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'Resort' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Webinar: Intro to Matterport in Hotels/Resorts Hospitality DanSmigrod 1 1 yearDanSmigrod (31611): courtesy of Vivestia Webinar: Intro to Matterport in Hotels/Resorts Hospitality ================================================================= 9:30 am ET Thursday, 11 January 2024 | Register for Free Vivestia Webinar ================================================================= Andreas Gkinis CMO...
Matterport alternative 8643d 5 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31611): @8643d WGAN Member @GlennAronwits used ThreeSixty Tours mashed up with Matterport and WP3D Models WordPress Plugin in the (top) Tour above from this WGAN Forum discussion: ✓ ThreeSixty Tour Examples Dan
Little St. Simons Island HarlanHambright 4 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31611): @HarlanHambright Thank you for sharing. Your Little St. Simons Island, Georgia Matterport tour is a great example of what's possible when you mash up a Leica BLK360 and Matterport to create a tour. Best, Dan
How to Trick-Out a Resort Featuring Nearly 100 Matterport 3D Tours DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31611): [threesixty][/threesixty]ThreeSixxty Tour courtesy of ThreeSixty Tours WGAN-TV Live at 5: ThreeSixty.Tours for Newbies: Demo and Discuss with WP3D Models Developer Ross Peterson Hi All, A WGAN Member writes ... Dan Hi Dan, just a quick question. I am doing [nearly 100] condos and two main building at this resort ([website redacted]. Are there any maps or other tricks I can...
The dreaded long-term hosting question Scrantastic 8 7 yearschermle (4): I know you're looking for a contract. I can't help you there, but I do think it's advisable to specify time constraints. I was bidding on a job recently, and one of the terms the potential client wanted was "indefinite" hosting. I discussed a few options with him, all of which he declined. If he was the only client you got in a year, and I'm not saying that's your situation. client just cost you $600.00. Depending upon how the scan...