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'Floors' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Multi-storey parking lot, some floors pancaked together Noddy 11 3 monthsWingman (4435): I have never bothered with where to start, it is usually dictated by a space type, business hours and which floor is easier to do at specific time of day. It can be a bottom or a top as a start and it can be even a middle of it. I think something has just happened with your tour and support is making excuses.
Matterport Video: How to Scan Multiple Floors with Pro2 (Best Practices) DanSmigrod 1 7 monthsDanSmigrod (31665): Video: How to Scan Multiple Floors (Best Practices) | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 4 September 2024
Matterport poor customer service. Floor problems JimmyJim Jump to first page32Jump to last page 3 yearslilnitsch (5803): @JimmyJim it was a combination of early morning lighting, smoke, and tree cover
Moving multiple Matterport scans to another floor? mk4au 8 4 yearsmk4au (58): @DanSmigrod @harlanhambright. I don’t even want to imagine! Over 1000 scans and it’s ‘messy’ enough.
3 floors when scanned, 4 floors when published - help angusnorriss 6 4 yearsVirtusRealis (77): @angusnoriss Yes, there is an automatic process that creates floors when the elevation varies too much. I had recently scanned a very long technical hallway with several light slopes along the way and I ended with 3 floors ! Reprocessing allowed to reduce it to 2 floors however.
My Matterport model is three floors; it should be two floors. Help Please! filinto 9 5 yearsBenAdgie (85): Apologies, I was confused with a different thread on the camera detail.
How to fix scans showing up on wrong floor in my Matterport Tour? adc1967 14 5 yearsadc1967 (79): Hello, First of all I want to thank all the time people above spent assisting me. I read every bit of advice. I see that Castaway nailed it with the stair scans. Plus, the earlier advice of carrying heavy duty door jams is a great idea. The thing I learned is to have the doors to stairwells open throughout. Plus, do a few more scans than normal (I can always hide). Anyway, my scan is in the stitching pipeline (I called MP) and it could be...
Advice please for Matterport scans of a new, empty apartment building sese 9 5 yearssese (45): @kigilido @briangreul, sorry I forgot to put your link in my previous message.
Moving a 3D Scan to another Level outside of the Capture App? jonah 1 5 yearsjonah (17): Hi All, I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for moving a 3D scan to a another level once a tour has been proceed? In the capture app, I placed the scan on the 3rd level but after processing the scan appears on the 2nd level. I called Matterport fro suggestion but they say they do not support outdoor scans and were not very helpful. Here is a link to the mentioned point ...
Split Level space to GSV, how? Wingman 5 5 yearsWingman (4435): Matterport have handled it their own way. They removed subfloors that were indicated 1.5 and 2.5 as half(split) floors, merged some into one and created a 3rd floor. I do not mind how it is shown for floor labels but still do not know what will happen when it is published to GSV. I guess I will know after I publish it. Here is the tour
How to rename a floor in Matterport Showcase? tresdear 3 5 yearstresdear (21): I've seen it, Dan. But it seems to be an old Showcase interface. Finally, I found it. You can rename floors in Mattertag or Label menus (like in the images).
Making one file out of multiple files (in our case three) andreweugene 5 6 yearsandreweugene (11): Thanks for the tip, Queen_City_3D. Still quite a steep learning curve, so different from normalphotography!
Re-naming floors in workshop rzphotoman 3 6 yearsrzphotoman (1837): Thanks again Danny...maybe I should just hire you.
Level Split Tette99 5 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): @Tette99 BTW, you are not charged for reprocessing ... create 20 variations and used different names to keep track. Good luck and keep us posted please. Dan
Floor processing error - Matterport support 3dshowcaseuk 3 7 yearsPieroBortolot (230): I think with stairs
Custom Floor Names sshannon 4 9 yearspmjacoby (28): It's possible to change the names of the floors in Workshop Classic by just clicking on the floor name in the list of scans and typing a new name in. I tried doing the same in in the new version of Workshop and couldn't. Perhaps there's another way to do it in the new Workshop?
Errors floor Max_Sodomovskiy 6 9 years3DVUE (40): supposedly the fix for this is coming in two weeks.
Separating Floors: Scans on Wrong Floor BrettMtn 4 10 yearsGlenda (220): Yay!