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'Booking Platform' Topics

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Tip: Why accepting orders via text is costing you money DanSmigrod 2 1 yearDanSmigrod (31653): HDPhotoHub - Online Booking for Real Estate Photographers | Video courtesy of HDPhotoHub Digital Marketing YouTube Channel | 2 January 2024
Got a RELA Single Property Website and Booking Platform Question? ChatGPT4 DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): RELA Website | RELA Landing Page for Real Estate Photographers RELA Website | RELA Landing Page for Real Estate Photographers [chatbot]d6VDxh3umhrk3xM6MHKA8[/chatbot]Got RELA questions? Try Free ...
Training: Intro to Instant Booking Service for RE Photographers DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): WGAN-TV Podcast | WGAN Forum Podcast WGAN-TV Podcast | Introduction to Traffic-Aware Instant Booking Service for Real Estate Photographers | Guest: Remark Founder and CEO Alex Gustafson | ...
WGAN Podcast: Intro to REMARK Instant Booking Service for RE Photographers DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): WGAN-TV Podcast | WGAN Forum Podcast WGAN-TV Podcast | Introduction to Traffic-Aware Instant Booking Service for Real Estate Photographers | Guest: Remark Founder and CEO Alex Gustafson | ...
WGAN eBook: Intro to Instant Booking Service for RE Photographers DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): WGAN-TV Podcast | WGAN Forum Podcast WGAN-TV Podcast | Introduction to Traffic-Aware Instant Booking Service for Real Estate Photographers | Guest: Remark Founder and CEO Alex Gustafson | ...
WGAN-TV Training U | Urbanimmersive Franchise Network Back-End Demo DanSmigrod 2 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): (Continued from above ...) --- [00:56:41] Ghislain Lemire: - That is such a great question because when we are reorganizing routes, we're taking this into account, there is some booking that you can't play with the hour, but there are some you can so the system will do okay. The one that you can rearrange, we're going to rearrange that and we got to keep the ones that you want to keep there. [00:57:06] Dan Smigrod: - Let me make it a little...
WGAN-TV Podcast | Urbanimmersive Franchise Network Back-End Demo DanSmigrod 2 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): (Continued from above ...) --- [00:56:41] Ghislain Lemire: - That is such a great question because when we are reorganizing routes, we're taking this into account, there is some booking that you can't play with the hour, but there are some you can so the system will do okay. The one that you can rearrange, we're going to rearrange that and we got to keep the ones that you want to keep there. [00:57:06] Dan Smigrod: - Let me make it a little...
WGAN-TV eBook | Urbanimmersive Franchise Network Back-End Demo DanSmigrod 2 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): (Continued from above ...) --- [00:56:41] Ghislain Lemire: - That is such a great question because when we are reorganizing routes, we're taking this into account, there is some booking that you can't play with the hour, but there are some you can so the system will do okay. The one that you can rearrange, we're going to rearrange that and we got to keep the ones that you want to keep there. [00:57:06] Dan Smigrod: - Let me make it a little...
WGAN-TV | Urbanimmersive Franchise Network Back-End Demo DanSmigrod 3 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): WGAN-TV | Urbanimmersive Franchise Network Back-End Demo (Book, Schedule, Invoice and Deliver) | Guests: Urbanimmersive President and CEO Ghislain Lemire, Urbanimmersive VP, Business Development and Partnerships François-Hugues Liberge and Urbanimmersive VP, Operations Amélie Ste-Croix Dubé | Episode: 163 | Thursday, 20 October 2022 | and | WGAN-TV Podcast | ...
Transcript>IFTI/PROvision Solutions-Order Matterport Digital Twins Globally DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): WGAN Platinum Sponsor --- WGAN-TV | IFTI/PROvision Solutions: Ordering Matterport Digital Twins Globally | Guest: IFTI/PROvision Solutions Vice President of Business Development James Duffy | Episode: 156 | Thursday, 11 August 2022 | IFTI/PROvision Solutions IFTI/PROvision Solutions ...
WGAN-TV | IFTI/PROvision Solutions-Order Matterport Digital Twins Globally DanSmigrod 3 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): WGAN-TV | IFTI/PROvision Solutions: Ordering Matterport Digital Twins Globally | Guest: IFTI/PROvision Solutions Vice President of Business Development James Duffy | Episode: 156 | Thursday, 11 August 2022 | IFTI/PROvision Solutions IFTI/PROvision Solutions IFTI PROvision -...
21 Reasons to use the Free CAPTUR3D Embeddable Booking Platform (Beta) DanSmigrod 3 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Hi All, For a deeper dive into the CAPTUR3D platform, please see this free WGAN-TV Training U (in CAPTUR3D) course: ✓ 8A-WGAN-TV | CAPTUR3D Training for Matterport Service Providers (5+ hours of CAPTUR3D training by Steven Kounnas: the co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer of PHORIA. (CAPTUR3D is a Division of PHORIA.) Dan
Video>19 Ways RELA Platform Makes it easier to run a Matterport Service Biz DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): WGAN-TV RELA Booking System and Billing Platform for Matterport Pros #1247-A Summary About RELA Features with Rela CEO Mike Land Hi All, If you are using many tools to manage your business, RELA simplifies with its "Swiss Army Knife" all-in-one platform. 19 Ways RELA Platform Makes it easier to run a Matterport Service Provider Business 1. creating Single Property Websites (branded, unbranded) 2. getting paid (option to...
WGAN-TV Training U (in RELA): Free Courses DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Hi All, WGAN-TV Training U offers two free courses in using using the Swiss-Army knife-like RELA Platform: RELA Solves These Problems ✅ creating Single Property Websites (branded, unbranded) ✅ getting paid (option to release digital assets when paid in full or party) ✅ delivering digital assets in one place ✅ booking shoots ✅ reminder notifications to client and photographer (and/or 3rd party service provider such as...
WGAN Forum Members Special Pricing: RELA Property Websites/Booking Platform DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): WGAN Forum Member Benefit Of the Week --- WGAN-TV RELA Booking System and Billing Platform for Matterport Pros #1249-White Label And Pricing Features with RELA CEO Mike Land WGAN-TV RELA Booking System and Billing Platform for Matterport Pros #1250-Examples, Plans And Pricing with RELA CEO Mike Land WGAN-TV RELA Booking System and Billing Platform for Matterport Pros #1251-Outro Hi All, RELA Special Pricing for WGAN Forum...
WGAN-TV RELA Booking System with Team Calendar Sync & Getting Paid for MSPs DanSmigrod 9 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): (Continued from above) --- - So when they click on 3D walkthroughs, any of the products that you have in here, any of these product names here, you can change the title and the description and everything in here. This is purely meant for just quick organization. - So on that a la carte, you're going to get into this, but I guess the question would be, if you're doing aerial photo or aerial video and you charge by the second or you...
Free MSP Booking System: Booking Confirmations; Reminders for You & Clients DanSmigrod 8 5 yearsbryanhscott (843): @DanSmigrod Hi Dan and thanks for all the info and effort on this! Very much appreciated. In answer to your question: "Can you - or someone else modify the iframe code to accomplish this for me?" Someone with more experience than I would need to sort this out, but not a bad idea. What I had in mind was more of the concept of a link that takes the Client/Customer to a white-labeled, standard order environment. Maybe the current...
Ever lost business because you were too slow to respond? How to solve this! DanSmigrod 5 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): @bryanhscott We use In addition to the transcripts, I receive an mp3 file of the voicemails. Dan
CAPTUR3D: a Virtual Concierge Platform for Matterport Service Providers DanSmigrod 5 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Here is the link to Add to Your Calendar, CAPTUR3D TRAINING WEEK on WGAN-TV Live at 5. One week from today! Dan
CAPTUR3D eBlast: Creating content has never been easier! DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Grab from a CAPTUR3D eBlast received today, Friday, 14 June 2019 ...