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Hosting Feesx

'Hosting Fees' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Scheduled Matterport Hosting Periods? DigitalTwin 5 21 daysDigitalTwin (173): @Wingman Another great idea. Thank you, sir!
Matterport to Announce Subscription Prices Changes on Tuesday, May 16, 2023 DanSmigrod 2 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Hi All, Just in case, I recommend that you upgrade to a Matterport annual plan by 10 am ET Monday, 15 May 2023 to potentially avoid a price increase for 12 months. Dan
Matterport to Add Recurring Hosting Charge for Archive Models? DanSmigrod 18 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Matterport pricing announcement moved to Tuesday, May 16, 2023. Please see above post. Thanks, Dan
Matterport Hosting (Need Advice): "indefinitely" Tour Host/Price Options? rhelling 18 2 yearsrhelling (347): SOLUTION: The client decided that 360 images were just as good as the virtual tour. We elected to go with Kuula ($144/yr - Unlimited Hosting). It requires a little more touch-up on our end to link the files together, but we're not scanning the whole space in detail like with Matterport. We're just scanning the center of main rooms, etc. Until Matterport can come up with a less expensing solution for maintaining virtual tours online, this...
How are you handling Matterport hosting fee with clients? dave3d 5 2 yearsmanog (22): That's not Matterport hosting fee, is it?
Should I be paying to host my clients spaces or set up an account for them? peanutismint 7 4 yearspeanutismint (27): Interesting, I didn't know buying legacy accounts was a thing. Is it legal/against Matterport ToS? Where would I look to buy such an account? Yeah I guess your math works out on that, and if I need to upgrade I can cross that bridge when I come to it. Other VT providers definitely are more advanced, and some do the stitching just like Matterport, but if MP is the industry standard then I might have to bite the bullet on this one.
What day does Matterport take their monthly hosting fees? angusnorriss 4 4 yearsangusnorriss (747): thanks guys.
* * Hosting fees or no hosting fees for businesses? * * thereal360 4 5 yearsjthorstad (36): I give a year free. After that I'll charge monthly, or..."let's update your tour, fresh new images and another year of free hosting!"
Hosting Fees based on the New Matterport Pricing Plans johnwheatley 9 5 yearsGerhard (1484): @VTLV I agree with you. I don't understand this new pricing structure as it does not benefits me as a service provider at all. I have tours that I have to keep them active for a very long time, yes the client paid me a premium so it justifies hosting them for them. Who has the time to send out hundreds of invoices a month for coins for hosting its a waste of time, chasing clients for these payments? We need self-hosting option yesterday... ...
Hosting fees - 1 client with multiple spaces Vision360HD 4 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): @Vision360HD Can you share with us ... what you ended up doing? Best, Dan
What to do with our Portfolio? VTLV 5 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): @VTLV One of the advantages of a seasoned Matterport Pro like you – versus a Newbie - is the sheer quantity and variety of the Matterport 3D Tours that you have created. And, one of the best ways to visually show this "tonnage" is with map feature within WP3D Models WordPress Plugin that automatically maps Matterport 3D Tours (like this); plus, enables the viewer to sort by category. Call me PollyAnna, but I believe Matterport...
Matterport Cloud Subscription: Approaching your hosting limit-$19 for up 50 DanSmigrod 7 6 yearsWingman (4435): How are they going to use it now if their new plans say unlimited processing and hosting? I am also wondering how they are going to move MSPs from $49/month plan to $69/month plan. I am on $49/month now. What if I do not want to move to the one that will cost me extra $20/month? :-)
Question of the Day: Do you include hosting in your Matterport scan rate? DanSmigrod 5 6 yearsJohnLoser (305): Yes - 6 months with the scan. It just makes sense to do it this way. I think "most" homes sell within 6 months so it's worry-free for the realty agent.
Dear Matterport: About Your Pricing Plans DanSmigrod 16 7 yearsBycha (52): Does anyone know the price of MP Cloud-Only plans?
Transferring ownership of a scan to a client Liam_Tayler 1 7 yearsLiam_Tayler (239): Hello, I read the post about transferring a scan to another hosting account, which seems straightforward, but (especially with the lite camera etc) Is it possible to transfer ownership of a single scan directly to a client and have them pay a low monthly fee? (the client wants to 'own' the scan (even though I know that Matterport always keep a copy). From what I can see, the lowest 'Cloud' account is a $49 USD, is that...
Here come the Matterport hosting fees! Metroplex360 6 7 yearsHarlanHambright (2133): Email dee