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'Image Enhancement' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Video: Getting Started with Matterport + CAPTUR3D DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): How to use our Features & Services - Onboarding | CAPTUR3D | Video courtesy of CAPTUR3D YouTube Channel | 16 August 2023 WGAN.INFO/search-captur3d | CAPTUR3D Website ===================================================== If you haven't signed up to CAPTUR3D already, you can do...
Instagram Account Collects Terrible Real Estate Pics: 40 Of The Worst Ones DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsCharlesHH (640): Can I add my own? Here is a tree house in a beautiful location....
New Photo Re-Touch / Editing Company bryanhscott 13 5 yearsVTLV (2922): @Wingman - My person charges that same rate and I do 5 bracket Jpeg. I recall using Beatcolor in the past at $1/image HDR 3-5 bracket and their cheaper edit at $0.60 was as good as an auto edit on Google Photo. @adc1967 - You got me thinking now that my person isn't doing the edits. I was told one time the crap edit was dudes wife. Everything else has been more consistent than Dark/Blown Out Matterport Models :beer: Wonder if I'm getting...
CAPTUR3D: Matterport Photos (and DSLR) Retouching Service DanSmigrod 4 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): @3dVuz I recognize that agent! :cool: Perhaps you can have the best of both worlds! Have you tried the CAPTUR3D booking engine? It's free! Did you like the CAPTUR3D site plan that you received in addition to the 2D schematic floor plan? You can order ala carte. (You can also have CAPTUR3D create just the Snapshots, Highlight reel and hide scans.) Here's the CAPTUR3D Pricing. Best, Dan
WGAN-TV CAPTUR3D Training for Matterport Pros | Friday, 16 August 2019 DanSmigrod 6 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): WGAN-TV CAPTUR3D Platform Training Week for Matterport Pros (Day 5 of 5) with Melbourne, Australia-based PHORIA Co-Founder and COO Steven Kounnas. ( CAPTUR3D is a PHORIA brand.)(Thursday, 25 August 2019) Hi All, @Steven_Kounnas gave us a great demo of CAPTUR3D Analytics and more: specifically: ➡️ Demo: Analytics Dashboard ✅ Analytic Reports - print PDF and CSV reports ✅ Schedule Analytics Reports ✅ How to get SEO/Custom...
Matterport or DSLR HDR? rzphotoman 18 7 yearsHome3D (4213): Most of my clients represent high-end properties averaging about $3M and ranging from 2500 to over 12,000 sq ft. They expect the best in each of the products I deliver, MP, HDR photos and professional video. In this regard, only RAW format stills and the dynamic latitude they provide when processed through Lightroom and Photoshop achieve the professional level required. I shoot with the Sony a7sii as it's incredible low-light sensitivity...
Real Estate Image Enhancement Services immersivespaces 8 7 yearsJuMP (2031): @JonJ I have notice that you provide Matterport conversion services. But the requirement for Multifloor showcase below is too complex to be done. For multi-floor properties, please send only 1 floor per .zip file. This can be done by duplicating your model in the capture app. After deleting all other floors, upload the single floor model and repeat for each floor desired. (no additional processing fee is incurred since each processed floor is...
How to Shoot Great Snapshots with Matterport DanSmigrod 4 7 yearsJonJ (1760): Here are some tips that I posted in another thread. clickable text
WGAN-TV Live: Photo Sparc 3rd Party Services DanSmigrod 3 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Video: Why Photo Sparc
Photo Sparc: Virtual Twilight Service DanSmigrod 4 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): @htimsabbub23 We added the link to the We Get Around Photo Sparc Photo Code Request Form in the Welcome Onboard Letter. Thanks again for your patience. 7 hours scanning today. :cool: Dan