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'Mashups' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Video: 3D Church Photogrammetry (DJI Mini 2 + Matterport) DanSmigrod 6 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): tour courtesy of Skyline Drones UAV Pilot Mădălin Lungu Hi All, Timișoara, Timiș, Romania-based Skyline Drones UAV Pilot Mădălin Lungu emailed me: ✓ Skyline Drones Blog: Small drones used in 3D modeling. Can we use small drones in making 3D models of cultural monuments? In the following article we will present how we can realize 3D models of buildings with small...
Matterport of Large Hotel: ‘One Room Many Occasions’ Virtual Tours DanSmigrod 4 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): The Bania Hotel and Ski Resort in the south of Poland | Matterport digital twin by: Hotel Bania **** Thermal & Ski Resort Event Manager Tomasz Rzadkosz Matterport Blog (6 December 2022) Soaking up the scenery at the Hotel Bania **** Thermal & Ski Resort | Hotel Bania’s 3D virtual tour of their hotel, spa, and ski resort brings holiday dreams to life for visitors
Video: How to Import Google Maps into Blender (and Use-Case Example) DanSmigrod 3 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): Hi All, Above from the WGAN Forum discussion: ✓ [R&D] Mashing up Google Earth, Matterport and 3DVista Happy holidays, Dan
[R&D] Mashing up Google Earth, Matterport and 3DVista Tosolini 7 2 yearsMeshImages (3050): @CharlesHH @Tosolini Yes, correct. I’m not sure about the 3D ripping from Google Earth, but I have successfully created 3D models from Google Earth Fly-Around videos in Agisoft Metashape photogrammetry software. If you then add the Google credit to the 3D, everything should be fine according to the Terms of Service of Google Earth Studio.
[R&D] Storytelling in 3D: AI and XR in health care Tosolini 2 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): @Tosolini Thanks for sharing your latest example; this time using Sketchfab. As you know - and for the benefit of others - with CAPTUR3D, you can import Sketchfab files into Matterport digital twins. Best, Dan
[R&D] Mattercraft (Matterport + Minecraft) Tosolini 13 3 yearsTosolini (4398): @pedrotex69 thanks for the kind words :-)
WGAN-TV eBook: How to Make Virtual Tour Competition Irrelevant with Mashups DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsHome3D (4213): Here's another type of 'mashup' - 3DVista with embedded Matterport models. Roam around this LA charter school campus. The architecture is far from glamorous but the workability of hybrid tours makes virtually (pun intended) everything possible. In the Auditorium, there's a video on the screen, too. Giving credit, this tour was shot by myself and Gray, one of our team, and assembled by Eric my son. ...
WGAN-TV Training: Make Virtual Tour Competition Irrelevant with Mashups DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): WGAN-TV Training U (Free Course) | How to Make Potential Virtual Tour Competition Irrelevant with Mashups | Guest: Brisbane, Australia-based Wingman Media Brisbane (@Wingman) Owner Mike Lysov | Episode:...
WGAN-TV Podcast: Make Virtual Tour Competition Irrelevant with Mashups DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): [podbean][/podbean] WGAN-TV Podcast | How to Make Potential Virtual Tour Competition Irrelevant with Mashups | Guest: Brisbane, Australia-based Wingman Media Brisbane (@Wingman) Owner Mike Lysov | Please See Episode: 130 | Date: Thursday, 13 January 2022 [threesixty][/threesixty]Interactive Tour by: Brisbane,...
WGAN-TV Podcast: Art of Matterport & XR Mash-Ups by Tosolini Productions DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): Grab: WGAN-TV Podcast: The Art of Matterport and XR Mash-Ups by Tosolini Productions with Bellevue, Washington-based Tosolini Productions Founder and Director of Innovation, Paolo Tosolini (@Tosolini) | Thursday, 6 May 2021 Video: Example of Tosolini Productions mashup. This video...
Transcript: WGAN-TV Art of Matterport & XR Mash-Ups by Tosolini Productions DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): WGAN-TV: WGAN-TV Live at 5: The Art of Matterport and XR Mash-Ups by Tosolini Productions with Bellevue, Washington-based Tosolini Productions Founder and Director of Innovation, Paolo Tosolini (@Tosolini) | Thursday, 6 May 2021 Video: Example of Tosolini Productions mashup. This video explores a #nocode​ solution to create dynamic pop-ups for immersive 360 virtual tours. When a tour gets populated with many...
WGAN-TV Training U: Art of Matterport & XR Mash-Ups by Tosolini Productions DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): Grab: WGAN-TV Training U: The Art of Matterport and XR Mash-Ups by Tosolini Productions with Bellevue, Washington-based Tosolini Productions Founder and Director of Innovation, Paolo Tosolini (@Tosolini) | Thursday, 6 May 2021 Video: Example of Tosolini Productions mashup. This video...
WGAN-TV The Art of Matterport and XR Mash-Ups by Tosolini Productions DanSmigrod 6 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): WGAN-TV: WGAN-TV Live at 5: The Art of Matterport and XR Mash-Ups by Tosolini Productions with Bellevue, Washington-based Tosolini Productions Founder and Director of Innovation, Paolo Tosolini (@Tosolini) | Thursday, 6 May 2021 Hi All, Thanks to Bellevue, Washington-based Tosolini Productions Founder and Director of Innovation, Paolo Tosolini (@Tosolini) for showing/discussing: ✓ The Art of Matterport and XR Mash-Ups by Tosolini...
May 2021 is Tosolini Month on WGAN-TV Live at 5 DanSmigrod 3 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): WGAN Free Service: Text Me 5 Minutes Before WGAN-TV is Live
Scanning airplanes with MP, GeoCV, iPhone Lidar and Theta Z1 Tosolini 2 4 yearsmodularmind (29): Looks great!
Video: Google Earth Fly-in Meets Matterport DanSmigrod 2 4 yearsahojman (335):
[R&D] A mobile app to list our 3D virtual tour mash-ups Tosolini 9 4 yearsWingman (4435): Ask Tony Redhead from pano2vr forum. They have an app that lets you to showcase a lot of different types of tours in a customised app and they will work offline. It seems to work with Matterport tours as well. You can do an app with it for Android and/or Apple. That's his page at about their 360appmaker. May be good for your clients to showcase your tours to them or for your clients to offer it to their...
School Mash-Up: Matterport, 3DVista Virtual Tour Pro and Drone DanSmigrod 3 4 yearsPickChuck (413): @peakeagle This is fantastic. So well done and I am sure it will save them a ton of time and help everyone all around. Chuck
GSV19: Matterport Meets Teleportation in a Tosolini Productions VR Mashup DanSmigrod 3 5 yearsTosolini (4398): And here is a video of the actual experience...
25+ Matterport Mashups with AR/VR/Social/Touch Screens/ChatBots/Mapping DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): Matterport AR Open House | | Video courtesy of Paolo Tosolini YouTube Channel (23 June 2019) Visualizing Real Estate listings in Augmented Reality | Video courtesy of Paolo Tosolini YouTube Channel (27 May 2019) Productions Founder Paolo...
[R&D] Magic Leap + MP + Google Earth Studio mash-up Tosolini 3 6 yearsTosolini (4398): @shakoure I asked our XR designer Michael Gelon to describe his workflow for this project, as I think it might help others learn what's behind the scenes. Tosolini - Magic Leap // Matterport // Google Earth Studio // Unity - Breakdown (1) Magic Leap Development with Unity3d and Lumin SDK: The first step was to understand how to export apps from Unity onto a Magic Leap device. Once I could export an empty...
[R&D] iBooks + Matterport mash-up Tosolini 4 7 yearsHistoryViewVR (7): Sounds like a great platform for our lesson plans! We will try this out and get back to y'all!
WGAN-TV Paolo Tosolini on Matterport Mashups DanSmigrod 4 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): WGAN-TV WGAN-TV Magical Matterport Mashups with Tosolini Productions Founder Paolo Tosolini Hi All, Great Show earlier tonight (Wednesday, 31 January 2018) Paolo @Tosolini Namaste! Congrats to you and your team on your magical Matterport mashups! @DannyBasting and @DougTse thank you for participating in the discussion. Best, Dan
On the 12th day of Christmas VTLV 3 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): Hi All, If you celebrate Christmas, I wish you a Merry Christmas. Happy holidays, Dan
[R&D] Matterport in Microsoft HoloLens Tosolini 12 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): @mori The geekiest look awards. Do post your photo wearing it (and your review of it) Dan
[R&D] Matter-Bot: a chatbot prototype Tosolini 4 8 yearsGLARI_International (45): I really like this idea. Looking forward to hearing more as it develops. Let me know if you're looking for beta testers.
MUG Member Paolo Tosolini Guest MP Blog Post DanSmigrod 2 9 yearsTosolini (4398): Thank you @dansmigrod for having created a community platform where we can share ideas and more
Controlling 3D model with Leap Motion Tosolini 8 9 yearsTosolini (4398): @mikesobay My experience with Leap Motion has not been extremely positive so far. There is a lot of room for improvement, and I can appreciate the difficulties behind perfect hand gesture recognition. @dansmigrod Voice recognition and Matterport! You game me an idea :-)
Projecting Virtual Tours on big walls Tosolini 7 9 yearsDaveFahrny (365): Awesome thanks form sharing.