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GoPro Maxx

'GoPro Max' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
2020 is the year of Google Street View Blue Line Map Updates by Pros DanSmigrod 10 8 monthsDanSmigrod (31611): WGAN-TV | How to Publish to Google Street View from Matterport; +10 GSV FAQ Pro Tips for Common Problems (Solved) | Guest: Wingman Media Brisbane Owner Michael Lysov | | Thursday, 18 July 2024 | Episode: 222 | WGAN Forum Member Name: @Wingman [streetview][/streetview]Google Street View Tour with Multiple Floors | Published via Matterport GSV Add On | Tour by: Wingman Media...
Stitching Test: Insta360 One X2 versus Insta360 One R versus Ricoh Theta Z1 DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31611): Photo and video stitching test: Insta360 One X2 versus GoPro MAX versus Insta360 One R versus Qoocam 8K versus Ricoh Theta Z1| Video courtesy of 360Rumors YouTube Channel | 15 November 2020 Hi All, From the YouTube Channel of Mic Ty: 360Rumors: Photo and video stitching comparison for: 1. Insta360 One X2 2. GoPro MAX 3. Insta360 One R 4. Qoocam 8K 5. Ricoh Theta Z1 00:00...
Video: The Best 360 Camera of 2020 is ... DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsmcuddy (186): It's only April Dan!!!!
Video: Edit 360° Video w/ DaVinci Resolve 16 - Tripod Removal, PanoMap DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31611): DaVinci Resolve - Reframe Qoocam 8K, Insta360 One R & GoPro Max FREE & DOESN'T SUCK! | Video courtesy of CreatorUp YouTube Channel | (14 February 2020) Edit 360° Video w/ DaVinci Resolve 16 - Tripod Removal, PanoMap, Spherical Stabilizer + Ignite Pro | Video courtesy of CreatorUp YouTube Channel | (21 February 2020) Hi All, From CreatorUp YouTube Channel for...
Camera for Construction Videos ? ConstructionVideos 4 5 yearsHome3D (4201): @ConstructionVideos - I concur! I've been very happy using the Insta360 One X for a huge construction project her in LA. Mostly I use it on the end of their "extended selfing stick" to put the camera in all sorts of places otherwise impossible, and then I extract HD video in edit, aiming the view where I see most value. However, I'd probably buy the new Insta360 One R today, due to greater flexibility, longer battery life and...
Video: Should you buy GoPro MAX versus Hero 8 versus Insta360 One X? DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31611): GoPro MAX BEAT Insta360 One X (Nov. 2019 update)? In-depth long term review after 1 month | Video courtesy of 360Rumors YouTube Channel (9 December 2019)
GoPro Launches New 360º Camara Today (1 Oct 2019): GoPro MAX DanSmigrod 4 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31611): GoPro Max: 20 Pros, 10 Cons | Video courtesy of Ben Claremont YouTube Channel (7 November 2019)
Video: GoPro MAX (GoPro Fusion 2) is REAL: 7 FEATURES + Release Date DanSmigrod 6 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31611): BEFORE you buy the GoPro Max... | Video courtesy of Ben Claremont YouTube Channel (1 November 2019)
The 360 Guy: GoPro Max versus Insta360 One X: Ultimate Comparison DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31611): GoPro Max vs Insta360 One X: ULTIMATE COMPARISON (with Shanil Kawol) | Video courtesy of The 360 Guy YouTube Channel (6 November 2019) Hi All, From The 360 Guy (Daniel) YouTube Channel: --- Yet another Insta360 One X and GoPro Max comparison. There are many other videos of the same subject, primarily because these are the two top 360 cameras out right now. In this video me and Shanil, the...
Video: GoPro MAX: is it REALLY easier to use? A NEW 360 camera is coming! DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31611): GoPro MAX: is it REALLY easier to use? A NEW 360 camera is coming! | Video courtesy of 360Rumors YouTube Channel (20 October 2019) Hi All, 360º Camera Subject Matter Expert Mic Ty does a deep dive into GoPro MAX 360º video to discuss: ✓ stabilization ✓ in-camera real-time stitching ✓ proprietary format (.360) ✓ editing video in the GoPro app About a new 360º camera, Mic says: ✓...
Three 360º Cameras Matterport Should Integrate with Matterport Capture App DanSmigrod 3 5 yearsleonherbert (903): Is it not up to the vendor to integrate with Matterport? I thought they provide the sdk that the vendor then connects with. But I don't know.