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'Licensing' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Listing goes to another broker? Matterport? DanSmigrod 18 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Hi All, Five years later, the Ownership topic continues to be a hot potato topic in the WGAN Forum. This was posted today (7 June 2023): => Matterport content ownership question Dan
Can you recommend a 3D virtual tour platform/software with 1x payment? Szrami 16 3 yearsron0987 (3499): Also if your talking about 360 degree Dslr panos if you use the Matterport android app it will let you import 360 degree panos, Android app is in beta version for this.
Question of the Day>How do you feel about Matterport licensing "your" data? DanSmigrod 8 4 yearsWingman (4435): I have got two similar emails from them. In one the mention one of my 3D tours created for a local property builder and in the other they mention 16 tours. I have not gone through all 16 to check what they are but I have checked 3 out of 16 and it seems they are going to use property 3D tours.
Being asked to use my photos for a magazine... simbany1 3 5 yearsArchimedStudio (714): From a very (long but) interesting article written by no other than THE Mike Kelley : "Another situation that happens frequently is a company approaching me after the shoot to purchase (license) images. For this, I charge 10% of the original shoot fee for a general architecture license. So if the shoot comes to $2500, to purchase one photo is going to be $250. To purchase 3 would be $750, etc. " Here's the full article :...
Webinar by Copyright Attorneys: A Look at the Basics of Photo Licensing DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): How Licensing Agreements Protect Your Business with Richard Liebowitz and Neil Zlozower | Video courtesy of Liebowitz Law Firm, PLLC YouTube Channel | 5 August 2020
Matterport Classic vs Active Licensing HomePlanNZ 5 5 yearsExpertise (1192): Izoneguy can't transfer it, but Matterport could move it to your acct with written permission from Izoneguy
Do you think they will include us? 3D_Hoffa 6 6 yearsChangesin3d (125): THE TOS should be called a POS as they can change it anytime they want. Trusting anything they say is impossible when they will not clearly state what they are doing. This is a privacy issue and one that is impossible to disclose to clients as we do not know what it is. Matterport like Facebook is going to run afoul of Regulators and then Elected Officials. They will not even state that DELETED means deleted: Why build a data base if...
Tip: License aerial video to real estate agents (for the listing) DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Hi All, In the UAV Coach Forum – same company that runs Drone Pilot Group School for the FAA Aeronautical Knowledge Test ( FAQs) – is this excellent post: ✓ Licensing Media for Real Estate – Are you doing it? Here's a short excerpt: "If you work in an area where properties are bought and sold repeatedly, you'll want the opportunity to license that media to the next realtor who's picking up the listing. It happens...
Video: How does licensing photos for real estate photography work? DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsimmersivespaces (1229): Disagree on one point, the distribution of real estate listing photos is actually very high. Listing photos can appear on hundreds, if not thousands of websites through IDX distribution. This is one area where photographers have cut themselves short. What has also driven the licensing fee down in most markets is competition from other photographers, not smaller distribution. Over the past two decades, licensing fees for real estate photos are...
Question about how to price licensing a still photo for commercial use. Richierichks 3 6 yearsRichierichks (715): @immersivespaces Thank you for the very detailed response! That helps a lot!
Money Making Idea of the Week #10: Why Licensing 3D Tours Makes More Cents DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): [wp3d][/wp3d]WGAN licenses the free use of this - and many more - 3D Tours to WGAN Basic, Standard and Premium Members to use as examples for their website. --- Money Making Idea of the Week #10: Why Licensing Matterport 3D Tours Makes (More) 'Cents' Hi All, If you license* – not sell – your Matterport 3D Tours, there are multiple ways that this can lead...
Question about reselling a space. AlexTC54 3 7 yearsfrstbubble (639): @AlexTC54 @srennick I try not to use the term hosting fee. I use the term licensing fee. It is more representative of the use.
Licensing Agreement for Business Shoots 3SixtyNow 2 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): @3SixtyNow Did you check the We Get Around Network Forum Sample Forms Library? Regarding your specific request for licensing agreements for business shoots, the Sample Forms Library includes: ✓ Agreement Between Photographer and Client ✓ Licensing Agreement ✓ Property Release Forms for Photography ✓ Service Level Agreement ✓ Terms and Conditions Best, Dan
IVRPA: 360Cities Pro Hosting / Licensing DanSmigrod 14 9 yearsWashingtonState360 (40): @3Dwalkmethru Try it with ".net" instead ... And just for fun, here is the Chelan Springs Hobbit House exterior (interior to follow shortly):