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'Church' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
#MLK50 | Matterport 3D Tour of Ebenezer Baptist Church DanSmigrod 6 2 monthsDanSmigrod (31653): 3D Tour of Ebenezer Baptist Church
Matterport Church Example? Please Share Here DanSmigrod 11 3 yearsHelloPado (177): And the Temple Visitors Center
Matterport Blog: one of Egypt's most beautiful temples DanSmigrod 5 4 yearsAhmedAttia (220): @DanSmigrod actually no, we scanned the indoor after the visit time and the outdoor was near from the sunset time. Of course the few numbers of visitors because of lack of tourists was a plus help for me.
Matterport Digital Twin of Oldest Synagogue in France: Built in 1343 DanSmigrod 4 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): @J8MediaServices Welcome to the WGAN Forum. Thank you for your backstory above about your Matterport tour of the Synagogue de Carpentras. Sweet! Please do share the treasures of Provencal Heritage by starting a new WGAN Forum discussion, when ready. Best, Dan
My Backstory to this Matterport 3D Tour of MLK's Ebenezer Baptist Church DanSmigrod 7 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Hi All, Seems appropriate to re-share this post on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Dan
How to do a Matterport scan of a church? Publish to GSV? Atriux 7 5 yearsbriangreul (684): I would also scan the space progressively as opposed to linearly if I did it again. The camera had alignment challenges with the pews. So just imagine a video game where you "discover" the map. The camera does the same thing. It seems like alignment challenges come in when you scan the perimeter and come back to fill in the details on large spaces. :)
Question of the Day: Matterport Tour Examples with Livestream Link? DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): of Saints Peter & Paul in Ennis, Ireland | Matterport Digital Twin that includes a Livestream link. Tour by: Oliver @Gladsmuir Hi All, The WGAN Forum Question of the Day for Thursday, 21 May 2020: Matterport Tour Examples with Livestream Link? This Question of the Day was inspired by the (beautiful) Matterport Digital Twin (above) from this WGAN Forum...
My First Repetitive Repetitive Repetitive space issue. briangreul 8 5 yearsbriangreul (684): Here is the re-processed space. Based on everyone's feedback I'm going to roll-forward with pushing this to Streetview. I have hidden several scans in the tour that don't need to be there for Streetview. I'll still circle back and recapture the space for my own learning purposes. @Jump - the view above reiterates that MP lost count of the number of pews. The green line is the lower ceiling and...
Matterport Digital Twin of the Week DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Matterport Digital Twin of the Week --- [wp3d][/wp3d] Matterport Digital Twin of Christ Church, Taita | Lower Hutt, New Zealand by HomePlan 3D Walkthrough | @homeplannz | Captured December 2019 Hi All, This Matterport Digital Twin - by HomePlan 3D Walkthrough (@homeplannz) in New Zealand - is a great example using: ✓ Matterport ✓ MP/embed ✓ WP3D Models WordPress...