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'Baseball Stadium' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
WGAN-TV Training U: "Using a Matterport Pro3 to Scan a Baseball Stadium" DanSmigrod 2 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): WGAN-TV | Tom Sparks (Sparks Media Group): “What I Learned from Using a Matterport Pro3 Camera to Scan a Baseball Stadium” | Guest: Scan Your Space (a Division of Sparks Media Group) Founder and CEO Tom Sparks | Episode: 183 | Thursday, 30 March 2023 | | | @ScanYourSpace Transcript (video above) [00:00:02] Dan Smigrod: What are some of the possible uses of a Matterport digital...
WGAN-TV Podcast: "Using a Matterport Pro3 to Scan a Baseball Stadium" DanSmigrod 2 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): WGAN-TV | Tom Sparks (Sparks Media Group): “What I Learned from Using a Matterport Pro3 Camera to Scan a Baseball Stadium” | Guest: Scan Your Space (a Division of Sparks Media Group) Founder and CEO Tom Sparks | Episode: 183 | Thursday, 30 March 2023 | | | @ScanYourSpace Transcript (video above) [00:00:02] Dan Smigrod: What are some of the possible uses of a Matterport digital...
WGAN-TV eBook: "Using a Matterport Pro3 to Scan a Baseball Stadium" DanSmigrod 2 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): WGAN-TV | Tom Sparks (Sparks Media Group): “What I Learned from Using a Matterport Pro3 Camera to Scan a Baseball Stadium” | Guest: Scan Your Space (a Division of Sparks Media Group) Founder and CEO Tom Sparks | Episode: 183 | Thursday, 30 March 2023 | | | @ScanYourSpace Transcript (video above) [00:00:02] Dan Smigrod: What are some of the possible uses of a Matterport digital...
"What I Learned from Using a Matterport Pro3 to Scan a Baseball Stadium" DanSmigrod 10 2 yearsMeshImages (3050): Thanks, Dan and Tom Sparks, this was a great show! Thank you Tom for sharing all these useful informations. As you are both active on YouTube I also want to share something useful with you. When you open a YouTube Video with you get an instant clickable transcript, that lets you jump directly to the statement in that video. The Text Layout can be improved, but you usually read faster than watching through...
WGAN-TV Transcript: "Using a Matterport Pro3 to Scan a Baseball Stadium" DanSmigrod 2 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): WGAN-TV | Tom Sparks (Sparks Media Group): “What I Learned from Using a Matterport Pro3 Camera to Scan a Baseball Stadium” | Guest: Scan Your Space (a Division of Sparks Media Group) Founder and CEO Tom Sparks | Episode: 183 | Thursday, 30 March 2023 | | | @ScanYourSpace Transcript (video above) [00:00:02] Dan Smigrod: What are some of the possible uses of a Matterport digital...
Video: Matterport Pro 3 Scan of a baseball stadium: Tips and use cases. ScanYourSpace 2 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): WGAN-TV | Tom Sparks (Sparks Media Group): “What I Learned from Using a Matterport Pro3 Camera to Scan a Baseball Stadium” | Guest: Scan Your Space (a Division of Sparks Media Group) Founder and CEO Tom Sparks | Episode: 183 | Thursday, 30 March 2023 | | | @ScanYourSpace Tom @ScanYourSpace Thanks for sharing your video (above) with the WGAN Forum community. And, thank you again...