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'Sanning' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Solutions for Scanning Large Box Stores DanSmigrod 5 7 yearsleonvanzweel (521): @VTLV It is not about the tool. It is about using the right tool for a specific outcome. Most people's technological knowledge is rather limited. When the question comes up I explain that a small footprint is critical to capture 360 one-shot spherical images. I can use bigger cameras with multiple shots and stitch the images together, but that will cost them a lot more. The Theta/Cupix solution works well in a low-cost environment, where...
2019 iPhone: 3D Depth Data for Rear Camera? DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31671): Hi All, Will we be able to use an iPhone to capture scanning data like we do with Matterport? Could both the front and rear camera - running on a rotator device - enable stereoscopic 360º Views? (And, then mash them all together for a Matterport 3D Tour like experience? ✓ Digital Trends (27 November 2017) - 2019 iPhone to use ‘time-of-flight’ 3D image sensor in rear-facing camera ✓ Bloomberg Technology (14 November 2017) ...
WGAN-TV: Getting Started with Matterport DanSmigrod 2 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31671): Hi All, If you are just starting out with Matterport - or thinking about buying a Matterport Camera - watch WGAN-TV Live at 5 today (5 pm EST Tuesday, 28 November 2017). The show will include: ✓ Matterport Scanning 101: a Quick Start - a demo by Emily ✓ Some history about Matterport ✓ "Talking...