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'Apps' Topics

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WGAN-TV eBook | Intro HDPhotoHub All-in-One Platform for Photographers DanSmigrod 2 1 yearDanSmigrod (31647): (Continued ...) --- And so the more steps we can take out of that process for them and so help them be effective, the better. And of course we want agents using those social media tools because every time they do, they're broadcasting your media out to the world, right? And it carries your link, carries your white-labeled URL. So when they share those things out, they're really sort of marketing you at the same time, right? A bunch of...
WGAN-TV Podcast | Intro HDPhotoHub All-in-One Platform for Photographers DanSmigrod 2 1 yearDanSmigrod (31647): (Continued ...) --- And so the more steps we can take out of that process for them and so help them be effective, the better. And of course we want agents using those social media tools because every time they do, they're broadcasting your media out to the world, right? And it carries your link, carries your white-labeled URL. So when they share those things out, they're really sort of marketing you at the same time, right? A bunch of...
Transcript-WGAN-TV Intro HDPhotoHub All-in-One Platform for Photographers DanSmigrod 2 1 yearDanSmigrod (31647): (Continued ...) --- And so the more steps we can take out of that process for them and so help them be effective, the better. And of course we want agents using those social media tools because every time they do, they're broadcasting your media out to the world, right? And it carries your link, carries your white-labeled URL. So when they share those things out, they're really sort of marketing you at the same time, right? A bunch of...
We Make White-label Apps for Your Media Business Kevin_HDPhotoHub 1 1 yearKevin_HDPhotoHub (37): Why do you need an app for your business? Did you know that, on average, adults check their phones 58 times a day? But what about real estate agents? They probably check their phones even more! By using a white-label app, you can get your brand in front of your clients and have your order form accessible right in their pockets. This means that when they win a new listing, your services are just a...
Intro to HDPhotoHub All-in-One Platform/White-Label App for Photographers DanSmigrod 4 1 yearDanSmigrod (31647): Text Me 5 Minutes Before WGAN-TV is Live | WGAN-TV | Intro to HDPhotoHub All-in-One Platform and White-Label App for Real Estate Photographers | Guest: HDPhotoHub Founder and CEO Herb Dierks @Herb_HDPhotoHub | | Episode: 209 | Thursday, 8 February 2024 Hi All, Why does your real estate photography business need an all-in-one platform and a white-label app? Watch ...
iPad beep when scan is complete? frstbubble 3 3 yearsMatterFix (538): AdditionallyI’ve heard of people having issues with Bluetooth being on (for headphones etc) and this not allowing the sound to be heard. If that’s on, try turning it off.
WGAN-TV Live at 5: Intro to Momenzo for Real Estate Agents & Photographers DanSmigrod 16 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Momenzo for Creating and Sharing Real Estate Videos in less than 15 Minutes | See 20+ Momenzo Real Estate Templates | Save 50 percent with this WGAN affiliate link for Momenzo and coupon code: BLACKFRIDAY Limited Time Save 50 percent with this WGAN affiliate link for Momenzo and coupon code: BLACKFRIDAY (If the code does...
Matterport Program for Partners to Build/Commercialize Apps & Integrations DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Media Release --- Jay, Director for Compton, a London-based office and investment real estate firm, worked with VRPM to design and virtually stage an entire floor in the World Trade Center in New York. Matterport Launches Program for Partners to Build and Commercialize Apps and Integrations on its Spatial Data Platform Company expands its global reach across industries by...
PetaPixel: The Best iPhone Camera Apps of 2021 DanSmigrod 2 4 yearsMeshImages (3050): I'm missing the Focos Pro Camera App in this list. Unbelievable capture and postproduction features. Home Scan App to Compete with CubiCasa VTLV 3 4 yearslilnitsch (5803): @VTLV Siva had reached out to me offering me a couple free floor plans unfortunately, I do not currently own an iOS device with the Lidar I have been really happy with his floor plan services and his site plan services
[R&D] A mobile Digital Twin viewer app Tosolini 6 4 yearsPickChuck (413): @Tosolini So well done sir:)
Have you used any of these AR/3D mobile apps meets virtual staging? DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Grab: Decorator - Design Real Homes app Hi All, I noticed in this MYMOVE Article - There’s an App for That: 6 Virtual Ways to Turn Your Decor Dreams into Reality - some 3D mobile apps meets decorating. Have you used any of these apps? 1. Homestyler Mobile - virtual staging ...
Inman: Mobile app Yaza geo-tags video content for listings DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Inman (27 July 2020) Local video app Yaza adds new features as agents pile on - Starting with one real estate agent user, the location-marking video app has ballooned to 2,000 in as many months.
How can you do only floor plan? Eladitems 5 5 yearsToddsFotos (72): Are you trying to scan a floor plan? This first sample (black & white) is a 2,834-sf home floor plan using Cubicasa and scanned with my iphone. It took maybe 4-min to scan the home and another 15-sec to...
Video: Creating a Basic App for 360 Images Using Unity DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Creating a Basic App for 360 Images Using Unity | Video courtesy of IVRPA - International VR Professionals Association | 11 June 2020 Hi All, If you create a 360º app with Unity, please share it here! Best, Dan
HomeRover App: real-time video home tours hosted remotely by agents, family DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): hi All, From this WGAN Forum discussion: ✓ Inman: "3D tours are hard to navigate? (Not in my experience)" "For example, I recently looked at a live tour app called HomeRover, a product of BrightDoor. You’ll see a full review in a few weeks, but this home tour tool lets an agent guide distant buyers room-by-room through a listing. Up to three guests can comment, screen grab, add notes and request highlights,"...
360 VUZ Raises $5.8 Million: 360º Viewing App for Live/Recorded Events DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Grab of the 360 VUZ app in the Apple Store. Hi All, 360VUZ raised $5.8 million Series A, according to Crunchbase Daily today (Tuesday, 21, April 2020). " 360 VUZ is an immersive video mobile app that enables users to view events from their smartphone in 360º," according to Crunchbase Daily. The...
Matterport Capture iOS App: 3.0.7 Beta Update! aiMBackwards 2 5 yearsTosolini (4398): I just tested it and this build resolves the crash issue with iPhone 11 Pro and Theta Z1. Nice work by MP team. I just tried the new build with the Insta360 Pro1 and the app still crashes. So no support yet for Insta360 Pro1 by MP.
iPhone Free Video-Editing App>Clips (Making Custom Videos for Social Media) DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Business Insider (25 October 2019) iPhone Free Video-Editing App>Clips (Making Custom Videos for Social Media) Hi All, If you try the Clips iOS app, can you share an example and tell us about how hard/easy it is to use? Thanks, Dan
Apple Update IOS 13 starts today on Iphones VTLV 3 5 yearsVTLV (2922): I had hiccups dropping wifi this week on the Iphone 7. After the above update my ipad turned into a paper weight. A prior choice to replace a cracked screen at 1/3 of the original purchases price from a non approved vendor versus having Apple do it for 2/3's the original purchase price a couple years ago voided my opportunity for a trade in.
Popular Photog: Photo editing apps for serious smartphone photographers DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Popular Photography 19 August 2019) Photo editing apps for serious smartphone photographers Hi All, This article reviews: 1. Snapseed 2. VSCO 3. Adobe Lightroom 4. Adobe Photoshop Mix 5. Lens Distortions 6. Enlight 7. Photo Studio PRO 8. TouchRetouch ( Essential for 360º nadir logo patching) 9. Afterlight 2 Other smartphone apps to recommend? Best, Dan
Matterport App Sample Gerhard 10 6 yearsKumar (547): @Gerhard They got a filter to list 3d tour enabled listing
ICLV19: PhotoPerfect HDR App for Real Estate Agents DanSmigrod 5 6 yearsHome3D (4213): I downloaded the 7-day free trial. This is an extremely cheap app - a subscription is $5.99 for six months - a price that's less than $1 a month. I took a few snaps and was immediately struck that the HDR was pretty good, and also that it looks very much like the HDR built into NodalView which, by the way, can be used for ordinary photos as well as creating HDR panos. It's night here so no sunny blown-out windows to test until tomorrow. ...
How to Publish 360º Tour to VRBO and HomeAway via Matterport Workshop V3.0 DanSmigrod 10 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Video: WGAN-TV How Matterport Will Scale Exponentially with Matterport CMO Chris Bell Short Shorty #740 about VRBO Hi All, In addition to How to publish to VRBO/HomeAway (beginning of this discussion), here's the backstory (WGAN-TV Short Story #740) - from Matterport Chief Marketing Officer Chris Bell - about why the Matterport to VRBO/HomeAway integration is presently a 360º tour constructed by VRBO/HomeAway. Best, Dan
Ricoh Theta Z1 Officially in Matterport Public Beta Testing DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsizoneguy (468): Motor Home shot with Z1 - [wp3d][/wp3d]
WGAN-TV: Cupix SLAM App DanSmigrod 10 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, If you have a large, commercial space – 50,000 SQ FT to 1,000,000 SQ FT, take a look at Cupix: ✓ You can shoot a job in a fraction of the time to use Matterport ✓ You can offer clients weekly progress documentation on their construction ✓ Enable compare BIM side-by-side with weekly progress documentation ✓ Cupix offers a white-label solution and robust collaboration features Best, Dan
Tip: Helios Pro App how sunlight will fall anytime, anywhere, any day DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsChemistrydoc (1930): @DanSmigrod: Yes - (and the apps available there to download). Keith
Matterport working on an Android version of Matterport Capture DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, In today's Matterport Customer Newsletter, it says, " *Sorry, Android version not available yet." ( Matterport iOS Capture App Version 3.01 was released around 21 March 2019.) Would you prefer an Android version of Matterport Capture? Best, Dan
Question of the Day: Got a tip for using Matterport Showcase app? DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, The WGAN Forum Question of the Day for Wednesday, 7 November 2018) is: Got a tip for using Matterport Showcase app? Best, Dan
How do I save MP tour offline? ericlien 6 6 yearsQueen_City_3D (3159): I can’t see why they wouldn’t be. It just wouldn’t be shareable. Only viewable on devices that it was downloaded on while account was still active.
3D Scanner Pro iPhone app Tosolini 4 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): :cool:
Matterport Integration: Publish to Google Street View or DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, What I :heart: about this "Apps" screen (above) in Matterport Workshop: ✓ There could be dozens - if not hundreds or thousands - of integrations. Integrations add huge value to the Matterport Ecosystem ✓ The Matterport Service Provider has control over the Publishing to be: Default | Enable |...
Urgent: Matterport not opening OpenHouseOptics 3 7 yearsJune (411): I had a issue after the camera update. I got a huge amount of misalignments. Ended up having to treat the floors as two different properties and Dee combined them as one for me. Only happened the once and I had used it several times before it did that and with no problem. I realize that is not the same issue but contact support and run it by them. I also did not upgrade my iPad firmware as it is not a newer model and everything I read said the...
Great Light Tracking App rzphotoman 8 7 yearsimad (184): I came across an amazing product, i think you and many fellow WGAN's would like to try. Actually there is this product that instead of telling you what the right settings are, it'll take the best shot itself using AI so an amature photo can look professional .. however this is what the company is promising i hope they'er right ... its called ARSENAL. @rzphotoman Thanks for the advice, however if you tried the ARSENAL one day we'd love to hear...
Matterport Showcase App on iPhone for VR? DouglasMeyers 10 7 yearsArtisticConcepts (681): @Metroplex360 😂😂😂. So, how do you really feel? 🤣🤣🤣
Matterport Capture Android App? DanSmigrod 6 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Thanks for the insight. As Matterport expands globally, likely that they will need to offer a Matterport Capture app for Android. Happy holidays, Dan
Matterport Capture App Shutting Down: Update Invelop 9 8 yearsRadie842 (254): What's MSC?