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'GIFs' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Video: How to get Intro videos and GIFs from your Matterport Scan DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): How to get Intro videos and GIFs from your Matterport Scan | Video courtesy Actionable Insights YouTube Channel | 18 January 2023 Transcript (video above) Martin: What's going on? My name is Martin and this is Matterhacks, a video series brought to you by Actionable Insights. Today we're discussing pre-generated and pre-populated videos and gifts that are included in each one of your Matterport scans....
Re-scans not Updating MP4 Movie and GIF PropertyGuyCLT 6 5 yearsCharlesHH (640): I have found the auto videos and anigifs to be useless recently. Starting and ending in odd places. Today I did a Porsche dealership and the anigif opens and ends at the doorway to a sales office! Previous scan of really beautiful offices chose to start in a coffee corner!
Video: How to Make a GIF DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): How to make a GIF | Video courtesy of How to Do It All YouTube Channel Hi All, Here is the companion CNET article (20 July 2019): ✓ 4 ways to make a GIF without Photoshop Got a Matterport 3D Tour GIF? Please share it here. Dan Special Offer for WGAN Basic, Standard and...
Any 3rd-party services associated with this forum do custom gifs? Queen_City_3D 3 6 yearsGetABetterSite (28): @Queen_City_3D I guarantee that you can make these gifs unless your computer has very low performance. Essentially download a screen capture software like this for example. Then go to giphy and convert the video to a GIF. if you have any questions on how to use either of those programs then feel free to [Private Message me].
Question of the Day: Your thoughts about Matterport auto-generated videos? DanSmigrod 6 7 yearsJune (411): Just download all your snapshots that you took in workshop and use movie maker or something like that, add Royalty Free music....opening text and closing text and viola you have your own video.
Missing Teaser Video/GIF...? Queen_City_3D 1 7 yearsQueen_City_3D (3159): This seems odd... I had a Matterport model process where the teaser video/gif file started in the bedroom. This particular client really likes the gifs to send out in their emails and so, because the look wasn't ideal, we slightly tweaked some trim lines and reprocessed (hoping to get a teaser that started in the kitchen as they typically do). Oddly enough, when the model final re-processed, there was no teaser video/gif file at all the...
IceCream Screen Recorder, Anyone using? VTLV 7 7 yearsVTLV (2910): Looks like Techsmith Capture App could work with Snagit.
Matterport gifs... what gives? Queen_City_3D 3 7 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): Try reuploading a tour multiple times to get different GIF images. I hate to knock on Matterport's 'AI' for figuring out the best place for a scene - but it seems to be random at times. Much like Google's 'AI' for selecting the starting point for GSV tours. I think that the best way to present AI is to present the logic as a pop-up as to why the selection was made. Or Matterport could allow us to mark the pano that we want to use to generate...
Instagram Upload work arounds? JakeRees 5 7 yearsJakeRees (96): I figured it out- Download giphy to your phone- Upload the gif/video from your phone or computer, then select the... off to the side after facebook and wechat and the instagram logo will show up, click the instagram logo and the gif will open in instagram ready to be posted. Much easier than all the other ways I was trying from the internets...
How to make GIFs DanSmigrod 5 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): @BrianM Can you describe your workflow for creating the gif you shared? Dan
Matterport GIF: I Wished that they Looped DanSmigrod 7 8 yearsmori (819): As long as you can not control the content of the GIF or more important the movies by e.g. setting the best viewpoints for these or have the option to create a highlights reel just for the GIF and movies I think it´s not a really useful feature by now. Here a small reminder: MP announced FULL & DIRECT tour support for Facebook some ages ago. To often the GIF and movies are showing not the best views of the space, so you had to do...
360 Pano Downloads, Teaser Videos, SQFT Metroplex360 Jump to first page37Jump to last page 8 yearsJC3DCX (823): Have done it already a few days previously and it works 100%, :-) Just the time to upload, wait for the model and then download the 2x vids and 1 gif. just change something small on the model and then you'll be able to upload again,
Download All Snapshots from Workshop danmorell 4 9 yearsdanmorell (74): Thanks @htimsabbub23! & @rpetersn!
Matterport + .GIF Work-Flow Recommendation DanSmigrod 1 10 yearsDanSmigrod (31620): Do you have a Matterport + .GIF work-flow recommendation? Instead of using a text link (to 3D Showcase) in an eBlast, we'd like to suggest our client use a .GIF (to the 3D Showcase). In addition to the eBlast, where else might the .GIF of a 3D Showcase be useful ...? Thanks, Dan