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'Patents' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Another Patent Infringement Notice - Tour Technology software Jake 8 8 monthsGlennTremain (2962): @Jake the best thing is to have your client seek legal counsel for them to advise or to send your findings but be sure to include in the email "I'm not an attorney and not giving legal advise but just my observations" I have been doing all facets of webstuff for 30 years and "getty images extortion" was a thing and it took the world community to take them down but they spurred a bunch of fake little guys hoping their prey...
Patent Troll: Has anyone dealt with this? Suggestions on how to handle? trueview360s 6 8 monthsDanSmigrod (31671): Hi All, WGAN Forum related discussions: => Another Patent Infringement Notice - Tour Technology software => Patent Troll: Has anyone dealt with this? Suggestions on how to handle? => Matterport & Google Street view customer getting sued Dan
Matterport & Google Street view customer getting sued GETMYVR 9 8 monthsDanSmigrod (31671): Hi All, WGAN Forum related discussions: => Another Patent Infringement Notice - Tour Technology software => Patent Troll: Has anyone dealt with this? Suggestions on how to handle? => Matterport & Google Street view customer getting sued Dan
Matterport Joins LOT Network To Strengthen Patent Strategy/Deter Litigation DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31671): Matterport Media Release --- Matterport Joins LOT Network To Strengthen Patent Strategy & Deter Litigation Membership will protect the company against costly litigations from patent assertion entities, strengthening Matterport’s innovations of digital twin solutions SUNNYVALE, California, August 22, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Matterport, Inc. (Nasdaq: MTTR), today announced it has joined LOT Network, the world’s largest patent...
Samsung Accused of Infringing 360 Degree Camera Patent by 360Heros DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31671): Law Street Media (25 August 2021) Samsung Accused of Infringing 360 Degree Camera Patent Actual Complaint Filed
The American Genius: Zillow may be on its way to becoming a patent troll Jonathan_Klein 3 5 yearslilnitsch (5803): Zillow bought the domain "" from me a couple of years back they used a 3rd party purchaser otherwise, if I had know it was Zillow I would have asked for more than the $2,500 I got for it.
Who invented Matterport tech (as we know it today)? DanSmigrod 5 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31671): Point taken. I went ahead and added these paragraphs to the story above to provide context of the relevance of Redfin. --- "Surefield founder David Eraker claims Redfin copied technology that he developed after leaving the company that allows prospective homebuyers to take virtual 3D tours of properties in a lawsuit filed Monday [11 May 2020]," reports GeekWire. "Eraker launched Surefield as a real estate technology startup in...
Redfin co-founder sues for alleged patent infringement: 3D home tour tech DanSmigrod 5 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31671):
6DoF: Apple Invents a Light Field Panorama Camera System for iDevices & HMD DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31671): Hi All, WGAN Related Discussions ✓ New Apple iPad Pro includes a LiDAR scanner for depth sensing and AR ✓ iPhone 12 Pro with triple lens camera and LiDAR Scanner? ✓ 6DoF: Apple Invents a Light Field Panorama Camera System for iDevices & HMD Dan
Matterport Patent? A method for hockey pucks ending up in outer space? DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsHome3D (4213): This question has a fundamental problem. Since Matterport’s alignment system searches among all previous scans to try to find the best alignment, only the operator can tell whether the new scan is in the right position or not. Yes, a scan may show up anywhere, and maybe be in a correct or really nuts place in the model, but there’s no way for the software to know. Only the human can. Most of the time a new scan is point is very close to...
It's on: Matterport Sues GeoCV Jamie Jump to first page38Jump to last page 6 yearsTette99 (69): Can I get the password? Thx
Apple Improving 360º Multi-Camera Video for VR Viewers DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31671): Hi All, Sweet to see Apple innovating in the 360º space ... AppleInsider (16 August 2018) - Apple considers ways to improve 360-degree, multi-camera video for use with VR headsets Geeky stuff ... Your thoughts? Best, Dan
List of Matterport Patents DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31671): Hi All, Here is a list of patents assigned to Matterport. The list includes: ✓ Semantic understanding of 3D data ✓ Multi-modal method for interacting with 3D models ✓ Building a three-dimensional composite scene ✓ Processing and/or transmitting 3D data ✓ Capturing and aligning three-dimensional scenes ✓ Capturing and aligning multiple 3-dimensional scenes ✓ Identifying and filling holes across multiple aligned...
Matterport Awarded Patent for Dollhouse Tour Metroplex360 23 7 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): @mori That's not what the patent is for. Be sure to have them review the actual patent that was filed and approved.