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'DSLR' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
WGAN-TV | DSLR/360 Real Estate Photographers Wanted for LCP Media Projects DanSmigrod 4 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV | USA Real Estate Photographers Wanted for Large-Scale 360 Tour Projects for LCP Media | Guest: LCP Media Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer Wojciech Kalembasa | Episode: 202 | Thursday, 7 September 2023 | | @TourBuilder Hi All, If you have gaps in your real estate listing photo shoots, you should watch this WGAN-TV show (above). When you apply, you do not need to own a 360 camera. (You can find out...
WGAN eBook-DSLR/360 Real Estate Photographers Wanted for LCP Media Projects DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): LCP Media is a WGAN Sponsor ==== WGAN-TV | USA Real Estate Photographers Wanted for Large-Scale 360 Tour Projects for LCP Media | Guest: LCP Media Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer Wojciech Kalembasa | Episode: 202 | Thursday, 7 September 2023 | | @TourBuilder WGAN-TV Podcast | WGAN Forum...
Podcast-360/DSLR Real Estate Photographers Wanted for LCP Media Projects DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): LCP Media is a WGAN Sponsor ==== WGAN-TV | USA Real Estate Photographers Wanted for Large-Scale 360 Tour Projects for LCP Media | Guest: LCP Media Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer Wojciech Kalembasa | Episode: 202 | Thursday, 7 September 2023 | | @TourBuilder WGAN-TV Podcast | WGAN Forum...
Transcript-DSLR/360 Real Estate Photographers Wanted for LCP Media Projects DanSmigrod 2 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN Forum Membership Benefits --- WGAN.INFO/helpwanted | | Text helpwanted to 877-805-0960 | powered by texting platform: WGAN Free Help Wanted Text Alert...
Help Wanted Opportunity for DSLR shooters in San Francisco TourBuilder 3 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): This opportunity is still available, as of 1 pm PT Tuesday, 3 November 2022. Best, Dan
Real Estate Photographers Needed - Boston MA TourBuilder 2 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN Free Help Wanted Text Alert Service Hi All, Receive free text notifications for Help Wanted opportunities like this (text just after this was posted): ✓ WGAN Free Help Wanted Text Alert Service Dan
Opportunity for DSLR shooters in Tokyo TourBuilder 1 2 yearsTourBuilder (145): LCP Media has Help Wanted Posting Privileges in the WGAN Forum Text Me When a Help Wanted Post Appears in the WGAN Forum --- LCPMedia Opportunity for DSLR shooters in Tokyo Are you looking for ways to keep yourself busy for the next few months? LCPMedia has a once in a lifetime opportunity for you! We are...
Opportunity for DSLR shooters in London, UK TourBuilder 1 2 yearsTourBuilder (145): LCP Media has Help Wanted Posting Privileges in the WGAN Forum Text Me When a Help Wanted Post Appears in the WGAN Forum --- Opportunity for DSLR shooters in London, UK Are you looking for ways to keep yourself busy for the next few months? LCPMedia has a once in a lifetime opportunity for you! We are looking for eager and talented photographers to take part in a new project for a large company that we all know and love working...
Opportunity for DSLR Shooters in New York City TourBuilder 2 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN Free Help Wanted Text Alert Service Hi All, Receive free text notifications for Help Wanted opportunities like this (text just after this was posted): ✓ WGAN Free Help Wanted Text Alert Service Dan
Help Wanted Opportunity for DSLR shooters in Los Angeles TourBuilder 1 2 yearsTourBuilder (145): LCP Media has Help Wanted Posting Privileges in the WGAN Forum Text Me When a Help Wanted Post Appears in the WGAN Forum --- Help Wanted Opportunity for DSLR shooters in Los Angeles Are you looking for ways to keep yourself busy for the next few months? LCPMedia has a once in a lifetime opportunity for you! We are looking for eager and talented photographers to take part in a new project for a large company that we all know...
Testing an idea: DSLR/Mirrorless Gimbal for 360 capture Wingman 9 3 yearsWingman (4426): sorry, it is actually called Mecha E1.
WGAN-TV Training U: How to Custom Build a Case for Your Drone + DSLR Camera DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV Training U (free Course) | How to Custom Build a Case for Your Drone + DSLR Camera | Guest: My Case Builder President, Founder and Owner Steve Holand | Episode Number: 114 | Air Date: Thursday, 5 August 2021 ...
Transcript: WGAN-TV-How to Custom Build a Case for Your Drone + DSLR Camera DanSmigrod 2 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Steve Holand: the tray out and a nice classic piece right on the bottom, just like that. Dan Smigrod: - So that's automatically included, Dan Smigrod: I don't have to design and say add handles. Dan Smigrod: Every case is configured. Steve Holand: - Every case in the tray is going to have that nice plastic, and the handles. Steve Holand: In example that you just showed me that that drone is going to hit that plastic, Steve Holand: you...
Video: Best HDR 360 Camera: Xphase Pro X2 vs Theta Z1 vs DSLR vs Qoocam 8K DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Best HDR 360 Camera in Late 2021: Xphase Pro X2 vs Theta Z1 vs DSLR vs Qoocam 8K vs Obsidian Pro | Video courtesy of Hugh Hou YouTube Channel | 4 August 2021 Tips from @DanSmigrod 1. Determine your use-case first 2. Determine your 3D/360 platform second 3. Pick the camera that's best for that 3D/360 platform -- From the Hugh Hou YouTube Channel We set out on a quest to find out which is...
Matterport features and picture packages for real estate BenAdgie 7 4 yearsBenAdgie (85): Thanks for the feedback! We have been typically pulling stills from the matterport scan. The overall image quality is high but artifacts are very common. We have also started exporting the still editing to spend more time in the field. Thanks for the feedback on arranging the pictures. We have found it is time consuming labeling the picture files in a similar order you described. Arranging the pictures on the single property website feels like...
Video: The best virtual tour camera 2021 Theta Z1 vs XPhase X2 vs DSLR DanSmigrod 4 4 yearsron0987 (3499): I agree with @Home3D but the problem is fewer people are willing to pay for quality or wait for the product. Everybody is expecting a quality product within 24 hours. So it use to be limited camera's and software. Now having so many camera's, so many software's it hard to balance just the right equipment/software for the right price. I have a developer who wants the DSLR quality but when given the quote we are back to the Matterport. Which is...
DSLR Repair Fmodjr1913 2 4 yearsWingman (4426): I do not know if it is an option but you can probably get a near new 5DSR for 2-2.5 times more. That's how I got my Canon 5DS. I have bought it on ebay as a grey import and paid only $1600 AUD for it. That was about $1200 USD back then. It came from HK in a open retail box but everything else was looking brand new. To buy the same camera locally I would have to pay two times more for it. I also have got one client just because I offer 50MP...
Free WGAN-TV Training U Course: Intro to iGUIDE 3D Tours and Floor Plans DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Grab: WGAN-TV Training U| 82A-WGAN-TV | Intro to iGUIDE 3D Tours and Floor Plans (versus Matterport) | Free WGAN-TV Training U Course | A Virtual Tour Platform Alternative to Matterport that Leverages your DSLR and Post Production Skills Free Course: WGAN-TV | Intro to iGUIDE 3D Tours and Floor Plans (versus...
WGAN-TV Live at 5: Introduction to iGuide: a Deep-Dive Demo and Discussion DanSmigrod 10 4 yearsExpertise (1192): Not sure what Rebel you are using, but if you used an 80D we could talk. There is no substitute for sensor quality.
Camera lens to use for real estate photography GETMYVR Jump to first page38Jump to last page 4 yearsPickChuck (413): I agree with @GETMYVR. It's camera specific. The thing I keep trying to bring home is that anything wider than 21mm full frame or 14'ish APSC makes the rooms look exaggerated. That being said shooting a bit wider in the bathrooms and closets (which I don't do unless they are magical) is ok. If I were going to choose one prime lens I would choose a 21mm FF / 14 mm APSC. If I were going for a zoom, I would choose 17-40 FF / 8-12 or...
Combined Photography and 360 gig? thereal360 7 5 yearsthereal360 (271): Hey thank you Jen for taking your time i really appreciate that!! WOW, 80% is photos and only 3% virtual tours... really...
When 360 Tours HURT Real Estate Listings due to Poor Quality jericreson 1 5 yearsjericreson (84): As agents begin to adopt 360 tours it's vital to understand that quality matters. There are now a large range of tours - from DIY gizmos to beautiful professionally scanned tours using expensive equipment and upscale tour formats. Yesterday, I had the pleasure of stealing a listing from another agent. Coming soon to market, after it "rests" and we let time undo the damage the previous agent created with poor marketing. It was...
Video: How to Shoot Interior, all-ambient Virtual Tours using a DSLR DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsWingman (4426): No doubt it provides much better quality & clarity. However it requires so much time to shoot and process. Considering it is for RE agents to pay for a tour it can be really hard to sell covering all the time spent. That even without doing bracketed shots which will add more time to capture, merge and post process. And as a killer to this method it will take time to make a tour from them. If agents are not chasing Matterport tours...
Video: How to do Pole Aerial Photography with a DSLR Camera DanSmigrod 3 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Fake Drone Shots with Longest Selfie Stick Ever | Video courtesy of Insta360 YouTube Channel | 24 June 2020 Hi All, From the Insta360 YouTube Channel: "Hey guys, Hannah here to show you some unreal fake drone shots you can get with an insanely long 5 meter selfie stick and Insta360 ONE R ..." - 0:54 Mounting selfie stick to a bike 3:39 Futuristic shopping mall shots 4:20 Basketball follow cam...
Video: Your First DSLR 360 Virtual Tour (outside) DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Your First DSLR 360 Virtual Tour (outside) | Video courtesy of Nathan Cool YouTube Channel | 22 June 2020 From the Nathan Cool YouTube Channel: Here's a fast way to learn how to photograph and edit a high-end 360 virtual tour using your DSLR, by doing this outside. Your thoughts? Dan WGAN Forum Related Discussions ✓ Video: How to Calibrate a DSLR Pano Head for Virtual Tours ✓ Training...
Video: How to Calibrate a DSLR Pano Head for Virtual Tours DanSmigrod 2 5 years808virtually (157): I use Really Right Stuff tripods and Canon 5D Mk4 camera with either 8-15mm fisheye or 11-24mm. In this photo there are two tripods. The 2nd one is used after all shots except the nadir. I pull the camera away from the 1st tripod using the 2nd one and take the nadir. This gives me a full photosphere.
Looking to purchase a DSLR 8643d Jump to first page53Jump to last page 5 yearsExpertise (1192): 80D, 10-22. You'll do great.
Matterport/DSLR Pro Wanted: Athens, Greece DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): About Matterport Pro Wanted Posts --- The We Get Around Network has a need for a Matterport Pro/DSLR Pro in Athens, Greece. ---- Client has retail clothing stores worldwide. Location: Athens, Greece Size: 240 SQM Spaces: Retail Clothing Store Timing: 2 April 2020 Deliverable: Matterport Digital Twin and DSLR images ---- Eligibility ✓ For an introduction, must join as a WGAN International Fan Club Member (or ...
Matterport/DSLR Pro Wanted: Kiev, Ukraine DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): About Matterport Pro Wanted Posts --- The We Get Around Network has a need for a Matterport Pro/DSLR Pro in Kiev, Ukraine. ---- Client has retail clothing stores worldwide. Location: Kiev, Ukraine Size: 300 SQM Spaces: Retail Clothing Store Timing: 2 April 2020 Deliverable: Matterport Digital Twin and DSLR images ---- Eligibility ✓ For an introduction, must join as a WGAN International Fan Club Member (or ...
Video: How to automate shooting 360ºs with any DSLR Camera DanSmigrod 5 6 yearsWingman (4426): May be. At least I can use them to test Mecha without buying PTGui. However in a long run I would prefer not to pay for it and do it myself. Thanks for letting me know about their stitching service.
Tip of the Day: Why Affiliate with a Pro that Does DSLR Shot Photography DanSmigrod 5 6 yearsfotoguy (835): I offer both DSLR and MP. Several time we still have used the MP camera for the stills. We do a couple 360's in each room and take the shots from those. Lighting with a DSLR can be challenging. The MP HDR bracketing allows us nicely lit photos. DSLR outside is still very useful
Beginner camera for photography JonJ 4 6 yearsJonJ (1760): I shoot almost all of the properties that I photograph using a pole. I always take 3 photos of each property (left, center and right) using a pole. If find that using a pole reduces the amount of geometric distortion that is created when straightening verticals. Using a pole is much faster than pulling out the drone and you can shoot HDR with a much higher quality lens. I do not use a Cam Ranger. I just set my timer to 10 seconds and throw the...
6 Essential DSLR Equipment to Capture High-quality 360° Photos DanSmigrod 6 7 yearsGarySnyder (2143): I like the Velcro approach. I use a light weight chain like use for hanging plants. I have 3 lengths of the chain that are all linked to one of those simple round key holders on the other end of the chain I have a small quick release fitting like what you fine on some camera straps. I just wrap the end of the chain around the leg of my Manfrotto tripod and its set for the right spread to keep it out of my shot. I use this for stills and 360...
Video: 360 Camera Photographer versus Pro DSLR Photographer DanSmigrod 2 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, If you go the DSLR route, you can buy all the DSRL 360º related gear from the Nodal Ninja online store. Nodal Ninja Founder, @Bill, is happy to answer your gear questions here. Best, Dan
Side by side still photo comparison leeverdon 11 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @MarkCantu Did you know that your WGAN Standard Membership includes two free books (via rebate): ✓ Getting Started in Real Estate Photography ✓ The Business of Real Estate Photography Best, Dan
Aperture Priority vs. Manual for Interiors Metroplex360 13 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): @JonJ Thanks for sharing. The PhotoMatrix presets that you have seem to be producing pretty nice, consistent results too. I have a preference for neutral color in my images. Perhaps you might think I'm weird, but when I'm not using a sevice like PhotoUp to process my photos, here's what I do: I use the same settings as @JonJ, except Av indoors, and M outdoors. I'm shooting a Nikon D7000, so I'm limited to -2,0,+2 on my brackets. No...