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Architectural Resource Consultantsx

'Architectural Resource Consultants' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Italy: Building Plans from Matterport Scan BlueImmersiveMedia 5 1 yearparillit (1): Greetings, I am an Architect and also a civil engineer, I can make you a conceptual design, you can contact me,
List: 10 Great Uses of the Matterport Pro3 Camera in the AEC Space DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): WGAN-TV | Matterport Pro3 for AEC: Expert Insights on Level of Accuracy, Benefits and Limitations | Guests: 3DLS.XYZ Managing Partner Richard "RJ" Johnson, Architectural Resource Consultants (ARC) as well as the U.S. Institute of Building Documentation ( USIBD) President and CEO John Russo and RC Monkeys Director Silviu Stoian | Episode: 193 | Thursday, 15 June 2023 List: 10 Great Uses of the Matterport Pro3 Camera...
WGAN-TV eBook | Matterport Pro3 for AEC: Expert Insights on Accuracy DanSmigrod 3 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): (Transcript continued from above) --- [00:58:25] John Russo: - To tag onto that, just because it's a small room, it still goes back to the intent. Because let's say we're doing a window replacement project and you want to know the opening size. That's a very small thing to measure, but I don't know that I'm going to trust the measurements out of a Matterport Pro3 Camera scan, even to take a small relative measurement like...
WGAN-TV Podcast | Matterport Pro3 for AEC: Expert Insights on Accuracy DanSmigrod 3 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): (Transcript continued from above) --- [00:58:25] John Russo: - To tag onto that, just because it's a small room, it still goes back to the intent. Because let's say we're doing a window replacement project and you want to know the opening size. That's a very small thing to measure, but I don't know that I'm going to trust the measurements out of a Matterport Pro3 Camera scan, even to take a small relative measurement like...
WGAN-TV Transcript | Matterport Pro3 for AEC: Expert Insights on Accuracy DanSmigrod 3 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): (Transcript continued from above) --- [00:58:25] John Russo: - To tag onto that, just because it's a small room, it still goes back to the intent. Because let's say we're doing a window replacement project and you want to know the opening size. That's a very small thing to measure, but I don't know that I'm going to trust the measurements out of a Matterport Pro3 Camera scan, even to take a small relative measurement like...
WGAN-TV | Matterport Pro3 for AEC: Expert Insights on Level of Accuracy and DanSmigrod 4 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): WGAN-TV | Matterport Pro3 for AEC: Expert Insights on Level of Accuracy, Benefits and Limitations | Guests: 3DLS.XYZ Managing Partner Richard "RJ" Johnson, Architectural Resource Consultants (ARC) President and CEO John Russo and RC Monkeys Director Silviu Stoian | Episode: 193 | Thursday, 15 June 2023 Hi All, Are you a Matterport Service Provider that owns - or considering buying - a Matterport Pro3 Camera? Are you...