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'Bathroom' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Video: How to do a Matterport of a small bathroom DanSmigrod 2 2 yearsGamelLarry (189): Great tip. That's how we do small rooms as well. It also keeps blank areas under the camera.
Video: Skipp Renovation + Matterport Accelerates Kitchen/Bath Renovations DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): Skipp Renovation Accelerates Preconstruction While Saving Homeowners up to 50% on Renovations | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 16 August 2022 Transcript Ian Jaffray: Skipp is a tech forward renovation company. We handle the end-to-end renovation process for kitchen and bathrooms. We went with Matterport because with the data capture that we get from the digital twin, we could...
Lets Talk Toilet Seats meets Matterport homefinders3d 16 5 yearszenith012 (32): They spent $4,000 on the toilet and got the vanity at an overstock for a low end gym. :-)
Yikes! Door opens out, blocking hallway. Help please! Expertise 11 5 yearsExpertise (1192): Yep. Seems like that. When returning from the bedroom, the next couple scan spots seem to be blocked by the door, even those scans are hidden. Going to try trimming, you can see the ghost door inn the mesh. I feel like there must be a nearly fool-proof strategy for this scenario, but it eludes me.
When to break some workflow best practices while shooting Matterport DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): [wp3d][/wp3d]Matterport 3D Tour by We Get Around Network Photographer Dan Smigrod Hi All, Keeping the camera at the same height is a great workflow best practice. Break the rule when you have a local reason to do so. For example, in the above Matterport 3D Tour, I thought it might be nice to experience the: ✓ "tub view" ✓...
Question of the Day>Why are you NOT using Matterport auto-generated Videos? DanSmigrod 9 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): Teaser video created with the Nodalview platform by We Get Around Atlanta Chief Photographer Dan Smigrod [nodalview][/nodalview]Nodalview 360º Tour created by We Get Around Atlanta Chief Photographer Dan Smigrod Hi All, I (just) created a teaser video with the Nodalview platform. It is super-easy and super-fast to do this. Matterport should study how Nodalview does this (I...
Limit a tour's zoom? BrianM 6 7 yearsRPOceanic (215): FYI: Another option.... if you use WP3D Models plugin, there is a check box under options tab to turn off/on the zoom feature.
Wish List: No Toilets in Auto Generated Matterport Videos DanSmigrod 2 7 yearsPremium360 (16): Excellent topic, automatically generated videos are terrible, in my case never choose the good images, should create the option to make a video of highlight heel tour where we choose what appears
Video: How I Matterport: Bathroom Mirrors DanSmigrod 3 7 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): @Walkabout [blushing]. I have seen many scans where there's not a 'sweet spot' so to speak -- but usually in bathroom situations, if you're taking your job seriously and not just holding contempt to the space that you are in, you will find places where you can place the camera out of the line of fire created by multiple mirrors. Seeing the Matterport Camera in a mirror is my pet peeve -- and SO MANY PEOPLE DO IT. So many people believe that...