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Still Imagesx

'Still Images' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
New Real Estate Photography Competitor bryanhscott 6 4 yearsbotticelli (97): I was in the portrait business before this and there was always Lifetouch and other chains. They serve a middle to low end client and as a reminder to always be adding value and improving yourself and your art. Do not compete for the bottom.
Full Service Basic On-Site Gear/Workflow/Scheduling Questions kaplan 7 4 yearsPickChuck (413): @kaplan - I don't know if I would show anything to an agent prior to blending and editing it. That might be more confusing than it's worth. It will also slow you down. I actually use a microphone stand for my Z1 and it was about $38. I find it perfect. I had to get an adapter to get to 1/4 20. I would get good at stills, add Zillow 360's, add Asteroom, add drone and if someone put my arm behind my back I would add video. (and they would...
New Photo Re-Touch / Editing Company bryanhscott 13 5 yearsVTLV (2910): @Wingman - My person charges that same rate and I do 5 bracket Jpeg. I recall using Beatcolor in the past at $1/image HDR 3-5 bracket and their cheaper edit at $0.60 was as good as an auto edit on Google Photo. @adc1967 - You got me thinking now that my person isn't doing the edits. I was told one time the crap edit was dudes wife. Everything else has been more consistent than Dark/Blown Out Matterport Models :beer: Wonder if I'm getting...
Image retouching Ultimated1228 9 5 yearsfotoguy (835): I always pull MP to pull all of my images. Man of them I can fix myself if it minor. Anything else I send to Jon at PhotoSparc who is a member of this forum. If I need color fixes, fire in fireplaces, images on the tv screen, etc, he does the job quickly, efficiently and at a good price.
Still Photo Re-Touching - Looking for a New Company bryanhscott 15 5 yearsbryanhscott (843): @AlexHitchcock Though the issues were much more involved than just the last two pictures, I strongly believe that Captur3d will correct the fairly minor issues that created the problems in a complete and expedient manner as you have indicated. With you involved, I have no doubts about this. Like most companies, there are growing pains. This too shall pass. I personally believe that Captur3d offers a great solution to cut down on work flow...
Still image from 360 pano shot using Theta V BlueImmersiveMedia 3 7 yearsleonvanzweel (521): Upload your image to a Spherical image player like KUULA or ROUNDME etc zoom in or out to have the shot you like and screenshot. Quality won't be great.
Agent not happy with Still Images leeverdon 18 7 yearsjmurphy (4): Thank you all for your replies. I want to give the customer quality. If I’m not able to i definitely want to be honest. Appreciate all the input and suggestions.