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'GPS' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Video: Cupix Update | Localize Your Capture Using the GPS Signal DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): Cupix Update | Localize Your Capture Using the GPS Signal | video courtesy of Cupix YouTube Channel | 1 November 2022 From the Cupix YouTube Channel Finally, GPS localization is added to the Capture App (ft. georeferencing with EPSG code support) Ideal for large-scale sites like infrastructure and facility management projects that have no structure or too many, the new GPS support helps you...
IRS mileage rates down 1.5 cents for 2021 - How do you track? VTLV 5 3 yearsVTLV (2922): @ArchimedStudio - IRS gives us a deduction. I like having the ability to shave my income down by about $10,000 if I can show it being tracked in some manner and back up my numbers. @Chemistrydoc Mile IQ appears to be the front runner at about $60 for the year. Not bad. @Matt19 - I lost everything in a mileage folder somehow on a spreadsheet plus the PDFs from Google maps. I might have to tap your brain on that. I'm leaning heavy onto ...
Matterport sweep's coordinates and time stamp Alexvr 7 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): It's been 7+ years since I bought and used the Canon GPS device paired with my Canon 5D Mach 3 DSLR camera. Here is a current GPS Receiver, as an example. If you are interested in adding a standalone GPS receiver to your workflow, I suggest starting a new WGNA Forum discussion on this topic. There are a TON of these on the market. (Indoors may be challenging. There may be GPS trackers designed for indoor use. Not my expertise.) Dan
GPS controlled location data in 3DVista pano tour? tuxdidge 7 4 yearstuxdidge (11): BTW: 3DVista answered: Yes, it´s on our To-do list for 2021 :) GREAT!!!!
Matterport Camera Repairs - topic of the day - WiFi antenna issues MatterFix 6 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): Video: WGAN-TV Top 10 Matterport Pro Camera Repairs with MatterFix Founder Mike Vorce-#1633-Show Overview And Camera GPS And Wifi Antenna Repair with @MatterFix Founder Mike Vorce Hi All, In this WGAN-TV Short Story (#1633, above), @MatterFix Founder Mike Vorce discusses the GPS and WiFi Repair for the Matterport Pro camera. We Get Around Network Forum Members receive a free 12-month WGAN-TV Training Academy Membership when you do a $250...
GPS module for Pilot One has a poor design Wingman 17 5 years3dblickwinkel (235): In Germany we say it is a very big cinema if somebody does a great thing. Big cinema from Labpano, many other companies should act like them concerning product issues. Customer support at its best. Thanks. Dear valued customer, An update on the Pilot One GPS module failure. Thank you for your patience during the last few days while we have investigated the issue. Firstly, we thank our customer Mr. Jan Mulak who reported the potential...
Video: How to Move a Matterport 360 View within Capture App DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): Video: WGAN-TV Short Story #951 - How to Move a Matterport 360 View within Capture App. Hi All, In this WGAN-TV Short Story (above, #951), Matterport Content Marketing Manager Amir Frank shows how to move a Matterport 360º View within the Matterport Capture App. (You can also move Matterport 360º Views with Matterport Workshop.) Do you prefer to move Matterport 360º Views within Matterport Capture App or Matterport...
With GPS built-in in the Matterport Pr2 3D Camera, does Capture App know? 036360 3 5 yearsWonderdawg (343): GPS technically measures latitude and longitude; to add height is altitude. If the pricing model is correct, scan the steps or better yet, create a second model and join the two.
Matterport and Ricoh Theta Z1 GPS? Astroprojector 6 5 yearsWingman (4435): It is possible as HDR seems to be internal feature on a camera sot it is triggered when a signal sent to make a shoot. Plugins are also can be turn on and off through a camera and work with a camera hard button. However since some of them(if not all) required a web interface to use them that may explain why they do not work with any 3rd party apps. @leonherbert, I have not had a chance to do it. I was focused on making it work with my RTK...
360º Video: How to add GPS data to an Insta360 One X DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): Grab showing the Insta360 Pro GPS Module Kit on Amazonº Video: Insta360 GPS Remote!! (360°) | Video courtesy of Kevin Kunze YouTube Channel (29 August 2019) Hi All, Are you using the Insta360 Pro GPS Module Kit ($56) with your Insta360 One X? Please share your experience using...
Theta Z1, the same bug with GPS precision? Wingman 5 6 yearsleonherbert (903): @Wingman the only suggestion is to ask Ricoh to attach the coordinates from the first image to the merged image. Does the theta store both the individual images as well? Is it an option. If so you can check the accuracy of the individual image. You can attach those coordinates to the merged image. There is software that can allow you to strip the gps coordinates from images, I can't recall what it is, it is a script that you run. I think the...
360 View and Matterport Pro2 in Capture v.3.0.1 : GPS and 3D conversion xiarosh 10 6 yearsxiarosh (32): Thanks for the great test. I think you a right . Now, In my regular version 3.0.1 - I can't place 360 on a plan. I just can open and only take a look on an 360 image. I can place it on a plan only in the Workshop after uploading. >> The 3d conversion capability is only available in beta Looks like I understand wrong some announce about Capture 3.0 and Matterport: Cloud 3.0, and description of Capture from Appstore about 360...
Google Street View Pro-Grade with the iStar Pulsar Metroplex360 5 6 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): And NCTech has updated the KB after I inquired about when custom nadir patches would be available. Now it states that it is in the roadmap and being worked on. They are also working on fixing the auto whitebalance as it's a tad bit too warm! They do a great job with their responses via email to support and fully explain...
Insta360 Pro compass calibration Fieldwork 1 7 yearsFieldwork (1): I recently purchased an Insta360 Pro with the GPS module to do Google Street View captures. When I upload the capture per Insta's directions (which are not great), none of my 360s are oriented properly. Specifically North in the images is not a North compass heading. They are off 90 degrees. When I upload them, Google then links them together with the navigation arrows perpendicular to the route of travel. The 90 problem. Here's an...
Matterport Pro2 Camera GPS: Trojan Horse? DanSmigrod 3 7 yearsimmersivespaces (1229): My attorney pointed out the same thing.
Turn off Matterport Pro2 GPS xavierchardon 4 7 yearsrzphotoman (1837): Not sure...there's a lot to read thru, but I bet something about that is in there. I would read it thru before attempting to disconnect it.
Why GPS on the Matterport Pro2 3D Camera? leonvanzweel 10 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): @Property3DNZ - Nothing has changed. GPS is not being used for automatic location information -yet-. @leonvanzweel - Nothing has changed. GPS is not being used for 360 Views yet. One thing that GPS can do is establish true north, and I would guess this is going to be used for GSV for aligning the tour with the map.