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Photo Sparcx

'Photo Sparc' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
in need of an editor asap fotoguy 5 5 yearsPhotoAndVideoEdits (258): 50 free credits just for trying us, no credit card required!
Editing Matterport Stills jacobpmac 8 5 yearsAlexHitchcock (451): Hi @jacobpmac CAPTUR3D provides photo retouching for just $1 USD per photo. We can provide a wide range of retouching, including: - Day-to-dusk conversion - Object removal - Reflection removal - Sky/grass enhancement - Perspective correction - Lens flare removal - Stitching error removal Feel free to create an account via the following link to get started: ...
Still Photo Re-Touching - Looking for a New Company bryanhscott 15 5 yearsbryanhscott (843): @AlexHitchcock Though the issues were much more involved than just the last two pictures, I strongly believe that Captur3d will correct the fairly minor issues that created the problems in a complete and expedient manner as you have indicated. With you involved, I have no doubts about this. Like most companies, there are growing pains. This too shall pass. I personally believe that Captur3d offers a great solution to cut down on work flow...
Help 3d Virtual Tour ron0987 5 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31611): @ron0987 Perhaps these Archilogic examples meets your needs? If so, you can engage @JonJ ( Photo Sparc) to create them for you from the 2D floor plans. Best, Dan
Quality vs Turnaround time fotoguy 5 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31611): @fotoguy My impression is that Matterport could speed up processing time by paying Amazon Cloud more money. If Matterport offered an option for one hour turnaround (if that is technically doable), how much would you pay extra when in a pinch (and could you charge your Clients more)? While requires a subscription: 1. All your credits roll-over each month: no penality 2. You can easily change and pick the number of...
Real Estate Image Enhancement Services immersivespaces 8 7 yearsJuMP (2031): @JonJ I have notice that you provide Matterport conversion services. But the requirement for Multifloor showcase below is too complex to be done. For multi-floor properties, please send only 1 floor per .zip file. This can be done by duplicating your model in the capture app. After deleting all other floors, upload the single floor model and repeat for each floor desired. (no additional processing fee is incurred since each processed floor is...
3d room from a floor plan rzphotoman 7 7 yearsmp2fp (509): Thank you @rzphotoman for your kind words really appreciate your recognition for the floorplan services. There has been more sales and traffic than expected after we launched the MP2FP portal and we are sorry that we at that time already as well was overloaded with our traditional other 3D CG interiors and exterior renderings. Our situation is now better and we have extended our resources and we are more than happy to provide...
Photo Fixing for Matterport Photos eggardner 11 7 yearseggardner (411): Thanks, Helen - Iโ€™m pretty sure I copied the idea from somewhere, Iโ€™m not that smart ๐Ÿ˜Š
Matterport Pro2 versus Pro1 Images 3dshowcaseuk 17 7 yearsmori (819): As a pro DLSR user I would state that MP could never beat the quality of a good DSLR setup when also a pro is behind the cam. But for the average user it should be pretty ok.
Building 3D models from floorplans Queen_City_3D 10 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31611): @Queen_City_3D Okay. Got it. That said, this discussion (above) will likely be helpful for someone else that has a similar need. Best Dan
2D and 3D Virtual Staging and Related DanSmigrod 4 7 yearsRGO (100): Hi Dan Here are a couple of MP scans we did that include interviews, Links to other buildings, and text & Images of a multi million dollar school addition. This is from a waterfront Villa in the Bahamas. We were actually successful in getting the MP outdoors and down to the beach....where you'll see two TAGS that contain Time Lapse Sunset video and the other, visually demonstrates the...
What WGA 3rd Party Services are you using? VTLV 2 7 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): GoThru and PanoSkin are excellent tools for Google Street View moderation. PanoSkin contains tools that are useful for operating an agency and providing client-level access to stats and other items. GoThru tends to have better moderation tools overall -- but both platforms are in a race with each other. For Matterport GSV hopefuls, these tools will provide the ability to IMPORT your published tours. This will allow you to DOWNLOAD your...
Photo Sparc: Image Enhancement Service DanSmigrod 8 7 yearsabekarapenner (13): You bet, very helpful, thank you JonJ
WGAN-TV Live: Photo Sparc 3rd Party Services DanSmigrod 3 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31611): Video: Why Photo Sparc
Photo Sparc: Matterport Conversion Service DanSmigrod 7 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): I was asking what 'editable model' meant ... not edible :) Because without reading further - one could easily say - 'Hey, an OBJ is an editable model.'.
Photo Sparc: Index of Services Offers DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31611): Promoted Post --- Hi All, Photo Sparc announced five services this week (14-18 August 2017) to help Matterport Pros โ€“ and other 3D-VR-360ยบ-Street View Photographers: Photo Sparc Services 1. Image Enhancement Service 2. Virtual Twilight Service 3. Virtual Staging Service 4. Archilogic Service Provider 5. Matterport Conversion Service Special Offer for We Get Around Network Basic, Standard and Premium Members โœ“...
Virtual Staging within 3D Model DFWVT 4 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31611): @DFWVT And @JonJ with offers special pricing for Basic, Standard and Premium Members of the We Get Around Network. Best, Dan
Photo Sparc Archilogic 3D Models-White Label DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31611): Promoted Post --- Hi All, Convert any 2D floor plan into a furnished 3D interactive model! ( Examples) This Photo Sparc Service is great for unfurnished homes or new construction properties. Using Archilogic 3D Floor Plans gives you the ability to decorate and furnish an empty space to better visualize the size and layout of a home. How it Works: send Photo Sparc a link to your Dropbox folder containing the 2D floor plan you would...
Photo Sparc: Virtual Staging Service DanSmigrod 7 8 yearsDannyBasting (1171): Congrats on the launch of your new website @JonJ! Looking good :)
Photo Sparc: Virtual Twilight Service DanSmigrod 4 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31611): @htimsabbub23 We added the link to the We Get Around Photo Sparc Photo Code Request Form in the Welcome Onboard Letter. Thanks again for your patience. 7 hours scanning today. :cool: Dan