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iPhone 12 Prox

'iPhone 12 Pro' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Matterport iOS 15 on iPhone 12 Pro: Safari Crash / Freezing (You too?) jcyin 4 4 yearslilnitsch (5803): @jcyin Only thing I noticed was a little lag on my iPhone 11 Pro Max running iOS 15
Matterport Capture app on iPhone 12 Pro running Leica BLK360: time check DanSmigrod 4 4 yearsGlennTremain (2956): :-(
Matterport vs InsideMaps vs PilotTours Plus momenzo video Wingman 13 4 yearsWingman (4435): Thanks Dan. I should have posted here that I contacted support with my some of my questions and got their reply. I can see some improvement so I will hold on my Iphone 12 Pro for a while. We heed to mention that InsideMaps does not charge anything for an account if you buy Hero so it all tours done under it are free for me. I do not remember if you need to do tours with Iphone 12 Pro to get this offer. As for variations shown it seems to be...
Transcript: Matterport Webinar iPhone 12 Pro LiDAR; Ricoh Theta SC2, X2 DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): Matterport ShopTalk Webinar #17: iPhone 12 Pro LiDAR support; Capture on Android and the latest 360 cameras: the Ricoh Theta SC2 and Insta360 ONE X2. Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | Program first aired live on 10 March 2021 Transcript: Matterport Webinar iPhone 12 Pro LiDAR; Ricoh Theta SC2, Insta360 ONE X2 Speakers: 1. Amir Frank, Matterport Marketing Content Manager 2. Kirk...
InsideMaps: Shot with iPhone 12 Pro LiDAR (Beta): Dollhouse and Transitions DanSmigrod 6 4 yearsInside_Maps (7): @dndavis If you're referring to the 3D Tour user experience, we can't do it through the settings for projects individually. It is a default value for the spin to spin transition. If you were thinking about the Walkthrough Video, there is a way to slow the rotation speed on request. Please reach out if you have any more questions.
Matterport Contest to Award 12 iPhone 12 Pros: Holiday Themed Matterports DanSmigrod 2 4 yearsrodrigocastillo (129): Nice! Looking forward to see some of those tours. It's a shame its restricted to US-residents only. Was looking forward to submit under "Best portrayal of 2020" Good luck to everyone and hopefully someone from this Forum win it :)