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Matterport Showcase Appx

'Matterport Showcase App' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
How to use a 'Matterport Sandwich' (and How to Avoid Having to Use it) DanSmigrod 4 1 yearDanSmigrod (31665): FIXED, Not Able to Go Put an Open Door #matterport| Video Courtesy of AgentCaseyG YouTube Channel | 25 March 2024
Anyway to get the matterport virtual tour offline without Apple product? wildcatdave71 8 2 yearsfdd (125): If you want only the 360 panos images, you can download it with open source software and view offline in any device that supports open 360 images, like Android with Ricoh Theta app. I think it's the most compatible solution, but of course, it lacks a lot of all useful extra tools of matterport, it just views the panos 360 images,...
Video: How to Use the Matterport 3D Showcase iPad App to Win New Business DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): Matterport: 3D Showcase for iOS in Real Estate | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 25 January 21, 2021 Video: How to Use the Matterport 3D Showcase iPad App to Win New Business Hi All, Matterport Marketing Content Manager Amir Frank shows and tells how to use Matterport 3D Showcase App for iPad to: ✓ marketing tool to get more business ✓ real estate agents: show listings to...
Matterport Showcase App | Wish List DanSmigrod 3 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): Matterport, Add this feature - Hide Photographer - to Matterport Capture app using Ricoh Theta Z1. Dan
Matterport Tours_ Interactive Airplanes Screens AhmedAttia 2 5 yearsJuMP (2031): @AhmedAttia Matterport showcase can be an offline tour when you use "3D Showcase for iOS App" from Matterport.
Question of the Day: How do you use the Matterport Showcase App to get $$$? DanSmigrod 6 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): Academy Insights: Download Your Showcase Scans | Video courtesy of Actionable Insights YouTube Channel | 26 March 2020
Matterport Models crashing in new Matterport 3D Showcase app schaferu 17 5 yearsschaferu (137): Reporting back with update. Support began looking into the matter a month ago, and despite several promises unfortunately this has not been fixed yet and my Showcase App has remained unusable ever since, a real inconvenience. Apparently several users reported the issue. And we wait...
Video: Empower Real Estate Agents to Win More Listings with your MP Tours DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): Empower Real Estate Agents to Win More Listings with your Matterport 3D Tours with Matterport Content Marketing Manager Amir Frank | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel (23 December 2019) Hi All, Whether you are just staring out with Matterport - or a seasoned Pro - this tip - see video - about Matterport 3D Showcase iOS App meets Real Estate Agent with iPad 24/7 for instant visual pitch. ...
How to demo your Matterport tours - to a potential client - without WiFi DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): WGAN-TV Matterport Capture App and Matterport 3D Showcase App-Short Story #954- 3D Showcase App Features with Matterport Content Marketing Manager Amir Frank. Hi All, Question: Do you want to demo your Matterport 3D Tours to a prospect in his/her office – without being dependent on their WiFi? Answer: Download the Matterport 3D Showcase iOS app to show your Matterport 3D Tours. In this WGAN-TV Short Story video (#954), Matterport...
How to Help Real Estate Agents Win More Listings: and you get more Scanning DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsfotoguy (835): This might be a tad off-topic of the MP showcase app. My issue remains to be that realtors don't know what to do with the tour once it is done. They put it on facebook and that's about it. I have suggested ideas such as making a QR code to hand out at the open house thanking the potential client for visiting and allowing them to re-visit the house virtually. I'm always met with resistance usually with the thinking that they want the client to...
Video: How to Enable a Client to View Matterport 3D Tour Offline DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsleonherbert (903): It simple when you know how, I wish this was common knowledge earlier. thanks Dan and Amir
Question of the Day: When do you use the Matterport 3D Showcase iOS App? DanSmigrod 2 5 yearslilnitsch (5803): I use the Matterport 3D Showcase App on a nearly daily basis to show or let folks interact with Matterport tours. Matterport tours I believe become much more powerful when used or shown on a mobile device. So, many people have only really seen an older Matterport tour on a computer interacting with the tour with a mouse and think I have seen Matterport and that doesn't work for me. Once you let them interact with a tour on an iPad (preferably)...
Tip: How to Add a RoOomy Tour to Matterport Showcase App (Offline Viewing) DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): (Hi All, I will fix the screen grab numbering later. Got to bolt for social plans; today, Sunday.)
Question of the Day: Got a tip for using Matterport Showcase app? DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): Hi All, The WGAN Forum Question of the Day for Wednesday, 7 November 2018) is: Got a tip for using Matterport Showcase app? Best, Dan
Trouble with Matterport 3D Showcase app? DanSmigrod 8 6 yearsgeemaps (95): :) Have a great day... @Bernardhhi
Upload spaces from Pc or Mac JavieB 10 6 yearsJavieB (62): @immersivespaces Undoubtedly With the expensive cost of the service applied for storage, processing and publication in street view, it´s difficult to understand that Matterport doesn´t provide this option to users.
Sanho HyperDrive Wireless Storage Device WallsCouldTalk 1 6 yearsWallsCouldTalk (90): Has anyone ever tried to offload matterport projects onto one of these? I am not a Apple guy, so I'm still trying to sort out a workaround for their restrictive business model. Any chance this could work? Any insight would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! WCT
How do I save MP tour offline? ericlien 6 6 yearsQueen_City_3D (3159): I can’t see why they wouldn’t be. It just wouldn’t be shareable. Only viewable on devices that it was downloaded on while account was still active.
Question of the Day: Using the Matterport Showcase app to get new business? DanSmigrod 4 7 years808virtually (157): clickable text Here is a sample Best, Mark
Keep Matterport tour private and get a floor Chi3d 13 7 yearsPer952 (16): Thats why I mentioned that its important to get a good reference measurement. I use a laser on the longest distance I can get inside the property and put the plan in scale according to that exact measurement. Like that I think you get the most exact plan possible.
Saving Matterport for offline reference 3drama 12 7 yearshometakes (1134): Not for me on my iPhone X. :-(
Matterport Showcase App on iPhone for VR? DouglasMeyers 10 7 yearsArtisticConcepts (681): @Metroplex360 😂😂😂. So, how do you really feel? 🤣🤣🤣
Matterport Showcase App: Clients Get Models? Queen_City_3D 6 9 yearsFloridaProperties (85): Awesome!