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'Statistic of the Day' Topics

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Question of the Day: Is this why your business is down? DanSmigrod 3 4 monthsHome3D (4213): I agree with Buster. When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Many of my RE agent clients now want only photos. A few have either switched to a cheaper photographer or take their own photos, but it shows. I'm pursuing more commercial virtual tour work, slowly seeing more businesses realize how they can bridge that (considerable) gap between a website and getting people to travel to their showroom. I'm currently bidding on two virtual...
PMRE: 21% of Aryeo Properties have a Video DanSmigrod 4 4 monthsDataventurer (521): @DanSmigrod Dan, you made me laugh! Truthfully, this forum is probably the only place where there is a group of people who care enough to listen to the actual statistics. I find that most agents are moving too fast, focused on other things.
PMRE: 29% of Aryeo Properties have a Floor Plan DanSmigrod 1 4 monthsDanSmigrod (31653): PMRE 2024 News Aryeo PMRE: 29% of Aryeo Properties have a Floor Plan Hi All, 29% of all Aryeo Properties have a floor plan, according to Aryeo Co-Founder Matt Michalski during his...
Matterport Blog: Real Estate Photography: Key 2024 Statistics To Know DanSmigrod 7 7 monthsDanSmigrod (31653): Hi All, In my original post above, I added hyperlinks back to the source of each statistic. @GlennTremain Thanks for sharing the video. Not sure what are "visual kinetics" ... I look forward to seeing what you create. Best, Dan
Video: Excellent Inman Keynote by Real Estate Tech Strategist Mike DelPrete DanSmigrod 1 8 monthsDanSmigrod (31653): Video: Excellent Inman Keynote by Real Estate Tech Strategist Mike DelPrete | Video courtesy of Mike DelPrete YouTube Channel | 6 August 2024 Hi All, This is a "much watch" video for real estate photographers and real estate agents/brokers by Real Estate Tech Strategist Mike DelPrete at Inman Connect Las Vegas 2024 (on Tuesday, 30 July 2024). The slides he uses to...
14 RE Statistics: Redfin CEO Glenn Kelman at Inman Connect Las Vegas AI_DanSmigrod 2 8 monthsAI_DanSmigrod (70): Below is the transcript of Redfin CEO Glenn Kelman speaking at Inman Connect Las Vegas 2024 on Tuesday, 30 July 2024. Transcript: Redfin CEO Glenn Kelman Glenn Kelman (00:00): ... we do all this research on the state of our industry, how agents are fairing because we want to be the best place for agents to work just as every other brokerage does, and we just want to understand the state of play, especially now that the state of play...
Inman Connect Highlights: Real Estate Tech Strategist Mike DelPrete Slides DanSmigrod 5 8 monthsGlennTremain (2953): another tip is to text (SMS) check in will all your clients each month. "not selling anything just checking in on is{ask something you know about them}?" while you are waiting for something and watching 2 less cat videos this reminds them about you and tends to breed business and referrals
325+ Posts in the WGAN Forum Tagged: Statistics DanSmigrod 1 10 monthsDanSmigrod (31653): WGAN Forum Posts tagged: Statistics 325+ Posts in the WGAN Forum Tagged: Statistics Hi All, To see a list of 325+ Statistics Posts tagged in the WGAN Forum, go to: Statistics Best, Dan
Matterport Statistic: 30% Increase in Productivity Managing Properties DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): WGAN Statistic of the Day Matterport Webinar | 29 September 2022 Matterport Webinar | New Features, Matterport Pro3 Camera, AEC, FM | 29 September 2022 Speakers 1. Amir Frank - Matterport Senior Evangelist 2. Preethy Vaidyanathan - Mattterport VP, Head of Product 3. ...
Matterport Statistic: 50% Savings in Travel Cost (Avoidance) DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): WGAN Statistic of the Day Matterport Webinar | 29 September 2022 Matterport Webinar | New Features, Matterport Pro3 Camera, AEC, FM | 29 September 2022 Speakers 1. Amir Frank - Matterport Senior Evangelist 2. Preethy Vaidyanathan - Mattterport VP, Head of Product 3. ...
Statistics: Top 10 U.S. Metros Homebuyers are Moving Into (Affordability) DanSmigrod 2 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Grab: Example of how I used this infographic on LinkedIn
Statistic: Matterport Helps Closes Sales | 52% Say ... DanSmigrod 2 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): of a social media post ( LinkedIn) using this statistic.
Redfin: Home Sales, Listings Plunge Over 20% in September 2022 DanSmigrod 3 2 yearsGETMYVR (1941): I'm in that Buffalo market, it's a big area composing 2 counties and it's probably still one of the most affordable places to scoop up property. No wonder about the activity. 30 minutes ago I got off the phone with one of my agents and they have three listing appointments and finally 3 pending deals on units that were priced down from the peak crazy market high that preceded this current market. But that's definitely not every agent.
Stats: Listing Time on Market Doubles; Buyers Waiting for Price/Rate Drop DanSmigrod 2 2 yearsExpertise (1192): Briefly: I was a brokerage owner and home flipper in 2005. In our area, home prices peaked in August 2005. I saw it coming, I was tracking prices weekly. I sold my flips asap. Prices slid relentlessly down that slippery slope for many years. As loudly as the "pundits" and "experts" tell anyone who will listen that "this time is totally different"... it is not. Slightly different, maybe. Builders will do whatever...
Matterport: "33% of Recent US Homebuyers Purchased a Home Sight Unseen" DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Matterport Media Release --- Digital Twin courtesy of We Get Around Network 146. As Residential Real Estate Markets Tighten, Digital Twins Provide a Competitive Edge for Listing Agents and Sellers | Video courtesy of...
Home sales are going to nosedive in 2023, Fannie Mae says DanSmigrod 2 2 yearsMeshImages (3050): Good for us! If realtors want to move property, they´ll have to invest in marketing!
Statistic: 400 Hours of Travel Time Saved by Client Using Matterport DanSmigrod 2 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): of social media post using this web banner ( LinkedIn). @aetosimaging
Statistic of the Day: 6.39% of USA Real Estate Listings Have a Virtual Tour DanSmigrod 5 2 yearsDataventurer (521): @denlee Wow, nice work checking things in your local area! As you have documented, what gets placed in the "Virtual Tour" field on the MLS listing (from which most real estate sites scrape the data), is up to the real estate agent when they fill out the details on the property. On this forum there have been discussions about the definition of "virtual tour" but I think most will agree, it ain't a video or slideshow (even a...
Matterport Statistic: 50% Reduction in Time and Travel Costs DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): WGAN Statistic of the Day Matterport Webinar | 29 September 2022 Matterport Webinar | New Features, Matterport Pro3 Camera, AEC, FM | 29 September 2022 Speakers 1. Amir Frank - Matterport Senior Evangelist 2. Preethy Vaidyanathan - Mattterport VP, Head of Product 3. ...
Matterport Statistic: 79% of Those Surveyed | Digital Twins Save Cost DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): WGAN Statistic of the Day Capgemini Research Institute via Matterport Webinar | 29 September 2022 Matterport Webinar | New Features, Matterport Pro3 Camera, AEC, FM | 29 September 2022 Speakers 1. Amir Frank - Matterport Senior Evangelist 2. Preethy Vaidyanathan -...
Matterport Statistic: 14% Increase in Bookings and Occupancy Rates DanSmigrod 2 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Grab: This is an example of how I use these statistics in social media ( LinkedIn).
Infographic: 61% of Those Surveyed | Digital Twins Help Increase Sales DanSmigrod 2 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Grab: Example of how I used this infographic via social media ( LinkedIn).
Stats: Homebuyers Backing Out of Deals at Record-Highs in These U.S. Cities DanSmigrod 3 2 yearsdenlee (208): Redfin needs to stop disseminating fake statistics, and this forum should stop promoting them. My wife, who is a Broker, just pulled the following factual statistics from the San Antonio, TX MLS. Total active listings of single family homes: 9,852 Listings shown in 'Back on Market' status: 300 That equals a current contract fallout rate of just 3%, which is obviously a long way from Redfin's fake percentage 21.1% ! For whatever reason,...
Stats: Top 10 Metros: Share of Mortgage Home Sales using Conventional Loans DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsdenlee (208): Redfin seriously makes these figures up! Recently they claimed that a third of all USA sales are cash. That doesn't jive with these numbers. Anyway, here are some facts for the San Antonio, TX market showing closed sales of single-family homes for the last 30 days: 2636 sales 1088 conv 41% 560 va 21% 527 cash 20% 397 fha 15% 64 other 2%
Statistics: Top 10 US Metro Areas with Fastest-Rising Rents Year-Over-Year DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): of social media post ( LinkedIn) using this infographic
Statistics: Top 10 U.S. Metros: Share of Mortgage Home Sales using VA Loans DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): of using infographic on social media ( LinkedIn)
Statistics: Bottom 10 U.S. Metros | Share of Home Sales using All Cash DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): of using infographic on social media ( LinkedIn)
Matterport Pro3 Marketing Video:Reduce Travel Time and Budget by 50 Percent DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsGETMYVR (1941): Yes, I need this!
Matterport Pro3 Marketing Video: Make Training 30% More Effective DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Matterport Pro3 Marketing Video: Make Training 30% More Effective | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 19 September 2022 Matterport Pro3 Marketing Video: Make Training 30% More Effective --- Matterport Pro3 LiDAR Camera ($5,955) | Matterport Pro3 LiDAR Camera |...
Statistics: Top 10 U.S. Metros | Share of Home Sales Using All Cash DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): of a social media post - LinkedIn - using this infographic
Matterport Pro3 Marketing Video: Increase Leasing Conversions by 14 Percent DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Matterport Pro3 Marketing Video: Increase Leasing Conversions by 14 Percent | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 19 September 2022 Matterport Pro3 Marketing Video: Increase Leasing Conversions by 14 Percent --- Matterport Pro3 LiDAR Camera ($5,955) | Matterport Pro3...
Matterport Pro3 Marketing Video: Save up to 50% on Time and Travel Costs DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Matterport Marketing Video: Save up to 50% on Time and Travel Costs | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 19 September 2022 Matterport Pro3 Marketing Video: Save up to 50% on Time and Travel Costs --- Matterport Pro3 LiDAR Camera ($5,955) | Matterport Pro3 LiDAR Camera |...
Statistics: Top 10 U.S. Metros: Where Homeowners Stay Put the Longest DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): of a social media post - LinkedIn - using this infographic
Statistics: Top 10 U.S. Metros: Where Homeowners Stay Put the Shortest DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): of a social media post - LinkedIn - using this infographic.
Statistics: Matterport Digital Twins Help Increase Sales, Save Time & Money DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): of a social media post - LinkedIn - using this infographic
Matterport: 60% of Renters are Willing to Lease a Property Sight Unseen DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): to LinkedIn Example of a LinkedIn post using this infographic. Dan
Aetos Imaging: Matterport Cuts Building Engineer Training Time in Half DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): WGAN Statistic of the Day --- Aetos Imaging via Matterport Case Study Aetos Imaging: Matterport Cuts Building Engineer Training Time in Half Hi All, Want to post the above to social media - but without the WGAN branding? The branded PNG version is available - free - in the WGAN Sample Forms Library...
Matterport Statistics for Commercial Real Estate DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): WGAN Statistic of the Day --- Matterport Matterport Statistics for Commercial Real Estate Hi All, Want to post the above to social media - but without the WGAN branding? The branded PNG version is available - free - in the WGAN Sample Forms Library for WGAN Forum Members. The non-branded PSD...
Statistics of the Day: Matterport Statistics for Residential Real Estate DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Example of a LinkedIn post Hi All, Thought-starter: use these statistics infographics for social media posts. Best, Dan
PFRE: Real Estate Photography Statistics DanSmigrod 4 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): I could imagine that statistics come from different sources. Yes. It's possible that they are recycling/re-publishing previous articles. Best, Dan
Matterport 2Q22 Earnings Presentation Deck DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsVRCOLAB (25): Thank you so much for sharing.
Stats: Home Prices Increase 16% and Pending Home Sales Down 8% in 12 Months DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Example of a LinkedIn post Hi All, Thought-starter: use these statistics infographics for social media posts. Best, Dan
Training: Intro to Mattertraffic for Real-Time, In-Depth Matterport Stats DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): WGAN-TV Training U (Free Course) | Intro to Mattertraffic for Real-Time, In-Depth Matterport and MatterTag Stats | Guest: Mattertaffic CTO and Founder Diego Orofino (@mattertraffic) | Episode: 152 | Thursday, 21 July 2022 | Mattertraffic website ...
Podcast: Intro to Mattertraffic for Real-Time, In-Depth Matterport Stats DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): WGAN-TV Podcast | WGAN Forum Podcast WGAN-TV | Intro to Mattertraffic for Real-Time, In-Depth Matterport and MatterTag Stats | Guest: Mattertaffic CTO and Founder Diego Orofino (@mattertraffic) |...
eBook: Intro to Mattertraffic for Real-Time, In-Depth Matterport Stats DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Mattertraffic is a WGAN 3rd Party Service Provider Sponsor --- [issuu][/issuu] WGAN-TV eBook | Intro to Mattertraffic for Real-Time, In-Depth Matterport and MatterTag Stats | Guest: Mattertaffic CTO and Founder Diego Orofino (@mattertraffic) | Episode: 152 | Thursday, 21 July 2022 | Mattertraffic website ...
WGAN-TV | Intro to Mattertraffic for Real-Time, In-Depth Matterport Stats DanSmigrod 3 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): WGAN-TV | Intro to Mattertraffic for Real-Time, In-Depth Matterport and MatterTag Stats | Guest: Mattertaffic CTO and Founder Diego Orofino (@mattertraffic) | Episode: 152 | Thursday, 21 July 2022 | Mattertraffic website Hi All, In addition to a deep-dive demo of Mattertraffic (above), my guest, Mattertaffic CTO and Founder Diego Orofino (@mattertraffic), and I discuss: 1. How Matterport Service Providers (MSPs) can leverage...
Stats: Top 10 Metro Areas With Fastest Rising Rents in the United States DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): WGAN Statistic of the Day --- Redfin Top 10 Metro Areas With Fastest Rising Rents in the United States Hi All, Want to post the above to social media - but without the WGAN branding? The branded PNG version is available - free - in the WGAN Sample Forms Library for WGAN Forum Members. The...
Stats: Top 10 Metro Areas With Fastest Rising Rents in the United States DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Redfin Top 10 Metro Areas With Fastest Rising Rents in the United States Hi All, Want to post the above to social media - but without the WGAN branding? The branded PNG version is available - free - in the WGAN Sample Forms Library for WGAN Forum Members. The non-branded PSD version - to add your...
10 Real Estate Statistics of the Week: USA Housing Prices at Record High DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): MarketWatch (25 June 2022) " United States is short more than 3 million homes, according to data from Freddie Mac"
Statistics: Homebuyers Lose Spending Power as Mortgage Rates Increase DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Grab: LinkedIn Hi All, Above is an example of how I use this infographic via LinkedIn. How else might you use this infographic? Best, Dan
Stats: CNN Business: 5 signs the housing market is starting to slow down DanSmigrod 3 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Yahoo! Finance (20 June 2022) It looks a lot like a housing bubble. How your local housing market compares to 2007, as told by 4 interactive charts
Statistics: Top 25 Markets for Competitive Home Buying Offers in May 2022 DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Grab: LinkedIn Hi All, Above is an example of how I used this infographic with LinkedIn. How else might you use this infographic? Dan
Stats: In 12 Months, Home Prices Increase 16%; Pending Home Sales Down 8% DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Grab: LinkedIn Hi All, Above is an example of using this infographic on LinkedIn. How else might you use this infographic? Dan
Statistics: Real Estate Agents: Listings with Virtual Tours and Floor Plans DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): LinkedIn Hi All, Above is an example of how I use this infographic on LinkedIn (and other social media). Dan
Statistics of the Week>Top 10 Markets for Homes Purchased by Investors 1Q22 DanSmigrod 4 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Grab: Twitter -- Above: example of how I use this infographic to share on Twitter. How else might you use this infographic? Dan
Statistics of the Week: Top 10 US Most Popular Destinations for Relocating DanSmigrod 3 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Grab: Facebook Example of how I use this infographic on Facebook. How else might you use this infographic? Dan
Statistics of the Week: Buyers Bid in Cash to Win Homes” Reports WSJ DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): The Wall Street Journal | 10 June 2022 Statistics of the Week: Buyers Bid in Cash to Win Homes” Reports The Wall Street Journal Hi All, Want to post the above to social media - but without the WGAN branding? The WGAN branded PNG version is available - free - in the WGAN Sample Forms Library for ...
Statistics of the Week: Top 10 U.S. Metros with Fastest-Rising Rent DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Redfin | 9 June 2022 Statistics of the Week: Media U.S. Rent Rises 15% in 12 Months;; Top 10 U.S. Metros with Fastest-Rising Rent Hi All, Want to post the above to social media - but without the WGAN branding? The WGAN branded PNG version is available - free - in the WGAN Sample Forms Library for ...
Statistics of the Week: Top 20 Annual Home Price Increase Markets in US DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller U.S. National Home Price NSA Index U.S. Home Prices Increase 20.6% Annual Gain in March 2022 Hi All, Want to post the above to social media - but without the WGAN branding? The branded PNG version is available - free - in the WGAN Sample Forms Library for WGAN Forum...
Statistics of the Week: Pandemic-Driven Housing Frenzy Ending DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Redfin Pandemic-Driven Housing Frenzy Ending (Four-Week Period Ending May 22, 2022) Hi All, Want to post the above to social media - but without the WGAN branding? The branded PNG version is available - free - in the WGAN Sample Forms Library for WGAN Forum Members. The non-branded PSD version -...
U.S. Residential Real Estate Statistics | May 2022 DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): National Association of Realtors® U.S. Residential Real Estate Statistics | May 2022 Hi All, Want to post the above to social media - but without the WGAN branding? The branded PNG version is available - free - in the WGAN Sample Forms Library for WGAN Forum Members. The non-branded PSD version...
Statistic of the Day: Average Real Estate Photo/Video/3D Spend Per US State DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Statistic of the Day --- HomeJab Media Release --- HomeJab | In a recent study, HomeJab found a significant difference in the amount of marketing dollars agents spent on listings before and after COVID. The study looked at more than 43,000 professional real estate photography assignments over the last five years. ...
Stats: USA Homes For Sale Statistics - 4-Week Period Ending 24 April 2022 DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Redfin Statistics: USA Homes For Sale Statistics - 4-Week Period Ending 24 April 2022 Hi All, Want to post the above to social media - but without the WGAN branding? The branded PNG version is available - free - in the WGAN Sample Forms Library for WGAN Forum Members. The non-branded PSD version -...
Fannie Mae: Home prices to jump another 11% this year DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Hi All, Want to post the above to social media - but without the WGAN branding? The branded PNG version is available - free - in the WGAN Sample Forms Library for WGAN Forum Members. The non-branded PSD version - to add your branding - is available free to WGAN Fan Club, WGAN Basic, WGAN Standard and WGAN Premium...
Stats: Typical Monthly Mortgage Payment is up $537 since Start of the Year DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Redfin | 31 March 2022 Stats: Typical Monthly Mortgage Payment is up $537 since Start of the Year Want to post the above to social media - but without the WGAN branding? The branded PNG version is available - free - in the WGAN Sample Forms Library for WGAN Forum Members. The non-branded PSD version -...
Stats: Home Prices Continue to Increase Across US: More Than Last 27 Years DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller Indices | 29 March 2022 Stats: Home Prices Continue to Increase Across US: More Than Last 27 Years Want to post the above to social media - but without the WGAN branding? The branded PNG version is available - free - in the WGAN Sample Forms Library for WGAN Forum Members....
Stats: Housing Prices Reach a New High as Americans Put Homes Up for Sale DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Want to post the above to social media - but without the WGAN branding? The branded PNG version is available - free - in the WGAN Sample Forms Library for WGAN Forum Members. The non-branded PSD version - to add your branding - is available free to WGAN Fan Club, WGAN Basic, WGAN Standard and WGAN Premium...
Stats: Two Years Later: How the Pandemic Has Rocked the U.S. Housing Market DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Hi All, Your thoughts? Dan -- Want to post the above to social media - but without the WGAN branding? The non-branded PNG version is available - free - in the WGAN Sample Forms Library for WGAN Forum Members. The PSD version - to add your branding - is available free to WGAN Fan Club, WGAN Basic, ...
Matterport has 503,000 Subscribers: 55,000 are paid Matterport Subscribers DanSmigrod 4 3 yearsExpertise (1192): 55,000 are paid Matterport subscribers. Half of those are professionals who bought our Pro2 camera and bring us steady monthly revenue. We are laser focused on running them out of business!
Matterport Spaces Under Management grew to 6.7 million, as of 31 Dec 2021 DanSmigrod 5 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Ha! I could imagine that Matterport counts the largest number. Yes. In some way, it seems misleading since a likely large percentage of Matterport spaces are no longer public (real estate listings that have been sold). I also wonder about "Deleted" ... If you " delete" a model (rather than " hide" ), is a " deleted" model counted as " Under Management"? Dan
Statistic of the Day: "Nearly 2/3 of Buyers Made an Offer Sight-Unseen" DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsdenlee (208): That's certainly not the experience of my wife who is a Broker in San Antonio, TX. Her last three listings averaged seven offers each, not one of which came from a 'sight-unseen' buyer.
Sales of Luxury Homes Dropped 16.3%; Most Affordable Homes Sales Rose 11% DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Redfin Media Release --- Redfin Redfin Redfin [podbean][/podbean] WGAN Forum Podcast #42 | Sales of Luxury...
WGAN-TV eBook | HomeJab Pro Real Estate Photographer Survey Results DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): [issuu][/issuu] WGAN-TV eBook: HomeJab Professional Real Estate Photographer Survey Results | Guest: HomeJab Founder and Owner Joe Jesuele | Episode: 131 | Thursday, 20 January 2022 WGAN-TV: HomeJab Professional Real Estate Photographer Survey Results | Guest: HomeJab Founder and Owner Joe Jesuele | Episode: 131 | Thursday, 20 January 2022 WGAN-TV eBook: HomeJab...
Statistic of the Day: 86% of people would recommend their agent, if DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Statistic of the Day --- Asteroom eBlast received today, Friday, 21 January 2022 Hi...