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'Processing' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Matterport not processing images [Saturday, 2 December 2023] rzphotoman 10 1 yearlilnitsch (5803): Snapshot link just appeared in my inbox this morning
Are you experiencing slow turnaround on your digital twins from Matterport? Shawn_P 2 1 yearselder76 (117): With the pro2, yes. Pro3 processing time is faster than ever. Wondering if they are prioritizing.
Matterport Processing Delayed for Add Ons - 1:15 PM EST 23 DEC 2021 DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31611): Resolved
Matterport Incident: Models Processing Slow - 11:52 am ET Tuesday, 7 Dec 21 DanSmigrod 5 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31611): Status eblast received 11:05 am ET Wednesday, 8 December 2021 Hi All, Good news ... --- Incident resolved This incident have been resolved. We are re-queuing the affected models, so that they will be processed. Thank you for your patience. Source: Matterport Status Report eBlast (above) -- Dan
Not seeing Matterport Processing SpencerLasky 3 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31611): @SpencerLasky Thank you for letting us know that you fixed the problem by making one slight change via the Matterport Trim tool. Dan
Matterport failed processing - has anyone come across this before? sonic_nc 5 5 yearssonic_nc (18): Thanks all, I adjusted trim markers in the exterior space as suggested and it processed :)
Scan with two matterport camera hamid167 10 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31611): Two months!? That's crazy! Dan
What's the worst that can happen? (matterport related) rastas 5 5 yearsExpertise (1192): I'm pretty much a Matterport fanboy. The Pro2 is great hardware, and the processing is never a problem. If there is a glitch in your scan, it is probably due to a correctable mistake you made in the field. Matterport is by no means perfect, but user friendliness is on Apple level.
Matteport Processing or is it me? Skeeter 2 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31611): WGAN-TV MPEmbed-an Overlay for Matterport Showcase with FounderDeveloper Chris Hickman-Short Story #409- Custom Image Filters @Skeeter I will defer to you and others about the Matterport processing / color challenges .... In the mean time, this might be helpful: ✓ Video: How to improve the Color Brightness/Saturation of a Matterport Tour using MP/embed Enjoy your weekend, Dan --- Special Offer for WGAN Standard and...
Typical Processing Time on EXTRA LARGE models? Queen_City_3D 6 6 yearsQueen_City_3D (3144): @alirizacil Good to know. Thanks.
Can I cancel a processing job mid processing? angusnorriss 3 6 yearsangusnorriss (747): Thanks Dan.
Free Matterport processing jobs? 3dshowcaseuk 3 6 yearslifelikeview (25): Just a thought - if you are hitting that 11 every month (plus your >100 scans), it wont take long to meet your 300 space cap and incur charges.
Processing "Failed" and taking longer hours jfantin 5 6 yearsjfantin (1733): News from Matterport. I just received news from Matterport tech support: Hello, Our engineering team caught that this was failing, so they processed it on a test processing engine which seems to be resolving the bug your model was falling into. I've moved the model into your account. We apologize for the inconvenience! Best, Christine Matterport Support I have asked about the origin of the problem, so as soon as I receive an explanation...
Still no clarity on Matterport hosting costs! Queen_City_3D 10 6 yearssbl110 (285): Ok, according to Matterport support, the first three uploads are gratis: I'm on a basic plan, but I think it would go without saying that if your subscription allowed 3, 7 or 11 (Basic, Pro, Business) processing credits, it shouldn't cost anything for small or large spaces. I still find it interesting that the web site shows...
Update: Matterport Cloud Hosting and Processing Pricing DanSmigrod 4 6 yearsMiami305 (20): Agree! They kind of have by the short hairs..
Processing queue priority for large model with tight deadline? manuqc 5 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31611): @manuqc It's likely for 56,000 SQ FT a better solution is likely Cupix. You could shoot 56,000 SQ FT with Cupix in less than six hours. Likely less than that and get a 3D Tour that night. With Matterport, how much time do you estimate that the 56,000 SQ FT will take per hour? Perhaps you are shooting Matterport with a Ricoh Theta V or Insta360 One X? Matterport officially only guarantees 200 scans in a model, as of 7 March 2019....
Matterport slow processing rzphotoman 6 6 yearsrzphotoman (1837): I did re-upload all 3 scans and they were finished in a few hours...the original 3 are still processing. Thanks everyone.
How to save up to $348 on Matterport Processing Fees in 2019 DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31611): Grab: You can buy either Matterport Camera here. Hi All, Black Friday arrived early! If you have a Matterport Pro2 Lite 3D Camera, you pay $29 per Matterport 3D Tour for processing. Do once a month and that's $348 in 2019. If you have a Matterport Pro1 or Matterport Pro2 3D Camera, you pay $19 per...
Matterport Process times: Wednesday 12 Sept 2018 SpencerLasky 4 7 yearsVTLV (2910): I find weekdays to take longer than weekends. If business is slow for everyone such as holidays, I process fast. Everyone busy mid-week = Longer processing.
Matterport processing grumbling again fotoguy 3 7 yearsBryan (23): same for me, been waiting for 25 hours now. it was a re-upload. first upload took around 14 hours of processing. any updates?
Face Blur leonherbert 5 7 yearsleonherbert (903): Personally, Cupix is the better choice since you have control of the process. You can do the blurring manually, or have the system do it for you. Cupix also allows you to remove the blur created by the automatic blur and redo it. Cupix also allows you to do it in an external program like Photoshop. Cupix wins!!! PS Cupix did not pay me to say this :) Will however accept $50/character ::)
Urgent: Upload Hanging at 0% .SWL File MIA DanSmigrod 4 7 yearsrzphotoman (1837): Thanks, good info for everyone to know.