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'Deleting' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Anyone else have issues with deleting Matterport scans points? Vanaman06 3 2 yearsron0987 (3499): @Vanaman06 A few months ago I had the same issue on a large scan of commercial space. I was using 1st generation IPad Pro. It took about the same amount of time that you were talking about. I think your explanation of trying to realign other scans is correct. I have since upgraded to the newest iPad Pro with the M2 processor which seems to help speed up the process of deletion. Now I am more diligent in watching the mis-alignment issues so...
Did anyone notice the "Restore Job Data" in the Matterport App? Sdoughtie 4 2 yearsHarlanHambright (2133): Correct.
can you retrieve a deleted matterport? GlennTremain 5 2 yearsGlennTremain (2953): @Chemistrydoc @MeshImages @Skeeter Thank you all for your quick responses....I thought it was the broker but you confirmed his response and he is back on my christmas card list. Anyone on tiktok find me @nailsoupmedia and I will support you
Data Recovery Software Suggestion needed VTLV 2 3 yearsWingman (4435): May be try this one They offer a trial version and you can see if you can get them recovered before you pay for the app.
deleting spaces from matterport what happens to google street view KfromPoland 4 4 yearsKfromPoland (117): thank you guys :)
Deleted scans, Matterport no longer restoring... Expertise 4 5 yearsbriangreul (684): @Lilsnitch - more winning. :(
Matterport's no longer restoring deleted spaces! PeterMcCready 15 5 yearsPeterMcCready (232): Final update. I asked Matterport: "What are your plans for my data?" They responded: "This is a great question! After checking in with my supervisor, he told me that you deleted spaces will go into stasis, and would only ever be used for internal training purposes." Queue the 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' theme...
SINCE WHEN?!?!? [that Deleted Matterport models can not be restored?] Queen_City_3D 10 5 yearsChangesin3d (125): They are saying in MOUG that it's one persons fault and something about CCPA. Saw a video about this and it makes a good point, who really has a copyright if Matterport can be forced to take a scan down? This is going to get real interesting. Sounds like there is a complaint coming to the California Attorney General about scan deletions.
Quick help from Matterport Support with model restoration Queen_City_3D 3 5 yearsChangesin3d (125): Here is the THING.... they are keeping these models and Delete does not mean Delete.... When CCPA comes into effect in January this would be a bad thing if it happened in California. I had heard that they are going to change this and offer a real deletion but like all things Matterport that remains to be seen. If you are not familiar with CCPA California Consumer Privacy Act it appears BUYERS will have the right to delete all home pictures...
Ipad storage full Harrycayman 5 6 yearsRomainReparage (161): beware with deleting duplicates. it is really confusing (we miss a serious instruction for use from Mp about this)you can loose some of the original datas i think.
Deleting old tours fotoguy 6 6 yearsChangesin3d (125): I though that Matterport was keeping a copy of all of them anyhow. Is this not what they are building the AI with. You know when they came up with all that ROOMY stuff, there were a lot of questions that never did get answered. You would think DELETE means delete. Maybe @jwBuckl can answer this. I would love to see a thread with all the old TECH questions that never were reflected in the TOS. There was one foggy issue, are they using GPS...
How to move models between iPad and Mac Kentabor 5 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): @Kentabor Thank you so much for documenting how to do this. The number one viewer of this video should be the new CEO of Matterport whom should be making Cloud backup and restore a priority - and managing the expectations of the Community. For the rest of us that are not as technical, I remind the Community about this solution: ✓ How to Backup Your Matterport Spaces on iPad Dan
Deleted job still exist on iPad - is it possible ? xiarosh 9 6 yearsxiarosh (32): In general, you are right. Except 'text file' . Capture is using SQL-Lite database , where is storing all info about JOBs , your marked features in jobs, uploads info etc.. You can not easily remove or add info about a job to a database if you dont know its structure and fields' destine. We need a person who can create an application for iPad.
Question of the Day: What do you do when you run out of space on your iPad? DanSmigrod 3 6 yearsChemistrydoc (1930): I do "The Smigrod" - back up iPad to iCloud, wipe the iPad, then link the iPad to a new email address (and new iCloud account). Keith
Well, this sucks.... can deleted model be restored? Queen_City_3D 5 7 yearsrko1 (376): To restore you need the numbers at the end of the link. Very fast and they are very happy to help.
Matterport Hosting Plan: Deleting Models? DanSmigrod 9 7 yearsQueen_City_3D (3159): I agree with @Metroplex360. "The limits... do not reflect the current needs of the MSP community"... In the Newsletter it invites you to upgrade to another plan. Newsflash, Matterport... you don't have any plans to suit many of our needs! A few weeks ago we were close to 600 models and deleted 200+ and now I'm back to 440 hosted models. I do think I'll switch to 2 business plans and that will tide me over for a bit. I still...
Matterport Ecosystem>Deleted Models Deleted? DanSmigrod 11 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, A related WGAN Forum discussion: ✓ Dear Matterport: About Your Pricing Plans Best, Dan
Dollhouse/Floor Plan Deleted Scan Question Richierichks 11 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): @Richierichks Even though the 350 scans is now viewable, it is still at risk of crashing in webGL. Yes. Might be nice to post here to see if anyone experiences it crashing. Best, Dan
Deleted Matterport Spaces in this Data Set? DanSmigrod 10 7 yearsMontreal3D (202): The data is worth way more than the money they are making from the hardware and cloud processing. It's simply not something accessible / of any value to the current Service Provider Network.
Tips on a Matterport Scan of a Large Space DanSmigrod 3 7 yearsangusnorriss (747): Good post - i’m about embark on an epic scan. Been reading and learning. Anyone shot aircraft so you can see wing not just fuselage? I want an ‘all-angle-fly-in’ at height of approx 100ft. I need to see the whole plane. If I scan any lower and get no wings of the plane I just get a hotdog dollshouse with a cockpit!. The MSP edition of the 747. Think I need to hire a prop tower on wheels and strap a camera to it. Advice appreciated....
Dollhouse: Delete or Hide Scans (and why)? DanSmigrod 2 7 yearsBiggles (43): Dan I scan as much as I can, even areas I don't want in the walk through later on. The important thing is that the extra scans help create a complete plan of the building. I then hide the scans where I don't want the public to see, especially garages where, in the case of some show homes, they are not a pretty sight. Chris
Question - Rescanning Chemistrydoc 7 8 yearsChemistrydoc (1930): Thanks for all of your great suggestions. However, 1) I have to remove something that is in about 70% of the shots, and 2) I'm actually paying for the upload. I want to remove all but one scan and start from that point. Today's lighting will be very close. Nothing has moved. Technically, things should work. I was asking purely from a "Matterport rules" point of view, and because I'm basically a cheapskate! I will post the model and...
remove some panos joelE 4 9 yearsjoelE (76): Thanks, I found and did it :)
Why You Do Not Want to Delete 3D Models DanSmigrod 11 10 yearsCKC (85): Those are very very good points, thanks Dan!
Finally! A DELETE BUTTON!!! JohnBecker 3 10 yearsKracka60 (73): Nice - can finally clean out some of the older test models and unknown collaborators.