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File Conversionx

'File Conversion' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Autodesk Recap for converting and viewing point cloud? Sdoughtie 2 10 monthsron0987 (3478): @Sdoughtie I think you might be looking for Autodesk A360, this is a current free viewer from Autodesk that allows the viewer to see several different file types including point cloud with a STL file format. I think the viewer you are talking about is no longer available, but it’s been about 6 years since I last used Recap Pro. I hope this helps.
What is an easy way to to open Matterport files in AutoCAD or convert them? BrettMtn 3 2 yearsBaezeni (149): @BrettMtn It depending what the use is for. If you need the highest accuracy for engineering or re architecture, as mentioned above to order a MatterPak and use either the OBJ or the XYZ file where both can be imported into Autocad, is one way to go. XYZ file will give you the highest accuracy since it is as close you can get to the original measured data. Just be aware that if it is a large project this can require timeconsuming manual...
Matterport MatterPak and ReCap madness: How to Convert to CAD Formats? briangreul 18 5 yearsbriangreul (684): @thorn604 - the sample in my Matterport account has a Matterpak that does not include an XYZ file. I just downloaded and unzipped it again. It has an OBJ file and an MTL file and a crapload of JPGs. @Powerosi - I agree with your sentiments. The tool can be licensed for $40/mo as well. However, this particular friend/client said he would rather pay an extra $100 then mess with another piece of software. I'm in the service business so I look... non responding after order submitted -Point cloud conversion vgarcia 3 5 yearsvgarcia (20): Thanks @JoshReadhead I totally understand things like this happen, I am an I.T. consultant. I appreciate the update and I am looking forward to working with you. Also a big thanks to @DanSmigrod for the assist!
xyz to cad conversion for 6000mq (65000 sq ft) Maxdemartino 2 6 yearsmp2fp (509): Hello @Maxdemartino MP2FP have long experience in producing all types of models and presentations 2D, 3D, CAD and BIM from Matterport scans and other input. We can do the job for 120 USD and deliver in 1 to 2 days depending on detail level and wished output CAD format. just send us input or downloads to and we are happy to help.
3d Max file Convert 360 panaromic sonert 2 7 yearsDannyBasting (1171): Just place camera's on the locations you want to be able to navigate to. Export those camera views to panoramic images and then use a program like panotour to create a tour out of it.