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'Cortex' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Matterport: Next Generation of AI-Powered Real Estate Insights in Beta DanSmigrod 5 1 yearDanSmigrod (31629): Digital Twin Example 1 of Luminosity Score | Courtesy of Matterport Digital Twin Example 2 of Luminosity Score | Courtesy of Matterport Matterport Digital Twin Example 3 of Luminosity Score | Courtesy of Matterport Matterport Blog (13 December 2023) ...
Interview with Matterport CIO Pranab Sinha DanSmigrod 1 1 yearDanSmigrod (31629): Software Innovations Interview with Matterport CIO Pranab Sinha | Video courtesy of Enterprise Software Innovators YouTube Channel | 29 November 2023 From the Enterprise Software Innovators YouTube Channel On the 31st episode of Enterprise Software Innovators, hosts Evan Reiser (Abnormal Security) and Saam Motamedi (Greylock Partners) talk with Pranab Sinha, CIO of Matterport. Matterport is a...
Matterport Genesis Generative AI>How Buildings are Designed, Built, Managed DanSmigrod 6 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Genesis will be commercially available by the end of 2023, according to Matterport CEO RJ Pittman during the 2023 Matterport 2nd Quarter Financial Results on Tuesday, 8 August 2023.
Matterport Genesis Generative AI Magic>Will it Make Competitors Irrelevant? DanSmigrod 3 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Inman (22 June 2023) []Matterport's Genesis doubles-down on digital twin management[/url] Matterport sets another benchmark for digitally immersive real estate marketing with creation of Genesis, which upon release, will allow users to quickly insert, move, edit and redesign interiors within created spaces --- Free 90 day trial of Inman with this WGAN...
How to Successful to SCAN Outdoors with a Matterport Pro2 3D Camera DanSmigrod 6 3 yearsHarlanHambright (2133): Lately the Matterport has been very compliant in these situations, much better than times of yore. When there is a misalignment, moving the camera a little will usually fix it.
How to Get a Mortgage Loan in Three Days with Matterport Spatial Data DanSmigrod 10 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, Looks like my prediction on February 3, 2017 - 5+ years ago (see 1st post above) - has come true: ✓ The New York Times (21 March 2022) Remote Appraisals of Homes Could Reduce Racial Bias | Desktop appraisals, in which an appraiser never meets a homeowner, could reduce discriminatory practices, such as undervaluing homes owned by Black people. The majority of appraisals on home purchases in the United States can now be ...
Theta Z1 is better for outdoor scanning than Pro2! Is it true? No! Wingman 7 3 yearsWingman (4426): I would be more than happy with android beta features coming to IOS, especially its manual alignment. In most cases using the 3D conversion engine misaligns scans from a bit to a lot, if it can be fixed manually that would make conversion much more handy.
Will use of Cortex allow for .OBJ file? Queen_City_3D 5 4 yearsGladsmuir (664): I tried placing them on another floor at one point in the hope it would help keep them together and ‘outside’ but to no avail.
Why I carry a Z1 along with my MP Pro camera Home3D 8 4 yearsahagert (141): @Home3D helpful, thank you very much!
BLK360 with Theta Z1? Kumar 8 4 yearsHomePlanNZ (251): (Again in our experience), using the Z1 on a project will always degrade the 3D data compared to Pro2 and BLK. The Cortex process 'makes up' a 3D model based on imagery, which will always be inferior to laser (BLK) or infrared (Pro2) sensor data. If you then combine Z1+BLK, you are mixing bad with good = bad result. Issues were alignment both ways (Z1 scan, switch the BLK; BLK scan, switch to Z1). When changing devices we typically do about...
Matterport Tip of the Week: How to Adjust Ricoh Theta Z1 Camera Settings DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsGWatsonImages (49): Glad to help! Thanks Dan.
Matterport Scan of one house with three floors and no stairs to connect Ramojakubovic 10 5 yearsron0987 (3499): The other thing to consider if like @lilnitsch says if you get the right time do the entire stairs on all three floors so there is no major lighting difference. But remember to open the doors on each level. You will find the end product color balance is better. Just a suggestion.
Cannot install Cortex on Capture app. Please Help!!! Teden 16 5 yearsWingman (4426): 401 error is an authorisation error of HTTP protocol. It means one is trying to access some files on a web server that they have not been authorised to access. Most likely Cortex installation is coming from the Matterport server directly(not Apple store) and Matterport only gives it to their authorised users. So it looks like when one cannot download Cortex installation files they simply have not been logged in into their Matterport cloud...
Urgent: Duplicate Your Matterport model on iPad before doing Cortex Merging DanSmigrod 14 5 yearsRichardStanton (253): @PieroBortolot from my experience on two iPads if you put yourself back to the beta you should be good to go as of now if you still needed those jobs back. The change that they made appears to be a bit broader than just a fix for this issue. They changed the behavior of first load to do an asset assessment/load from the ground up. This apparently solves several issues. You could always then just downgrade again if you felt it necessary.
Matterport Trimming does not provide an expected result Wingman 7 5 yearsWingman (4426): Yeah, I noticed it. Bad thing that the only spot where I have no duplicates to replace it with. It was really hard with a lot of people in the space and I only had time to capture quick and move to another spot. Probably need to redo this spot but I will show it to the client first. They know they did bad, keeping their doors and gates open and letting people from a street to come in while they told me they would be nobody after specific time.
Non level panoramas on 360 cameras Peter360 1 5 yearsPeter360 (29): Hi I've experienced the badly "slanted" panoramas twice now. With the theta Z1 I can check against the standard HDR images it creates at the same time, which are level it therefore looks like it is the Matterport cortex algorithm that is causing straight panos to appear crooked. This may be far fetched but is the AI levelling panos based upon what it thinks visually is horizon rather than using camera gyro information? The...
Video from Matterport VC Lux Capital: Matterport Unlocks a 3D Experience... DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsJune (411): Scan a room in 16 seconds???
3D Capture and software questions newengland3d 10 6 yearsWingman (4426): Here is a link to the model with the film development room captured. This space is big so to get to that room straight away just switch to the floor plan view and you will see a dark space in the middle. It is actually not so grainy in pictures quality as it has looked in scans.
'Matterport's new CEO makes big changes at 3D real estate imaging startup' DanSmigrod 7 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): The Matterport Shake-Up (Cortex, Pittman) - The Aspect: VR News E2 | Video courtesy of Rafael A. Renteria YouTube Channel Hi All, While this video is nearly two months old (7 March 2019), it's interesting analysis and insight from college student, Rafael A. Renteria, whom is studying our space (and recently started shooting Google Street View Tours (see this WGAN Forum discussion). Your...
Matterporters: Matterport Cloud 3.0: 3D Capture for All DanSmigrod 5 6 yearsGFHoge (162): I bought the Ricoh Theta V with tri/monopod that they were offering earlier this month. I have experimented with it and like that I can get in and out quicker and use my iPhone to control it. I was surprised that it didn't rotate like my MP 250, but the photos were 4K and a good quality. Am currently awaiting the New Flagship Ricoh Theta Z1 when it comes out in April. Much better low light capture-from what I am reading. Anxious to see if I...
Can Matterport Cortex convert 360s into 3D? DanSmigrod 8 6 yearsRichardStanton (253): Yeah it can great for that, and quick as @Metroplex360 pointed out if you are doing it on top of a previous successful (location, not necessarily mesh) scan! A lot of my test cases have been in situations where location data points are sparse or nonexistent, with mixed results. Even so, when I can make it work, very promising! The system will only get smarter as it learns from more contributed scans and configurations.
Matterport 3D Tour Shot with An Insta360 One X DanSmigrod 15 6 yearsVincentlublink (63): :-)
Matterport Capture 3.0 Beta with Insta360 One X and Ricoh Theta V DanSmigrod 14 6 yearsPitdulac (7): Hello Richard, Can you confirm the "510 Granite Way" tour has been shot with an Insta360 One X ? Thanks,
Matterport Cortex Technology adds new Tools for Pro-2 Metroplex360 13 6 yearsahojman (335): May I convert a 3D view to 360 and then apply this?
Matterport Doll house details problem ahojman Jump to first page33Jump to last page 6 yearsahojman (335): Friselina view
Cupix versus Matterport: Construction Project Progress Monitoring DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsron0987 (3499): Definitely a great feature for several businesses, but also what I would think insurance companies would want for before and after shots.
'Matterport Cortex gets quick 3D from 360° photos using AI/Computer Vision' DanSmigrod 4 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @htimsabbub23 Matterport is not presently offering floor plans, according to a rep in the Matterport booth at #ICNY19. That said, it would be great to try to place an order and see what happens. You could always use a laser measure for a couple of keyeansurementa and let WGAN Premium Members Blue-Sketch or MP2FP know the key measurements to scale the floor plans correctly. Thoughts? Dan
VIDEO - How I Matterport - Solving Problems with Cortex Power Metroplex360 7 6 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): @izoneguy Yes, I'm using Capture 3 for all production work despite Matterport cautioning users to not use it in this manner. For me, it's perfectly stable on my iPad Pro 10.5" and iPhone XR. I absolutely love using the latest betas and always have. How can one beta test unless it counts? Being able to fill holes with Cortex rocks!
Matterport Unveils New Cloud Platform, Unlocking Ubiquitous Access To 3D DanSmigrod 13 6 yearsahojman (335): Anyone knows if we can use Theta S instead of Theta V?
Cortex questions virtuallyreal 11 6 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): Yes. Yes, 360 Views. Add them as 360 Placements, deselect after placing, select again, click 'Convert to 3D (Experimental). I'd love to know the answer too. I have not seen any estimates posted by Matterport or anyone testing. Again, great question. I have seen a scan where someone towered over their Theta, hand holding it and placing it within a small model village. It aligned although it was rather odd and didn't feel like it...
Is Cortex able to make a 3D model of outdoor shots using the Pro2? annevanzwol 3 6 yearsangusnorriss (747): Matterport Nirvana will be achieved when exterior and interior are modelled with one scan visit. It’s all about scan time for an MSP, for me, and capturing as much reality as fast as possible. Less inconvenience for property owner, faster turnaround. Today is good. Make tomorrow better.