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'Flickr' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
How do you host photos and 360s to use with Matterport MatterTags? ron0987 7 2 yearsGETMYVR (1941): So I'm in the state of New York and adding videos to matter tags is tricky. Some sites will show a video and some sites will not. The reality is it's a wild west out there because depending on the website you look at the listing it will depend on what kind of media they decide to present to you. My goal is to create the best real estate website ever created in the human history. I really think the major real estate portals are doing a...
Technical Matterport Mattertag Question: about photo hosting ron0987 4 3 yearsAlexHitchcock (451): If you are a CAPTUR3D customer you can store all your images in there for easy hosting and referencing. If you're not yet a customer of CAPTUR3D, you can sign up via this special WGAN link for $90 USD worth off free credits to use on the platform: clickable text
Mattertag "Can't find media" Flickr problem tinsoldier 10 4 yearsskretnica (10): I corresponded with Flickr, Matterport, and Embedlly Flickr itself recommended embedding this short link .. Mattertag saw it as a media file and the text did not cover the image .. But now I see that whatever image you link to the tag the text does not cover it ... a reason to celebrate :cool:
Flickr & Mattertags VTLV 3 6 yearsVTLV (2922): I failed to mention, I've been backing off the heavy loading of media on my site/server plan with the hosting company trying to upsell me to a VPS which I should probably do in the near future anyway.
Issues with photo link Briski2208 3 6 yearsBriski2208 (147): Cheers Alirizacil