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'Customer Support' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Two New Realsee Stories and One Matterport Pro3 ron0987 12 4 monthsWingman (4435): I still remember problems for European customers to use Matterport. I do not remember exact laws but even hosting your 3d tour on AWS in USA was against those regulations and only hosting it in Europe was acceptable by it. That why Matterport announced later that data from EU will be hosted only on AWS servers located in Europe. And this was only between USA and EU and it was still causing problems of not complying with EU regulations. Changing...
It's Official after over 11 years with Matterport as a Service Provider ron0987 7 4 monthsron0987 (3499): @ScanYourSpace There are a lot of them but the two glaring issues are when the customer service rep started laughing when I asked camera removal. I respond with you can declutter a whole room but you cannot remove a camera from the mirror. He then said your wrong you can remove a camera from the mirror. I tried to explain and he would not let me talk and started to go thru the process and I said look at my model and he goes "Oh the...
Matterport Survey - Your Expertise Can Guide Our Journey Forward VTLV 3 11 monthsFathom3D (150): Thanks for the heads up. Found our survey in the spam folder, from April 29th. Matterport may be more receptive to feedback and suggestions from photographers since CoStar is planning to invest heavily in improving the core product features. We suggested streamlining the scan / edit process. Including window/mirror, disabling scan positions, highlight reel, 360 views, tags, etc. These could be handled automatically, or with some input in...