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'Education' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
What are the benefits of a construction digital twin? AlexScene3D 1 1 yearAlexScene3D (91): Digital twins have revolutionized the way people view real estate and businesses. They are becoming more and more popular with businesses, especially in the construction industry, as they offer a variety of benefits to construction professionals. A construction virtual tour is an interactive way to introduce a building or business without physical interaction. This is especially useful in the initial stages of the project when the plans are...
Blog: How digital twins can help businesses reach their green goals AlexScene3D 1 1 yearAlexScene3D (91): The choices a business makes every day have a severe impact on other people and the environment. The nature of that impact depends solely on how they handle different aspects of running their business. Because of this, setting and striving towards green goals when doing business is of growing importance, most countries develop special laws to lower pollution, and businesses must obey those laws. Digital twins can be a great asset in...
3D Virtual Tours for Schools: A 24/7 Open Day AlexScene3D 2 2 yearsrzphotoman (1837): 3DVista Tours make them better, IMHO Here's a recent 3DVista school project: clickable text
Home Measurement Specialist Certification VTLV 4 3 yearsSdoughtie (570): Watching
Transcript: CAPTUR3D Creator Studio for Retail-Museums-Events-Education DanSmigrod 3 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Creator Studio in 60 Seconds | CAPTUR3D | Video courtesy of CAPTUR3D YouTube Channel | 19 November 2021 --- Receive free with this WGAN affiliate link for CAPTUR3D, $90 in credits: that's 5 free floor plans from a Matterport tour when you use this WGAN affiliate link to create a free ...
Podcast: CAPTUR3D Creator Studio to Target Retail-Museums-Events-Education DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): WGAN-TV Podcast: CAPTUR3D Creator Studio for Matterport for Targeting Retail, Museums, Events and Education Hi All, CAPTUR3D Creator Studio – tools for creating immersive experiences within...
WGAN-TV eBook: CAPTUR3D Creator Studio for Retail-Museums-Events-Education DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): WGAN-TV eBook WGAN-TV | CAPTUR3D Creator Studio for Matterport Targeting Retail, Museums, Events and Education | Guest: CAPTUR3D Founder and COO Steven Kounnas | Aired: Thursday, 28 October 2021 | Episode 123 | Website: WGAN.INFO/CAPTUR3D ($90 CAPTUR3D Credit) WGAN-TV eBook: CAPTUR3D Creator Studio for Matterport for...
Training U: CAPTUR3D Creator Studio for Retail-Museums-Events-Education DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): WGAN-TV Training U (in Matterport) | Free Course WGAN-TV Training U (in Matterport) | Free Course WGAN-TV Training U (Free Course): CAPTUR3D Creator Studio for Matterport for Targeting Retail, Museums,...
WGAN-TV CAPTUR3D Creator Studio to Target Retail-Museums-Events-Education DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): WGAN-TV | CAPTUR3D Creator Studio for Matterport Targeting Retail, Museums, Events and Education | Guest: CAPTUR3D Founder and COO Steven Kounnas | Aired: Thursday, 28 October 2021 | Episode 123 | Website: WGAN.INFO/CAPTUR3D ($90 CAPTUR3D Credit) Hi All, In this WGAN-TV Live at 5 show (above) that aired live earlier today (Thursday 28 October 2021), CAPTUR3D Founder and COO Steven Kounnas shows us how CAPTUR3D Creator Studio can...
Matterport Marketing Video: Matterport for Education DanSmigrod 3 4 yearsrzphotoman (1837): I just finished scanning a 300,000 sq ft High School for their new virtual tour. 800 scans total with only a couple of minor issues. I'm in the process of editing the walkthrough tour and will share it when it's complete in a few weeks. Here's a floor plan view of the scan...
HistoryView VR Field Trip Program Raising Funds HistoryViewVR 1 7 yearsHistoryViewVR (7): We are raising money for HistoryView VR Field Trip Program! Click to Invest: Currently over 300 FREE experiences for teachers and students! We are looking to hire a call center and more WGAN content creators for the program. Please [Private Message me] directly with any questions. We are powered by Matterport and Leica Geosystems.
Matterport Pro Wanted: Edinburgh, Scotland DanSmigrod 2 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, This opportunity has been handled. Thank you, Dan