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'Shipping' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Are you using to buy in USA and Ship Internationally? DanSmigrod 6 6 yearsAntonYakubenko (686): We can currently sell only in the US and ship only to the US addresses. But in my personal opinion (not speaking as a company representative), if you find a way so can you buy and get shipment in the US, and then somehow get the device to another country, which is your sole decision and responsibility, why not?.. We can't advise anyone to do so, but I believe we can't also stop anyone from doing so. Just in case, here are the dimensions and...
Matterport Pro2 Shipping Issues?! runsweetlew 4 8 yearsrunsweetlew (7): So a not very clearly understood (at least to me) aspect of ordering was that if you took them up on their upgrade program, you got put at the end of the line. If you ordered new, you went to the top of the list. I was opting for the trade in program as I doubted the original would be worth as much as they were offering me. Then when I offered to buy a new one and the trade in one to get it sooner, they refused to put me any higher on the list....
I ordered - I paid - The camera got lost MeligenHungary 11 8 yearsJAX1979 (52): I had issues getting my camera, was told a couple weeks ended up being just over 2 months. It is here now and working. The most frustrating thing is the lack of communication, paying for a premium product and service you expect the customer service to at least be as good as an average high street chain not beneath it.
International Shipping of Matterport Camera DanSmigrod 14 9 yearsjoelE (76): it should be duty free but probably some brokers fee and of course GST Mine is on the way, bought an used one and shipped UPS, will also probably pay GST