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Hosting Matterport Spacesx

'Hosting Matterport Spaces' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Majority of my clients do not want their own Matterport account. Wingman 6 3 monthsHome3D (4213): This is a subject that periodically haunts me like many MSPs. Dan, I'll look into MoonClerk. Never heard of this before but could be a nice solution if it's well-integrated. Reading all the comments in this thread, I concur that clients most likely prefer the SIMPLICITY of obtaining both scanning services and hosting from one source, even if it costs a touch more. People LOVE simplicity. I know my clients love that I provide so many media...
Matterport Hosting (Need Advice): "indefinitely" Tour Host/Price Options? rhelling 18 2 yearsrhelling (347): SOLUTION: The client decided that 360 images were just as good as the virtual tour. We elected to go with Kuula ($144/yr - Unlimited Hosting). It requires a little more touch-up on our end to link the files together, but we're not scanning the whole space in detail like with Matterport. We're just scanning the center of main rooms, etc. Until Matterport can come up with a less expensing solution for maintaining virtual tours online, this...
Need Host for my 7 Matterport scans Divya 5 6 yearsimmersivespaces (1229): @3dshowcaseuk I actually made that mistake. I loaded a bunch onto my iPad before deleting them from my account. It was fine until the iPad crashed one day and the models were lost. When I loaded the iPad backup, the models in the backup would not load. Unfortunately, Matteport simply refuses to address an adequate backup method for scans/models for users. It's a major shortcoming in their system.