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iSTAR Pulsarx

'iSTAR Pulsar' Topics

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2020 is the year of Google Street View Blue Line Map Updates by Pros DanSmigrod 10 8 monthsDanSmigrod (31653): WGAN-TV | How to Publish to Google Street View from Matterport; +10 GSV FAQ Pro Tips for Common Problems (Solved) | Guest: Wingman Media Brisbane Owner Michael Lysov | | Thursday, 18 July 2024 | Episode: 222 | WGAN Forum Member Name: @Wingman [streetview][/streetview]Google Street View Tour with Multiple Floors | Published via Matterport GSV Add On | Tour by: Wingman Media...
Matterport to street-level collection for Google Street View jamal2022 5 2 yearsWingman (4435): I doubt it will work even with 5 meters distance. It is only a Pro3 can do it. And as everybody else has mentioned a Matterport tour is good for business inside tours and even outdoor tours of parks if you can capture them in Sunlight. However it is not going to work for street and roads blue lines. Theoretically it is possible to create a blue line for a street using a Matterport camera but you will need a road to be closed(you will be...
10 Backpacks to pair with 360º Cameras to create Google Street View DanSmigrod 18 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653):
Blue Line Street View walking captures NCTech Pulsar, GoProMax & LabPano EE SiteTour360 7 4 yearsSiteTour360 (226): @uk_man - I have some more...will post later today. Have only had the camera a couple of weeks but really liking it so far....easy workflow and image quality is good/passable for some uses.
Which 360 camera to create Google Street View "blue lines"? DoraZ 9 5 yearsWingman (4435): They are offering a GPS module for the Pilot One but it depends where its GPS antenna is. If they have built it in the camera (not the module) and the module just connects to it through a port then it is going to be as accurate as in their Pilot Era. Otherwise with the antenna sitting in the module the body of the camera will block access to some satellites above it and only satelites on sides of the camera will be visible. But this is just my...
Poll: Which 360 camera to buy to create Google Street View? fotoguy 19 5 yearsWingman (4435): I do not think V-SLAM has anything to do with a camera hardware. It is a post processing feature and technically should work with any camera. We cannot confirm yet with Labpano if they are going to give an access to Pilot tours to a Pilot Era but I am confident they will. If they do not that is going to be just bad to all Pilot Era owners. However if we are talking about blue lines here I do not think there is any use for V-SLAM as it is done...
NCTech and KOREC launch KlearView360° to ID assets, defects or changes DanSmigrod 3 5 yearsHarrycayman (439): Yes always looking forward to more opportunities
9 Rooftop Car Mounts for 360º Cameras for Google Street View DanSmigrod 16 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Grab from @Wingman Google Street View Tour (nadir/bottom) Yes. I :heart: his nadir logo patch too :cool: Dan
GSV Pricing>NCTech iSTAR Pulsar versus Insta360 Pro 2 and Labpano Pilot Era DanSmigrod 2 5 years3dblickwinkel (235): Hi Dan, thanks for the helpful comparison. Let's see what news about the Pilot One we hear. You know Germany is nearly white labeled with GSV following GDPR and older issues. Maybe that will change this year because Germany has overregulated compared to the EU.
Creating Google Street View - of a Ski Slope - with an NCTech iSTAR Pulsar DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): We're Adding Ski Runs to Google Street View | 11k | Video courtesy of Damn Skilled YouTube Channel (20 December 2019) [streetview][/streetview] Hi All, In this behind-the-scenes video, London-based Alex Wrigglesworth with Skilled Mapping Ltd. shows how he uses an NCTech iSTAR Pulsar to add French Alpe D’Huez ski resort ski slopes - and roads - to Google...
Three 360º Cameras Matterport Should Integrate with Matterport Capture App DanSmigrod 3 5 yearsleonherbert (903): Is it not up to the vendor to integrate with Matterport? I thought they provide the sdk that the vendor then connects with. But I don't know.
GSV19: NCTech iSTAR Pulsar Backpack and Car Mount for GSV Blue-Line Capture DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): WGAN-TV Short Story: NCTech Technical Sales Dr Andrew Baddeley at the 2019 Street View Summit on the iStar Pulsar Backpack and Roof Mount (Wednesday, 25 September 2019) -- Hi All, For Google Street View 'Blue-Line' Capture, NCTech iSTAR Pulsar pairs with a Backpack and Roof Top car mount. "[The photographer is] positioned underneath the camera so they're not in the shot. And with this system, you can go around trails, you could...
Video: Google Street View from a Destination Management Agency Perspective DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsleonherbert (903): I use the insta360 pro, the pro 2 is a little too expensive.
NCTech iStar Pulsar Service Provider Wanted: Atlanta, Georgia DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Hi All, Client writes: Could you modify your post with clarifying language that we do not currently have a project, but are gathering information on general costs at this time? Best, Dan
Used NCTech iStar Pulsar for Sale DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Hi All, A WGAN Member posted this today (Monday, 3 June 2019) to the WGAN Private Group: Used Matterport and Related Gear for Sale. If you would like to join this WGAN Forum Private Group, please Private Message me with: Subject: Join Buy-Sell Used Gear WGAN Group Message: Where you are located and what you would like to sell/buy Thanks, Dan ---
iStar Pulsar and Pulsar Plus with Backpack & Car Mounts leonvanzweel 2 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): @leonvanzweel Much thanks! Dan
Google Street View Pro-Grade with the iStar Pulsar Metroplex360 5 6 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): And NCTech has updated the KB after I inquired about when custom nadir patches would be available. Now it states that it is in the roadmap and being worked on. They are also working on fixing the auto whitebalance as it's a tad bit too warm! They do a great job with their responses via email to support and fully explain...
Laser scanners for producing as-built Drawings 3dvrwalkthrough 5 6 yearsron0987 (3499): @3dvrwalkthrough You might also consider FARO Scanplan, if you only want a 2D layout this might be a consideration, still about a $10,000 investment. clickable text Ron
Nodal Ninja - Cyber Monday Offer ends 8 am (-7 GMT Tues., 27 November 2018 DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Hi All, 360º Pro gear from our friends at Nodal Ninja. Best, Dan --
The right Google Street View Camera for 89 acre scan 3dvrwalkthrough 3 7 years3dvrwalkthrough (89): This is an outside tour
Pricing for Google Street View Tours: Example Rate Cards DanSmigrod 10 7 yearsclick360tours (61): clickable text
Istar Pulsar 3d camera for GSV Harrycayman 8 7 yearsHarrycayman (439): Hi Chris Ok so you are doing GSV and uploading. Who is paying for this service? Are you doing street view and then selling businesses along the way? Just trying to figure out after camera purchase then the uploading charges to NCTech how money is made. Can you shed some light on that.
NCTech iSTAR Pulsar - up to $20/Hour Program (Yikes!) DanSmigrod 7 7 yearsHarrycayman (439): Hi Is anybody doing this right now
WGAN-TV: Case Study: How to Make Money Publishing to Google Street View DanSmigrod 11 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): @Metroplex360 Congratulations, you have passed the Mensa International test. You will receive your certificate shortly. :beer: Dan
SPAR3D-Thinking about buying an NCTech iStar Pulsar? DanSmigrod 4 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Hi All, A WGAN Member writes: "Did you end up ordering the new istar pulsar? Would love to see some real user reviews. This camera does interest me. I could see it being used for golf course's, resorts, national parks etc. Biggest thing is would they want this service and would they be willing to pay a good dollar for this service?" My reply: It's certainly got me thinking. Could you make the sale first before buying the camera?...
SPAR3D-NCTech Product Preview (Tuesday, 5 June 2018) DanSmigrod 4 7 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): What I want to know is if the lens can survive a small rock flying at it out of the back of a 'lorry' (GSV Summit Reference)
GSV18 Video: NCTech iSTAR Pulsar Premiere at GSV18 DanSmigrod 3 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): @Metroplex360 Yes. Helpful that Google professionally recorded the sessions. Hi All, If you only watch one video from GSV18, the NCTech iSTAR Pulsar presentation is it! Dan
Video: How to Make Money Publishing to Google Street View-Charles Armstrong DanSmigrod 7 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): P.S. Here are WGAN Forum discussions tagged: pricing Some of the discussions are about Google Street View (though not about actual streets) :cool:
SPAR3D-NCTech iSTAR Pulsar at Product Preview Session DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): [ Private Link for this Video] WGAN-TV: NCTech Technical Sales Director Andrew Baddeley presented the iSTAR Pulsar camera/scanner at the 2018 SPAR3D Expo & Conference Product Preview Session on Tuesday, 5 June 2018. Hi All, NCTech Technical Sales Director Andrew Baddeley presented the iSTAR Pulsar camera/scanner at the 2018 SPAR3D Expo & Conference Product Preview Session on Tuesday, 5 June 2018. The iSTAR Pulsar was...
Mashing GSV Walking Path Capture with LOOMO Mini Transporter Robot? DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Grab: LOOMO Mini Transporter Robot Loomo: Mini Transporter Meets Robot Sidekick | Video Courtesy of Loomo Segway Robotics YouTube Channel --- Hi All, Innovation often takes place at the intersection of a technology designed for one use mashed up with a tech designed for a...
How to Make Money Selling Google Street View “Map Updates” DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): WGAN-TV: How to Make Money Publishing to Google Street View with Google Street View Product Manager Charles Armstrong | Video: Paulo @Tosolini WGAN-TV Neil Tocher, co-founder and Chief Technical Officer of NCTech | Video courtesy of @TrustedPhotoDC --- How to Make Money Selling Google Street View “Map Updates” Start thinking about charging by the mile in addition to...
Video: How to Make Money with NCTech iStar Pulsar Publishing to Street View DanSmigrod 12 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): @TrustedPhotoDC Thank you SO much for shooting the video above. Much, much appreciated. And, great visiting with you – and all the other WGAN Members - through-out the GSV18 Summit. Best, Dan
NCTech iSTAR Pulsar: First Look DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): WGAN-TV NCTech iStar Pulsar at GEO Business with UK-Based WGAN Member @leonvanzweel Hi All, UK-based WGAN Forum Member - and WGAN Field Correspondent - @leonvanzweel attended GEO Business in London last week in London to report back on his first look at the NCTech iSTAR Pulsar as previously announced at the 2017 Google Street View Summit in Tokyo (May 2017). WGAN Forum discussions tagged: iSTAR Pulsar --- Hi All, I will...
WGAN-TV: GEO Business 2018: Including NCTech DanSmigrod 5 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): @leonvanzweel This note was posted by Konrad Roberts to the WGAN-TV YouTube Channel ... Dan --- Hi Dan Another great WGAN-TV International transmission and thanks to Leon for all the info and for getting to where I would love to have gone. I had an email today [25 May 2018] from NCTECH sales with price as $USD 3995.00 excluding ongoing fees for data processing, using cloud platform. Pricing is almost Matterport but the...
NCTech Announces iSTAR Pulsar @ GEO Business DanSmigrod 10 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): We will be talking about the NCTech iStar Pulsar on the show tonight (minutes from now). Best, Dan
NCTech iSTAR Pulsar Launch in 2018 DanSmigrod 2 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Video: NCTech Chief Techni[/vimeo]cal Officer ad Co-Founder Neil Tocher announces the NCTech iSTAR Pulsar 360º Camera at the 2017 Google Street View Summit in Tokyo (10-11 May 2017). Note: [Neil starts at 2:50.] Hi All, ✓ Video: NCTech Announces iSTAR Pulsar 4K/360º Best, Dan --- [Below is a copy of the original WGAN Forum discussion.] Video: NCTech Chief Techni[/vimeo]cal Officer ad Co-Founder Neil Tocher...
Video: Google Street View Auto Ready Cameras DanSmigrod 4 8 yearsjfantin (1733): Dan Did they say anything about how or when we will be able to upload new Street Views? Up until today we know that we can create virtual tours of different business but we never were able to upload "streets". As I previously said, this is really huge because the target market grows exponentially. I already have a camera that is compatible with this Auto Ready standard, so in theory could start selling this new service tomorrow...
Video: NCTech Announces iSTAR Pulsar 4K/360º DanSmigrod 4 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): @ReTech I recall that Neil said 3Q17. Given that the Google Street View API is still in Beta - and not likely to be out of Beta until September 2017 (IMHO), it's likely that all Cameras that are dependent on the Google API will not be released until September 2017, at the earliest. @Metroplex360 No demo during the presentation. I do not recall if NCTech was showing content created with the iSTAR Pulsar in their exhibit floor space. Dan