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Paul Ticex

'Paul Tice' Topics

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Video Training: Learning Pix4D Drone Mapping DanSmigrod 4 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Pix4D - Product Overview 2020 | Video courtesy of Pix4D YouTube Channel | 27 July 2020
Transcript: WGAN-TV How to Make Money with Matterport in the AEC Space DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Part 2 of 2 --- - So, and the architect actually may be able to afford to do Matterport because it's replacing them sending people out to do the laser measure and take pictures and reconstruct the space. They don't necessarily want to pay for the LiDAR scanning. - That's exactly right, and that's exactly the right application. You said it very well, Dan, is that in that pre-design or early design phases of the project, Matterport is...
WGAN-TV How to Make Money with Matterport Meets AEC Space for Newbies DanSmigrod 11 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Hi All, A WGAN Member writes (and my reply) ... Dan --- Hi Dan - Looking to grow my business and expand into the AEC space (have construction background and a few good contacts in the architectural world). I would love to get started, but I don't have a good handle on what currently is being done, who the clients are, what services are being know, the whole enchilada! Do you know of someone working in that space who would...
Lynda Course: Learning Pix4D Drone Mapping with Matterport Pro Paul Tice DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Grab courtesy of | Learning Pix4D Drone Mapping Hi All, If you are creating 3D tours with Matterport, GeoCV, Cupix and iGuide – and are an aerial Pro – you likely want to learn how to use Pix4D to create maps for Architects, Engineers and Construction (AEC) clients. ✓ | Learning Pix4D...
Free! 12 Video Tutorials on for Matterport Service Providers DanSmigrod 4 6 yearsVTLV (2922): @DanSmigrod - Yeah, Rich has mentioned before that he has gotten Lynda classes through his library card. I got a city library that didn't offer it, then I was told the county library does. So I go to the county and nobody knows anything about, no material around to gain access. So I have paid for it each year not knowing if the certificates stay active or not. @@Richierichks - Are you able to link your Lynda to Linkedin still and save your...