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'misalignment' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Matterport Video: How to Avoid Scanning Errors DanSmigrod 1 6 monthsDanSmigrod (31577): Video: How to Avoid Scanning Errors | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 4 September 2024
Any Tips for using Matterport with repetitive rooms? aerialpixels 3 2 yearspixelray (1068): I have had nightmares with this issue. The only thing that truly fixes it is the pro 3. I've had minimal alignment issues since I have got that camera. It's well worth the upgrade from what I have seen so far.
Video: Troubleshooting Matterport Issues DanSmigrod 6 3 yearsMatt19 (354): @ThinkLab That is interesting. I have had an Ipad Pro with 515 GB and 4 GB ram and it has always worked great since I have had the Matterport Pro 2 Camera. Did Matterport update something that requires more ram than it used to? By technology standards some would say my iPad is probably getting close to obsolete.
Matterport alignment news!👍🏼They are working on some new stuff Skeeter 3 4 yearsWingman (4408): They will most likely be able to fix it. I was receiving all kind of confusing support emails when I asked them to fix big misalignment problems in my Convention Centre 3D tour. It varied from "we working on it" to "sorry we cannot fix it" and sometimes these support replies were coming with 1-2 hours difference. However they have fixed it very well at the end.
Strange Matterport scan point placements NC3D 5 4 yearslilnitsch (5800): @MatterFix Playing with camera height can also help when a scan position is being difficult
Why my doll house view with theta Z1 is look so bad? marcoastan 6 5 yearsRichardStanton (253): This is because of your outside scanning of 3D data. The capture app and showcase are tuned for indoor environments, so it does not always know what to do with things like tree lines, etc. overlapping. You can use the trim feature to cut away what does not overlap to clean things up a bit. The splotches are just a lack of 3D data, outside small things over a larger distance = no 3d data. What you WILL get is the outside of the house....
Matterport Academy Coping with Alignment Errors & Misalignment (Lesson 3) DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): Academy Coping with Alignment Errors & Misalignment (Lesson 3) with Matterport Content Marketing Manager Amir Frank | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel (28 September 2017) Hi All, If you are just getting started with Matterport, here is Lesson 3 of 11 from the Matterport Academy Coping with Alignment Errors & Misalignment (Lesson 3) (above) with Matterport Content Marketing Manager...
Video>Matterport: Scanning Repetitive Spaces DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): Hi All, Other tips for scanning a repetitive space? Dan
Model Critique and Advice WallsCouldTalk 5 6 yearsWallsCouldTalk (90): @ericlien I sent them an email this morning after I found that the Trim Sandwich didn't work. The support team apparently doesn't reconvene until 9am Pacific Time, so I'm here trying to be productive while I await their response. I hope it can be better polished in post, just trying to learn enough to be proactive in scanning as opposed to reactive in post :) Definitely don't want to rely on someone else to solve it behind the scenes if I can...
Misalignment franmts 7 9 yearsCarlosFHdz (605): That is possible. I think you should send it to Matterport support so this can be analyzed and learned from so they can show how to prevent this in the future.