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Hosting Planx

'Hosting Plan' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Matterport Hosting (Need Advice): "indefinitely" Tour Host/Price Options? rhelling 18 2 yearsrhelling (347): SOLUTION: The client decided that 360 images were just as good as the virtual tour. We elected to go with Kuula ($144/yr - Unlimited Hosting). It requires a little more touch-up on our end to link the files together, but we're not scanning the whole space in detail like with Matterport. We're just scanning the center of main rooms, etc. Until Matterport can come up with a less expensing solution for maintaining virtual tours online, this...
How are you handling Matterport hosting fee with clients? dave3d 5 2 yearsmanog (22): That's not Matterport hosting fee, is it?
Platforms for Hosting 360º Photo Spheres bryanhscott 3 6 yearsizoneguy (468): This VT hosting platform is FREE... Sample tour I did
Cupix image file size? CFster 3 7 yearsCFster (276): @leonvanzweel Thanks. I tried the trial version and the amount it can reduce file size without noticeable quality degradation is remarkable. I wonder if it’s possible to replicate those results in Lightroom or Photoshop.
Matterport Hosting Plan: Deleting Models? DanSmigrod 9 7 yearsQueen_City_3D (3159): I agree with @Metroplex360. "The limits... do not reflect the current needs of the MSP community"... In the Newsletter it invites you to upgrade to another plan. Newsflash, Matterport... you don't have any plans to suit many of our needs! A few weeks ago we were close to 600 models and deleted 200+ and now I'm back to 440 hosted models. I do think I'll switch to 2 business plans and that will tide me over for a bit. I still...