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Matterport Dollhouse View Now Offers Labels DanSmigrod 4 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Editing your Matterport Model: Labels & Dollhouse | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 12 July 2021 Transcript (video above) Amir Frank: Welcome, Matterporters. In this video, I just wanted to cover the new Labels in Dollhouse View and a couple of the things that we just rolled out on July 1st. So let's go ahead and dive right in to see how to set this up. Now you should know that older...
Waypoint Navigation with Matterport? DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, Cool use case for Matterport: Indoor Waypoint Navigation ... Join the discussion here: ✓ Best choice for indoor navigation Dan
Matterport Showcase 3 updated with Smoother Navigation, and ... DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, Before the July 4th (2019) holiday, Matterport made the following upgrades to Matterport Showcase 3 and Matterport Workshop 3: (release notes from Matterport) Tours ✓ Walkthrough tours now fly more smoothly through the space (particularly long stretches) ✓ Don’t walk through hidden scans even in Edit Mode ✓ The &wts= url parameter now works again ✓ ‘P’ menu Tour Speed matches &wts= url parameter...
Video: How to Hide Matterport Navigation Pucks from a Matterport 3D Tour DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsHome3D (4213): Yeah, I'm a troublemaker. But here goes. When I do high-end jobs which include a professional video, my clients always want the video to appear in the first window on WP3D models. Makes sense as these have the highest emotional impact, much more than stills or walkthrough tours. They're carefully edited with music, sound effects, etc. I love MPembed, but is there are chance, down the road, that this can be used withing WP3D when the...
Looking for subcontractor Matterport modification joelE 8 6 yearsDannyBasting (1171): You mean to switch to a different flooring material? If so, yes that is possible.
View matterport in VR and watch on a screen? 3dvirtueletour 6 7 yearsFoundry45 (34): We used Chromecast back in 2016 (centuries ago!) and screen casting, but it was super hard to setup and didn't work at all if there was any traffic on the WiFi.
Artifacts in Matterport model; Help Please Lizzg 21 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Here is the recording .... WGAN-TV - 45 Tips: Scanning Grocery Stores with Matterport from Santa Barabara, CA based Liz McDermott (Liz G Photography | | Engage This Pro) ✓ best practices ✓ what not to do ✓ scanning workflow Best, Dan
Routes / Mattertags mistyjamjo 3 7 years360now (4): Searchable mattertags would be fantastic. In fact it is necessary if you want tho Use as a CMS
Walk out the door Issue LeventeSolczi 4 7 yearsLeventeSolczi (58): Thank you! I going to trim the door after i'll upload again.
What to do with door open and then closed... lcorbett 9 8 yearsaristepp (58): And if your space allows for it, take the door off it's hinges. Extreme, yes, but I've scanned 2 places where the trim thing did not work so I went back, removed the door and rescanned. Problem solved.
Fullscreen Parameter George_WALKINTOUR 7 8 yearsHarlanHambright (2133): Thank you. We Matterporters are much more effective tech support than tech support.
Help Understanding Matterport Bad Scan BobbyG 12 8 yearsJonJ (1760): @BobbyG, I would scan the core and then incrementally outward from each of the hallways so that they end up connecting at each of the corners. If you can get the center to line up, you should get better results. The reason your minimap has a misalignment is due to the aggregation of minor errors as you scanned around the building. By the time you work your way around the large space, the compounding error is too large to resolve. Also, you...
Is anyone using a joystick for navigation? VTLV 5 8 yearsTosolini (4398): @vtlv the video of the Xbox controller and the infinity wall is at regular speed, no particular editing. Just captured out from the iPhone
No internet connection and "unplug camera" KentoBlanco 3 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Emergency Checklist- Camera Dan
New Facebook UI - Who Adjusts? ArtisticConcepts 3 8 yearsGlennTremain (2953): facebook is having growing pains as you have seen with the video header and a few other new features if you have tried them. Many things not working quite right at the moment. I play around with facebook a lot. When it's fixed I will post here.
Google's Street View is much better now qpoisson 5 8 yearsqpoisson (22): @Metroplex360 Moving mouse cursor along the walls, we can see that there exist planar geometries. And the geometries do reflect the variation of room width at different places. How does the viewer get the geometries ?
Google Street View outside 360's Helen 2 8 yearsVTLV (2922): Good Point! That will be a fun one for Google to figure out where this random front or back 360 came from to line up with the rest of the dollhouse location on Street View. I gotta get some popcorn ready to observe how this answer from Google or Matterport will finish out. Anyone taking bets? Good one Helen!
What's up with Google Street view App? LetMe3D 2 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): @LetMe3D Street View is more compelling to some ppl than Matterport b/c it integrates with Google. Matterport, however, is a superior experience for all of the reasons you've mentioned. What system did you post your Street View tour with? If you did it recently, I believe you can import it with and edit it. I've posted tour with the Street View App and had to remove them all and rebuild them as it did a terrible job.
Getting more out of your Mattertags Alticon 6 8 yearsRPOceanic (215): Very elegant solution.
Image with multiple links frstbubble 8 8 yearsfrstbubble (639): @RobinLycka Thanks for the link. I added it to my it is possible to do this with my scans list. Wow, it just amazes me how far people can push the limits of technology and what they can provide!
Seen this? Ariel 360 with tags/links PHILG 4 8 yearsnat_vanveen (598): Holy heck they have some cool stuff on the map. Thanks for the share @Philg Did you see the link that speeds up and takes you to the tagged destination, that's intereting!
Mark Features not working VTLV 1 8 yearsVTLV (2922): How is your Mark Features Option working on your app? My mark windows and mirrors feels useless this month. Are you getting loads of spray in your scans creating blocks in the walk throughs?
VR Controllers for Samsung Gear & Daydream Woods 2 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): @Woods, yes, Daydream's controller does work with Matterport's recent, modestly rolled out update that includes a full version of Showcase built on WebVR specifically for Daydream. Hopefully they'll be adding support for Gear VR Controller on the same platform. As one of our other forum members has pointed out, the Gear seems to 'take over' the phone when you slip it on, so unless they change that behavior, the WebVR version of Matterport...
Embed virtual ad spaces inside walkthrough Amaury 12 8 yearsmori (819): The other way round would also be very interesting. Allow a visitor to explore the space and maybe even buy even if it´s closed. A great showcase for that is the adidas window shopping-project:
Navigation in Model Using a MacBookPro Senojev 4 8 yearsSenojev (97): Solved the mystery after using another MacBook. Turned out it was a configuration issue with the trackpad. I now have full maneuverability and can get down the stairs.
Mattertags Options & 3D Objects manipulation matthew 7 8 yearsaerialpixels (457): @matthew @metroplex360 i was thinking more like metroplex360 was saying there is always a chance that since this is a 3rd party feature, it can be disabled by matterport at anytime? hence it isnt something we would want a client to expect it is a fully functioning feature? correct me if i am wrong. love matterplus, but havent been pushing it to clients for that reason above.
Matterport 3D Tour Locking Up ADS 5 8 yearslisahinson (785): This might have helped you in the upstairs area where you mentioned you closed the door to access the toilet area..??
Need Help, why can not Enter this Room!!! abalkhail 6 8 yearsabalkhail (40): @JonJ thank you very much، its woking now with no problems. what I did is trim out the doorway. clickable text best regards Abdullah
My First Scan, what do you think!! abalkhail 12 8 yearsJonJ (1760): Glad I could help!
Hyperlink in Description lucadeal 1 8 yearslucadeal (162): Hi everyone! One of my clients is asking me if it's possible to make a portion of the "description" clickable, as well as the word "" - to clarify: the word "" becomes automatically an hyperlink (please refer to the attached image), he'd like to have the same for the other two links, is there any chance to accomplish that? the model is:...
Scan multi-level without stairs? PhotoJoe 7 8 yearsJonJ (1760): If you scan the stairs to connect the floors, will the model turn out correctly if you trim them off before uploading? Just curious. I have never had to do this before, but you never know...
How Can we see offline Matterport models? walk360 3 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): In addition, if you have an Apple TV and use AirPlay, you should be able to 'cast' the tour to a television or separate display.
Panning Direction Selection homepagerealty 5 8 yearsPedroAvilez (145): Would love to know more about this. The experience from a end-user is completely diferent if we could choose the panning direction and speed.
guest house 1/2 mile away JMEPhotos Jump to first page37Jump to last page 8 yearsAlex_iGuide (361): That is bang on. When talking about 3D tour navigation options, it is important to keep in mind demographics of the users, especially the paying ones (agents), but also home owners and how computer-savvy they are. Here are some statistics for US, there is a lot more to be found at the source link below. "The median age of all REALTORS® is 58... The typical home size is 1,500 square feet... The typical home owner is 55 years old, and has...
Is There a Way to Turn Off Scan Points? plorenz 5 8 yearslisahinson (785): I've ordered from @alx3D before - awesome work!
Video Creation Question Helen 4 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): @Helen Here are two companies that create videos using Matterport Spaces 3D Tours ... Video: Why "iPad Videos" from real3Destates? Video: Why FLY-IN 3D Videos from Inspirational Views Best, Dan
Can we reposition misaligned scans? Home3D 6 8 yearsHarlanHambright (2133): seems to be drifting east. if so, i've got beer. if not, the cars are full of gas. (have a 1 hour MP job at 8:00 in the morning, ha, ha.) Have you left?
Problem with goes rogue! BenedicteDamm 3 8 yearsCarlosFHdz (605): Ensure the highlight reel is set up the way you want and publish, if the problem persist, call support. I've had something similar happen in the past.
External link in model Jamwoc 4 8 yearsJamwoc (16): I'm talking about the mattertags that link to an external link. I took the one that linked to a short link that I created for my google photos page because it wasn't working properly. I'm looking to find a way to link to a 360 degree image that was not taken with Matterport and is hosted on an outside website (like Google photos) or something else. Any suggestions?
Highlight Reel links Jamwoc 2 9 yearsQueen_City_3D (3159): Don't think there's a way to do that currently, although I wouldn't be surprised if Matterport added the functionality in the future. One of the survey questions they recently asked was to rate how desirable the option to insert a photo taken with another phone or camera into the highlight reel of a Matterport scan would be. I assume if they're asking that they figure they can do it at some point.
Connecting 2 scans via link / mattertags FloridaProperties 22 9 yearsJamwoc (16): Here's the non-shortened link to other model,
Pano2VR Vs. Livepano (Kolor) ShahBatroukh 6 9 yearsdavemckean (52): Hi ShahBatroukh. When I first started my business I tried to avoid switching to MP as I had invested all of my capital into my drone technology and tested many 360 tour software before finally settling on Kolor's suite. I too loved the idea of the live video in a static panorama. There is a pretty step learning curve on how to make it look half decent. The one of the school is really good and I see few stitching errors around the video. An...
how to allow only the dollhouse views PedroAvilez 4 9 yearsAndrew (224): Hi! It's easy. Download obj. Load to Share your model. Profit :)
Template joelE 17 9 yearsjoelE (76): Yes ! Thanks
Create different starting points mori 3 9 yearsjntooker (109): And what do we do with them? Can you provide some more detail on "using these codes combined with coordinates"?
Low budget video showcase skycamguatemala 5 9 yearsskycamguatemala (22): Thank you all, good points. I did it, with a HDMI recorder, and edited on final cut, to trim some mistakes and crop the top, where it shows iPad. regards from Guatemala
preview highlight reel Rootsyloops 5 9 yearsRootsyloops (322): Hi hoangatuan, Thanks for the response. I was actually referring to the blue circle that has a second circle within it - I believe it marks the starting point in the walk through.
Yacht Scanning and pricing Gregclicks 5 9 yearsOlivius (91): We are also scanning yachts in the French Riviera. Some are really complexe to do when shooting at sea. See our last one For info this have been done in 5 hours and around 200 scans it's not perfect, but will be fixed and completed in september with the new matterport features announced ;)
JohnLScott tour integration DigitalImageries 6 9 yearsDigitalImageries (43): Thanks!
Labels in Highlights DigitalImageries 3 9 yearsNoel (94): as far as I can see it is only visible in Workshop
Too many scans? suncoastskyview 7 9 yearsMikesobay (127): This is the summary of Matterport's recommendation, similar to what @Lbelland stated above. Source, with full explanation in the context of creating a complete mesh "As you’re creating models now, keep in mind that this data could be used for a number of applications in the future. That’s why it’s so important to scan thoroughly, and try to get behind furniture and into every nook and cranny. (Remember, if you over-scan, you can...
Model orientation on iPad Hamid 2 9 yearsjosephthomp (62): I saw this on the forum a couple weeks back from another member who gave the tip of aligning the camera on the very first scan. If you align it squarely with the walls of the building it will align on the ipad. I can't recall but I think if you start with the camera facing North it then North will be at the top on the iPad, maybe the original member can gave that tip can confirm. It's a great tip for all of us who are type A.
Change the first point of view LDImages 2 9 yearsLookingGlass (133): If you are talking about changing the starting point of the render, then just launch workshop 1 and get to the render point that you now want to start on and click the capture button at the top left of the screen. Once the picture appears in the preview panel(on the left) just make it the default starting point of the render. John
Projecting Virtual Tours on big walls Tosolini 7 9 yearsDaveFahrny (365): Awesome thanks form sharing.
invisible doors Showcas3D 7 9 yearsmikeE (34): I think the trick the distance at which you transition.
Linking to other models pheller 9 10 yearsDoyleRealtor (534): It'd also be good for builders, I've tried embedding multiple on the same page but it slows it down to much. I'll have to look into the solution above, I've just been busy lately.
Basement merged with Main Floor? Jake 5 10 yearsJake (49): Thanks for the input guys. I received this response from Matterport: Each time you upload a model, a new model is created in your portal account. The good news is the re-uploads of existing models do not count against your monthly plan. A little insight into the multi floor feature, the software which determines how to display the levels does not actually use the level designations you assign during the scanning process, (those are...
Changing start location of tour justinS 4 10 yearsjessetutt (70): Make sure all the lights are on. The lighting isn't that good in the space. I find the blue led lights make the spaces look harsher than they are so lighting can be an issue. I wish I had the basement during my college years!
problems with scans PieroBortolot 20 10 yearsPieroBortolot (230): Hi guys, I rescanned the abbey and now the SC works good I deleted the old scans where there was the problems and add new scan The blue stains disappeared and I can go through the door between the 2 little rooms (2nd floor) Problem solved here the SC clickable text
Exterior Scan Issues GarySnyder 22 10 yearsGarySnyder (2143): Hi Ron I had the very same issues especially with the 180 degrees to black. If you didn't know what was going on you would almost be lost in space as there is nothing unless you are aware you need to turn around and see the other half of the scan. I wonder if there has been some losses on their development team and the staff who are now developing the capture app are not as good and what we're seeing as well as paying the prices are these...
Don't start a scan outside! rpetersn 12 10 yearsGarySnyder (2143): It would appear that the most recent update to the capture app or camera have increased the sensitivity to IR as well as letting the capture app accept scans that should have been rejected (cant's access the circles). This is discussed in detail in the forum below. Where I experienced the very same issues. There's a very good response from Glenn at MP who states that it's...
Showcase Floor Plan Annotation/Labels Chankane 4 10 yearsJamie (2037): No one knows when new updates are suppose to come out. It's just a wait and see kind of thing
Load and Run Time of Models GarySnyder 6 10 yearsRealEstateReadines (70): I emailed support today and inquired if it was temporary due to updates they have been doing. They said there is a chance that is causing it, but they are hearing a wide range of feedback with load times. Some are noticing faster load times while others are experiencing slower times.
How smart are people? RenderingSpace 20 10 yearsTim (355): To get one of the above videos check out
Embed the showcase asset into Facebook? Canada 2 10 yearscraigsauer (1078): There are several threads here about this issue, which you can find by using the search funcion here. There's no straightforward way to get it to work, but workarounds have been found. 1. You can create a subpage on your own business page for the property and include some nice stills in a gallery, and then have your clients use the link to that page instead of the direct link. The upside is that you get publicity to your site. 2. If you...
Issues with the new capture update Jamie 16 10 yearsTim (355): Looks like a textbook lighting issue for the sink, the scan processes shiny metallic objects as if they weren't there. I'm up at the moment so feel free to call me if you'd like to discuss further.
Finally! A DELETE BUTTON!!! JohnBecker 3 10 yearsKracka60 (73): Nice - can finally clean out some of the older test models and unknown collaborators.
Can't load Showcase on some Firefox installa Jacques 3 10 yearsJacques (98): The impossibility to use Showcase also impact old browser that do not support WebGL (like IE on Vista for instance) and obviously old computers with a graphic card not supporting this technology. I've had an answer from Matterport regarding the impact of AdBlock Plus on the possibility to use Showcase. They were able to find a situation where adblockplus add-on for Firefox does in fact block the models in the manner I described. They found out...
Educating users about the different views? JohnBecker 3 10 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): @JohnBecker @jessetutt Okay if we continue the conversation on this Related Thread? Thanks, Dan