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Cloud Panox

'Cloud Pano' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Video: How To: Create a 360 virtual tour using Cloud Pano ScanYourSpace 1 7 monthsScanYourSpace (867): Video: How To: Create a 360 virtual tour using Cloud Pano | Video courtesy of Sparks Media Group's YouTube Channel | 15 August 2024 | Scan Your Space (a Division of Sparks Media Group) Founder and CEO Tom Sparks | | | @ScanYourSpace
Video: How to create automotive spins with CloudPano lilnitsch 1 2 yearslilnitsch (5803): A couple folks have asked how I do the Automotive spins within the CloudPano platform so, I did a quickie little video showing the assembly. Video quality should improve YouTube is still processing it. An example using WP3D to embed the tour into a single...
Cloudpano still operating? (Sales has not gotten back to me in 2 days) dave3d 4 2 yearslilnitsch (5803): Theta X unedited & iPhone 14pro for the spin
CloudPano AerialWayz 5 4 yearsAerialWayz (81): @lilnitsch Thanks, aerials look very clean. We have been specializing in aerials for the last 5 years so all this new advice and info on 360 is a great help for our future projects. Thanks, John.
PR Release: Adds Asteroom 3D Tours for Seamless Tour Publishing DanSmigrod 8 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): WGAN-TV: Enables Asteroom to Easily Publish to - Plus, Asteroom New Ala Carte Pricing for Real Estate Photographers with Asteroom Co-Founder and CEO Eric Tsai | Thursday, 21 January 2021 Hi All, In this WGAN-TV Live at 5 show (above) that aired earlier today (Thursday, 21 January 2021), Asteroom Co-Founder and CEO @EricTsai: 1. Demos how to add an Asteroom 3D Tour to (via Asteroom Desktop...
CloudPano has now added Google Street View capability lilnitsch 5 4 yearslilnitsch (5803): @VTLV I recycle the Zillow Panos into CloudPano then, using the iFrame option in the WP3D you can still provide a 360 single property website for agents
Any tips for shooting/scanning a multi-level indoor open space? GWatsonImages 13 5 yearsMattSCrowder (110): @GWatsonImages Very well done! I glad you found an option that worked for you. I'm in Indy too, so DM me if you ever want to grab a coffee sometime.
Custom Tour locally hosted jbsmoore 11 5 yearsGETMYVR (1941): [Scratching head] If you placed a hyperlink or you placed a i-frame code on a webpage hosted by the client, technically it's hosted on their site. You should let them know one of the benefits of using an iframe rather than self-hosting and sticking with matterport, is because matterport has invested millions of dollars to make sure that whoever requests to view the virtual tour on a myriad of different devices, maniport will make sure that...
Cloud Pano homefinders3d 3 5 yearsahagert (141): I prefer Kuula (can do automatic walkthrough, color correct, more options for adding floorplans into tour, add music, etc.) over cloudpano, BUT then cloudpano started offering live option.
Asteroom versus Matterport DanSmigrod 10 5 yearsEricTsai (171): @bryanhscott - thanks for your feedback. The artifact that you were describing was probably the imaging "ghosting" that was resulted from the user using the mobile phones plus the rotator setup. Of course, Asteroom also supports all the 360 cameras out there. When shooting with Z1 or any of the 360 cameras, there will be no "ghosting" of the images
Exploring Options Virtual Tour Platform and Floor Plan Options ... PowerHouseMedia 3 5 yearsandriystrebkov (143): Hello, Maybe you should try our services at iGUIDE, our camera generates 3D tours, floor plans, and square meters measurements in one package every time you scan a property. Also, these measurements and floor plans will have a high degree of accuracy since we use the LiDAR Laser for them. Plus, unlike with MP, you won't have to pay monthly fees to keep your tours active, you would pay only once per project (per tour) and then you can keep...