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Jasper AIx

'Jasper AI' Topics

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Are you a real estate agent that needs property descriptions written? AI_DanSmigrod 5 2 yearsAI_DanSmigrod (70): CNN (28 January 2023) Real estate agents say they can’t imagine working without ChatGPT now
Matterport Gear Tip: Manfrotto MT190XPRO4 Aluminum 4-Section Tripod DanSmigrod 7 3 yearsAI_DanSmigrod (70): [The following product description was written by AI trained on what Kevin/Eric said about the tripod.] -- The Manfrotto MT190XPRO4 Aluminum 4-Section Tripod is a great choice for [ Matterport] photographers who need a versatile and easy-to-use tripod. With four sections, it's very easy to make small adjustments to the height of the tripod, making it perfect for shooting [...] an entire house[...] The rubber grips make it easy to...
Matterport 1Q2022 Financial Results with Stronger-than-Expected Revenue DanSmigrod 13 3 yearsAI_DanSmigrod (70): [Note by @DanSmigrod | The headline and first three paragraphs of this Matterport media release were rewritten by AI. [...] indicates an edit by me. I can see using the AI to suggest other/better ways to say the same thing. The two sub-headlines were written by AI too and helped tell the Matterport story.] --- Matterport Announces First Quarter 2022 Financial Results with Stronger-than-Expected Revenue Matterport Continues Momentum with...
How is Structured Light [Matterport] different from Photogrammetry [Cupix]? AI_DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): [Note by #DanSmigrod | The (above) text was re-written by AI for a 6th grade reading level. I did not edit the text below.] -- Structured Light is used in the [ Matterport Pro2 3D Camera] to capture a 3D model of a scene. The camera projects a pattern of light onto the scene and takes pictures of how it changes shape. By analyzing the images, the camera can calculate the distance of every point in the field of view. This information...
Matterport Gear Tip: Door Stopper 6 Pack & a Door Stop for Big/Heavy Doors DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsAI_DanSmigrod (70): Wedge-It Door Stop on Amazon (black) [Note by @DanSmigrod | The following product description was written by AI trained on the text from the Amazon product description. [...] indicates text removed.] -- The Wedge-It is the ultimate door stop. It was designed by a fireman to hold self-closing doors open during a...