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'ICNY19' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
10 Reasons Matterport will acquire GeoCV DanSmigrod 22 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Hi All, Well, looks like I am not so great on making predictions ... ✓ Matterport and GeoCV Reach Settlement in Two-Year Matterport Lawsuit Dan
Matterport + All 360º Cameras = Exponential Growth (for all of us) DanSmigrod 15 6 yearsGarySnyder (2143): @DanSmigrod This has always been MP's game plan. Those of you who started with MP will recall 5 years ago MP was showing a video of a chap shooting a room with an iPad that produced a MP model. We discussed this here 5 year ago and MP even has an early example of teaming up with Google in project Tango...
What real estate agents, agencies or websites are pushing virtual tours? topviewnz 5 6 yearsadamhenry (8): Recently, I visit a website and happy to see their listing of the properties. They listed some beautiful apartment and villas in their portals of the different zone.
Six Matterport "Shout-Out" Videos from #ICNY19 to Help Get New Business DanSmigrod 6 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Hi All, Are these videos helpful in marketing to real estate agents by brand? Dan
WGAN-TV Matterport 3D Virtual Staging Powered by RoOomy (Coming Soon) DanSmigrod 27 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Still in beta. "Coming Soon" Dan
GeoCV Beta release - UNLIMITED PLAN, WHITE LABEL, SELF-HOST, OWN COPYRIGHT AntonYakubenko Jump to first page51Jump to last page 6 yearsAntonYakubenko (686): This is TBD, but you can always downgrade if any future plan works best for you. That's actually very interesting. I wonder what we can do together that 200 homes out of 2000 would have a 3D tour, and then 2000 out of 2000? I doubt 3D tours solution price is the barrier, because on such a scale our unlimited plan should be ideal. Why realtors are not ordering more 3D tours? What we can do to change this?
How to Get Early Access to the Ricoh Theta Z1 DanSmigrod 7 6 yearsrzphotoman (1837): @DanSmigrod Good news...Thanks Dan
Matterport Cortex Technology adds new Tools for Pro-2 Metroplex360 13 6 yearsahojman (335): May I convert a 3D view to 360 and then apply this?
WGAN-TV Live at 5: February 2019 Programming Schedule DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Hi All, WGAN-TV Live at 5 (5 pm EST | GMT -4) Programming Schedule | 2019 ✓ Friday, 1 February 2019 - Inman Connect New York 2019 Event Coverage ✓ Thursday, 28 February 2019 – GeoCV FAQs with GeoCV Co-Founder and CEO Anton Yakubenko WGAN-TV Live at 5 (5 pm EST | GMT -4) Programming Schedule | 2019 ✓...
Nodalview Tour After Editing of 360º Photos DanSmigrod 3 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): @rzphotoman Ha Ha!
WGAN-TV An Introduction to Ogulo Virtual Tour Shooting & Hosting | #ICNY19 DanSmigrod 9 6 yearsChemistrydoc (1930): That's more like what I would expect from Ricoh Theta V as the camera. Thanks for the clarification. KF
Nodalview: Photos via Wide Angle Lens or Extract Wide Angle View via 360º DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsizoneguy (468): Hello Dan, So I was looking at the pricing for NodalView. At the $59 per month - it says unlimited panos - what does that mean? Do they host them or do they send you a package so you can host them yourself? Can you extract the max res pano to use them in other applications? Thanks
Tip: Matterport Artwork for Business Card / QR Code for Business Card DanSmigrod 6 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Hilton Head, SC-based RE/MAX Island Realty Cathie Rasch (@CathieRasch) with Brooklyn, NY-based CEO / Photographer Howard Witz (@3dVuz) and Atlanta-based We Get Around Network Founder Dan Smigrod (Blue sweater) at Wo Hop Restaurant in Chinatown during Inman Connect NY (ICNY19) last week. | Photo courtesy of Wo Hop...
WGAN-TV 7 BOXBROWNIE.COM Services for Real Estate Photographers | #ICNY19 DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsGlennTremain (2953): item removal is cool and useful
Tip: eBlast Content for Your Newsletter (Courtesy of Kevin Dole at Home3D) DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsHome3D (4213): Thanks for the shout, Dan, but it’s only a “no-brainer” for me because I have YOUR brain hard at work for all of us!
WGAN-TV Using CallAction Pair with a Sign Rider to See Tour & Capture Lead DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Brandon Doyle, Doyle Real Estate Team with RE/MAX (and Real Estate book Author) ( ICNY19) Hi All, At Inman Connect NY 2019, I spoke with long-time WGAN Forum Member and early Matterport adopter Brandon Doyle (@DoyleRealtor), [url=Doyle, Doyle Real Estate Team with RE/MAX Results]Doyle Real Estate Team[/url] with RE/MAX Results in Minneapolis-St. Paul MN about his latest book, Real Estate Marketing Play...
WGAN-TV CENTURY 21® President/CEO Michael Miedler on using Matterport DanSmigrod 5 6 yearsChemistrydoc (1930): What I plan to do is to send an email blast to all agents from these various companies. It's one thing for me to say it - quite another for the head of their organization to say it. KF
WGAN 360º Camera Loaner Program Includes Insta360 One X & Ricoh Theta V DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Hi All, WGAN is shipping an Insta360 One X today (5 February 2019) to Bullock (@Tommy629) with Affluent Factory in Kingman, AZ. Tommy will post a review of his experience with: ✓ Insta360 One X + Cupix ✓ Insta360 One X + Panoskin Pro (to publish to Google Street View) Jeff Mellon (@360TDWNY) with 360 Tour Designs of West New York in Delevan, NY has the WGAN Loaner Library other Insta360 One X Camera. Super-excited about...
WGAN-TV Brokerage uses Matterport 3D Tours for ALL Listings: 25-40 Weekly DanSmigrod 6 6 yearsShakoure (568): @angusnorriss... Sounded like she confirmed that they hire photographers. However, the more important, follow-up question is whether they will switch to an inhouse model once their agents can simply use any compatible 1-click 360 camera as a much cheaper option.
Are you enjoying my coverage of Inman Connect New York 2019? DanSmigrod 8 6 yearsron0987 (3499): Great input and information.
WGAN-TV BH&G Real Estate CEO and President Sherry Chris on 3D/360º Tours DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Better Homes & Gardens Real Estate CEO and President Sherry Chris on 3D/360º Tours ( ICNY19) Hi All, At Inman Connect NY 2019, I spoke with Better Homes & Gardens Real Estate CEO and President Sherry Chris about 3D/360º Tours. "3D imaging is the way of the future," says Sherry. "It's going to be an important technology component for everything that we do in our industry....
WGAN-TV RE/MAX CEO Adam Contos Recommends Its Agents Use Matterport Tours DanSmigrod 3 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): @Queen_City_3D My bad as a photographer for not catching that and suggesting that he take the lanyard off for the video. Best, Dan
WGAN-TV An Introduction (and Demo) to RICOH Tours at #ICNY19 DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): WGAN-TV RICOH Tours Sales & Marketing Lead Martin Shock Introduction (and Demo) to RICOH Tours at Inman Connect NY 2019 | ICNY19 Hi All, RICOH Tours Sales & Marketing Lead Martin Shock Introduction (and Demo) to RICOH Tours (WGAN-TV show above) at Inman Connect NY 2019 | ICNY19 RICOH Tours is a DIY 360º virtual tour solution - using the Ricoh Theta V and custom Ricoh stand (TM-1 Stand) - for real estate agents and brokers....
WGAN-TV eXp Realty Chief Product & CTO Scott Petronis on Matterport v GeoCV DanSmigrod 4 6 yearsBriski2208 (147): I'll go one further,why have Estate agents in the everyday medium market? In the near future smart phone technology will enable the seller to photo stitch, upload, order & distribute their own content. Companies like Matterport, GeoCv & Ricoh to name a few will have an even wider consumer market to target & fight over. Matterport are scared of the on coming competition, that's why they're offering the insta/Ricoh package, therefore...
WGAN-TV NRT (Coldwell Banker) President/CEO Ryan Gorman on Virtual Tours DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): NRT Coldwell Banker President/CEO Ryan Gorman on Virtual Tours Hi All, At Inman Connect NY 2019, I spoke with NRT (Coldwell Banker®) President/CEO Ryan Gorman on Virtual Tours. " Virtual Tours are terrific," says Ryan. Virtual Tours enable the get there before you go experience so that potential buyers do not need to spend as much time in the home since they have already experienced the...
WGAN-TV An introduction to Nodalview 360º Shooting and Hosting | #ICNY19 DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Yan Bohyn, Regional Director of Sales Nodalview USA (Orlando) and Thomas Lepelaars, co-Founder, Nodalview (Brussels, Belgium) at Inman Connect New York 2019 ( ICNY19) Hi All, WGAN-TV interviewed Yan Bohyn, Regional Director of Sales Nodalview USA (Orlando) and Thomas Lepelaars, co-Founder, Nodalview (Brussels, Belgium) at Inman Connect New York 2019. (Video above) Your thoughts about the Nodalview...
WGAN-TV Purplebricks Group US CEO Eric Eckardt on using Matterport DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Purplebricks Group US CEO Eric Eckardt on using Matterport ( ICNY19) Hi All, At Inman Connect NY 2019, I spoke with Purplebricks Group PLC US CEO Eric Eckardt about Purplebricks use of Matterport 3D Tours. "We're had a great experience with [Matterport] so far," says Eric. If Purplebricks is in your market, you may want to share this brief WGAN-TV interview with your potential...
WGAN-TV: Matterport versus GeoCV with GeoCV CEO/Co-Founder Anton Yakubenko DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): WGAN-TV - Matterport versus GeoCV with GeoCV CEO and Co-Founder Anton Yakubenko, PhD (17 January 2018) Hi All, GeoCV CEO and Co-Founder Anton Yakubenko, PhD was my guest on WGAN-TV Live at 5 on Wednesday, 17 January 2018 - that's just before last year's Inman Connect New York conference ( ICNY18) where he shared the stage with then Matterport CEO Bill Brown. In light of Anton's announcement Friday (1 February 2019) – GeoCV Beta...
Capture 3 Beta and Expanded Capture Cameras TrustedPhotoDC 8 6 yearsPeterMcCready (232): In my experience they tend to penny pinch far more than estate agents, some expecting me to exclusively shoulder the burden of hosting for the term of my natural life ;)
Matterport VP Mark Tepper on Why Camera Agnostic is Good for MSPs DanSmigrod 5 6 yearsangusnorriss (747): Damn right. I’d like to know which MSPs exactly spoke with Tepper. Mr Beloney probably. Matterport are becoming a cloud platform and snapping up low barrier entry cameras which can do dollhouse and 360 magic. It seems they are happy to render low quality to claim some status one day in a press release which says ‘we’ve scanned the world in 3D’. I’m a Pro2 operator. I actually bought another camera yesterday. I refuse to serve...
Scans with at least 1 Theta/Insta360 = No Processing fees right now. VTLV 8 6 yearsahojman (335): If you cannot solve the problem of hiding (if it is really impossible) you can hide below or take 2 photos at different directions and edit with Hugin and any editor, but I am not sure if we will be able to upload images from other sources than the camera using the new version of Matterport.
Matterport Unveils New Cloud Platform, Unlocking Ubiquitous Access To 3D DanSmigrod 13 6 yearsahojman (335): Anyone knows if we can use Theta S instead of Theta V?
Video: Matterport CEO RJ Pittman on opening the platform DanSmigrod 8 6 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): Plans for supporting other cameras exist and will be revealed as progress is made. The main thing is whether they are OSC and have an SDK for incorporating into remote capture. The Theta V and instaONE X are excellent choices as they are the most accessible, recognizable devices. I would imagine that the next devices would include the insta360 Pros seeing as there is an existing partnership. I would also imagine that Ricoh must be working on...
Matterport eBlast to Matterport Service Providers (Tues., 29 Jan 2019) DanSmigrod 6 6 yearsGerhard (1484): @VTLV @angusnorriss @MeshImages @michaelakinyemi Yes and no. Why this, we don’t need this. I thought of having a remote trigger so you don't have to carry your iPad and speed up the capturing. But again go back to our wish list. Look at the sample model, THE CAMERA STILL SHOWS IN MIRRORS ... so this is a backwards leap for them and not forward. And they can remove the camera out of mirrors and reflective objects they know how to do it. But...
Is Cortex able to make a 3D model of outdoor shots using the Pro2? annevanzwol 3 6 yearsangusnorriss (747): Matterport Nirvana will be achieved when exterior and interior are modelled with one scan visit. It’s all about scan time for an MSP, for me, and capturing as much reality as fast as possible. Less inconvenience for property owner, faster turnaround. Today is good. Make tomorrow better.
ICNY19: Matterport Livestream 3:35-3:55 pm EST Today, Tuesday, 29 Jan 2019 DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): I saved the recording on FB. No Matterport announcements - or follow=up to yesterday's news - on the pane. Dan
What questions should I ask Matterport at Inman Connect NY 2019 This Week? DanSmigrod 8 6 yearsGhagendorf (378): I'm worried that they will come out with a Pro3 camera. How long until the upgrade the Pro2. I hope not very soon.
What should Matterport be telling Matterport Service Providers? DanSmigrod 9 6 yearsGerhard (1484): @GarySnyder So true and its very sad.
Matterport VP/Sales to Speak at Inman Connect 3:35 pm EST Tuesday 29 Jan 19 DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Screen Grab: Inman Connect Agenda Hi All, Matterport VP of Sales and Business Development Mark Tepper is among four panelists at Inman Connect 3:35 pm EST Tuesday, 29 Jan 2019. Hopefully, we'll learn more about today's announcement (Monday, 28 January 2019) of Capture 3.0 Beta using either a Ricoh Theta V or Insta360...
'Should I keep, return or sell my Matterport Camera?' DanSmigrod 4 6 yearsWonderdawg (343): There is always a risk in being an early adopter. I’m thrilled I upgraded to the Pro2 within the last 30 days and received the credit back to my account. I like the ROI as it’s close to paying for itself inside of 30 days. As always, do the due diligence but don’t overthink it.
Get an ICNY19 Demo and Get 50% Off Ricoh Tours Annual Subscription DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsGarySnyder (2143): Demos please
ICNY19: $300 Off Matterport Pro2 3D Camera thru 1 March 2019 DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): grabs from the Inman Connect New York 2019 (IC) virtual goodie bag (Inside the Inman Connect app). Hi All, Matterport is offering $300 off the Matterport Pro2 3D Camera now through 1 March 2019, says...
I was only off by 2 years predicting this ... DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsHome3D (4213): Great focus on one line of the announcement. Yes, that is the future and it's not a zero-sum game. There's room for all of us and many more going forward, as long as we lean into the wave. 'Pop-up News' from Matterport CEO RJ Pittman DanSmigrod 6 6 yearsron0987 (3499): @Home3D I can agree we need to try to stay ahead of evoling technology but we all jumped on board with MP to do that. I also am worried about the open platform. I have not read the details but if you don't need to buy a MP camera then again it opens it up to just about anything. But I will reserve my complete opinion until I can read all the details. Just my two cents.
Insta360 One X: Matterport, Cupix, iStaging, immoviewer, VPiX and Kuula DanSmigrod 3 6 yearsVTLV (2922): Is anyone currently signed up in the Beta Version with Matterport to use the Insta 360 One?
Matterport Public Beta: Insta360 One X and Ricoh Theta V DanSmigrod 4 6 yearsGarySnyder (2143): Thanks Dan :beer:
Question of the Day: How many Matterport Cameras have been sold? DanSmigrod 4 6 yearsrzphotoman (1837): I have no idea, but with all the news I'm hearing about Matterport and Insta360 now working together, I'm having a hard time trying to figure out how this is good for MSPs. I just see more of my clients deciding to just do it themselves. Why would anyone buy a Matterport Pro 2 camera anymore? Ask any portrait photographer how much their business grew as the quality of cellphone cameras increased. Bet you don't find many. I expect the same...
Matterport discounts Pro2 by $400; Pro2 Lite by $500 DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Grabs from Hi All, Matterport slashed prices today (Monday, January 2019): ✓ Matterport Pro2 3D Camera - Originally $3,395, will be available for $2,995 [$400 off] ✓ ...
Matterport Media Coverage: Inman Connect NYC 2019 Related DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Hi All, Here is media coverage about Matterport about: ✓ Matterport image capture with Insta360 One X and Ricoh Theta V ✓ Matterport Cloud 3.0 ✓ Matterport's AI-powered image-processing technology, known as Cortex ✓ Matterport Workshop 3.0 ✓ Matterport Showcase 3.0 & SDK ✓ Matterport Capture App 3 ✓ Matterport Camera discounts ✓ Inman (28 January 2019) Matterport slashes prices for 3D tours ✓ PR...
Insta360 Blog: Insta360 Partners with Matterport to Reinvent VT Production DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Insta360 ONE X - Virtual Tours Made Easy | Video courtesy of Insta360 YouTube Channel (28 January 2019) Hi All, Here's the Insta360 One Blog post announcing that Insta360 has partnered with Matterport: ✓ Insta360 Partners with Matterport to Reinvent Virtual Tour Production "The partnership lets virtual tour creators quickly capture a property in 360 degrees with the Insta360 ONE X camera,...
Urgent: If you bought a Matterport Camera in the Last 30 Days DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsGarySnyder (2143): With MP's new pricing on their camera :eek: and now the ability to create VT's with any 360 camera :( the bottom just fell out of the market for MSP.:oops:
Matterport Opens Platform to 3rd Party Cameras: Reduces Monthly Hosting DanSmigrod 2 6 yearshtimsabbub23 (910): One small step for us, but one giant leap for matterport.this shows they are seeing the future and finally looking ahead 👏👏👏 Hopefully they start to open APK as well for developers so we can catapult matterport back to the top where they belong.
Nodalview Tour: My Hotel Room at Inman Connect NYC 2019 DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): By the way, do you like the height that I shot at? It's such a small room, that I placed the camera height slightly above the desk. A bit lower than door knob height. (I believe) this camera height: ✓ makes the room look bigger ✓ looks better "walking around" ✓ keeps the camera out-of-view in the bathroom ✓ keeps the camera out of the reflection in the TV Your thoughts? Best, Dan
Inman Connect NYC 2019-3D-360º-Photography Exhibitors DanSmigrod 13 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Hi Harry, The exhibit area is free on Tuesday with the Agent Connect registration. ( Compare Options) Inman Connect Agenda Best, Dan
Question of the Day: What will Matterport announce at Inman Next Week? DanSmigrod 4 6 yearsrzphotoman (1837): I think they'll say "Apples coming out with a new 3D iPhone...we give up"